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MIPs & Collaborations |
List of model intercomparisons in which PISM participated |
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Photo: <a href='https://imaggeo.egu.eu/view/12786/'>C.B. Lechuga / imaggeo</a> |
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- The SeaRISE assessment process in the US plans to contribute model-based estimates of century-scale sea level changes from ice sheet and ice shelf dynamics to the IPCC AR5 report in 2013
- ice2sea is a European effort which is somewhat comparable to SeaRISE
- The CliC (Climate and Cryosphere) project is one of the core projects of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), serving as the focal point for climate science related to the cryosphere, its variability and change, and interaction with the broader climate system
- EISMINT (European Ice Sheet Modeling INiTiative) is a past intercomparison effort to test and compare existing numerical shallow ice-sheet, ice-shelf, and glacier models as they were run by several groups worldwide
- ISMIP (Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project) continues intercomparison, including less-shallow and Stokes models (ISMIP-HOM) and rapid sliding events (ISMIP-HEINO)
- MISMIP (Marine Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project) is an intercomparison of flowline (one horizontal dimension) marine ice sheet models
- MISMIP3D is an ice2sea-sponsored intercomparison of marine ice sheet models in two horizontal dimensions
- MISMIP+ is part of the CliC initiative and examines marine ice-sheet dynamics in two horizontal dimensions with strong buttressing
- MISOMIP (Marine Ice Sheet–Ocean Model Intercomparison Project) is a community effort under the CliC project, aimed at better quantifying sea-level change induced by increased mass loss from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), particularly the Amundsen Sea region. It is meanwhile in its second stage
- PLISMIP-ANT (Pliocene Ice Sheet Modeling Intercomparison Project for Antarctica) investigates the nature and behaviour of the Antarctic Ice Sheet during the late-Pliocene warm period
- ABUMIP (Antarctic BUttressing Model Intercomparison Project)
- LARMIP (Linear Antarctic Response to basal melting Model Intercomparison Project) applies a linear response theory approach to 16 state-of-the-art ice sheet models to estimate the Antarctic ice sheet contribution from basal ice shelf melting within the 21st century
- SHMIP (Subglacial Hydrology Model Intercomparison Project) aims to provide a set of benchmark experiments tailored to compare existing and future subglacial hydrologic models
- initMIP (initial state Model Intercomparison Project), as part of the the CliC project, aims to compare, evaluate, and improve ice sheet model initialization procedures and estimate their impact on century-scale simulations of the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica
- ISMIP6 (Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6) strives to improve projections of sea level rise via simulations of the evolution of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets under a changing climate, along with a quantification of associated uncertainties