This library contains scripts for working with OpenSim files and pinocchio software.
Loading OpenSim3.3 ".osim" model in Pinocchio as well as ".trc" and ". mot" file.
Lionel Reveret (INRIA, Grenoble, France), contact
Florian Schneider (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France)
- compatibily with python3
- fix knee-joint spline parsing
- add missing meshes (convert OpenSim .vtp in .obj thanks to code)
- add parsing of MarketSet included in .osim or in external .xml file. The markerset is included in the model wrapper.
- add parsing and visualisation of .trc file with Mocap data
- add parsing and visualisation of ground force file
- Complex Joints (e.g with spline) can't be converted faithfully since Pinocchio doens't support them. Complex knee joint with spline is simplified to revolute joint.
- Loading file from Opensim 4.X would require more code modifications since the .osim format is different between 3.X and 4.X version.
- Model scaling is not available. It must be done once on OpenSim and then use the scaled model in Pinocchio with OSPi3 package.
- Python 3.X with numpy, pandas, scipy
conda install numpy pandas scipy
- Pinocchio: library for rigid multi-body dynamics. Github:
conda install pinocchio -c conda-forge
- Gepetto-viewer: A graphical interface for pinocchio. Github:
conda install gepetto-viewer gepetto-viewer-corba -c conda-forge
- Run simply the example :
cd */ospi3
It possible that, if gepetto-gui is installed in a conda environnement, you must indicate the gepetto-gui full path in l.31 of It must be something like '/home/myUserName/miniconda3/envs/myEnvName/bin/gepetto-gui' (with adequate myUserName and myEnvName)
- For accessing the ospi package from anywhere :
Copy-paste the 'ospi' folder in your package folder, for e.g '/home/miniconda3/envs/myenvname/lib/python3.9/site-packages/'