This project aims to make use of all features of the development board using rust.
A additonal OLED display is connected.
Used features:
- OLED display by I2C using embedded_graphics
- PDM microphon is sampled and a fft is caluclated
- Battery voltage is measured
- LED D13 blinks periodically red
- LED 2 can be switched on/off by the onbard button
- SHT30 measures temperature and humidity
- BMP280 measures temperature and pressure
- Neopixel led shows different color gradients
- The external flash on the board is used as data storage
- currently only dummy values
- BLE is enabled and a multiple charateristics can be read
- currently only dummy values
- APDS9960
Currently all features the measurements are only printed on the console.
However a goal is that all measurements can be read and the LED controled over BLE.
Additonaly and all sensor data should be stored in the external flash.
Nordic softdevice is a binary provided by Nordic Semicondutor which implements bluetooth low energy.
The softdevice S140 v7.3.0 is required by this project and need be flashed before hand.
Install the softdevice:
- Download SoftDevice S140 from Nordic's website here. Supported versions are 7.x.x
- Unzip
- Erase the flash with
probe-rs-cli erase --chip nrf52840
- Flash the SoftDevice with
probe-rs-cli download --chip nrf52840 --format hex s140_nrf52_7.X.X_softdevice.hex