diff --git a/Basic Constructs.md b/Basic Constructs.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59ba059 --- /dev/null +++ b/Basic Constructs.md @@ -0,0 +1,626 @@ +# Basic constructs in Pharo and JavaScript + +## Statement separator + +| Description | Pharo | JavaScript | +|-------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| +| Statement separator | `.` | `;` or new line | +| Automatic statement separator insertion | no | yes | + +In JavaScript, Automatic Semicolon Insertion (ASI) is a feature that inserts semicolons implicitly at the end of certain statements when they are omitted, while in Pharo, there is no automatic statement separator insertion, and the dot (`.`) must be explicitly used to separate statements. + +## Assignment + +| Description | Pharo | JavaScript | +|-------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| +| Assignments | `:=`| `=` `+=` `-=` `*=` `/=` `%=`
`**=` `<<=` `>>=` `>>>=` `&=` `^=` `\|=` +| Assignment is an expression | yes | yes | +| Assign the value 5 to `x` | `x := 5.` | `x = 5;` | +| Assign the value 6 to `x`, `y`, and `z` | `x := y := z := 6.` | `x = y = z = 6;` | +| Assign the result of `(y := 6) + 1` to `x`. Assign the value 6 to `y` | `x := (y := 6) + 1` | `x = (y = 6) + 1` | + +## Operators + +| Description | Pharo | JavaScript | +|-------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| +| Operators | uses binary messages | Arithmetic: `+` `-` `*` `/` `%` `**`
Comparison: `==` `===` `!=` `!==` `<` `>` `<=` `>=`
Logical: `&&` `\|\|`
Bitwise: `&` `\|` `^` `<<` `>>` `>>>`
String: `+`
Ternary/conditional: `? :`
Other: `,` `typeof` `instanceof` `in` `new` `void` `delete` `await` +| Custom binary messages or operators | yes | no | +| Allowed characters for custom binary messages or operators | `+` `-` `/` `*` `~` `<` `>` `=` `@` `,` `%` `\|` `&` `!` `?` `·` `÷` `±` `×` | | +| Custom binary messages limits | Not limited length
Not limited character combinations | + +In Pharo, operators are not used in the conventional sense. Instead, binary messages are utilized and programmers have the freedom to create their own on any class. + +### Precedence levels + +| Description | Pharo | JavaScript | +|-------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| +| Mathematic-inspired precedence levels | mo | yes | +| Precedence levels | 1. Grouping: `( ... )`
2. Unary messages
3. Binary messages
4. Keyword messages
5. Assignment: `:=`| 1. Grouping: `( ... )`
2. Member Access: `object.property`, `object["property"]`
3. Computed Member Access: `array[index]`
4. new (with argument list): `new Constructor(...)`
5. Function Call: `function(arguments)`
6. Optional chaining: `object?.property`, `object?.[expression]`,
7. new (without argument list): `new Constructor`
8. Postfix Increment/Decrement: `variable++`, `variable--`
9. Prefix Increment/Decrement: `++variable`, `--variable`
10. Unary Plus/Minus: `+variable`, `-variable`
11. Bitwise NOT: `~variable`
12. Logical NOT: `!variable`
13. Exponentiation: `base ** exponent`
14. Multiplication, Division, Remainder: `*`, `/`, `%`
15. Addition, Subtraction: `+`, `-`
16. Bitwise Shift: `<<`, `>>`, `>>>`
17. Relational: `<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=`, `in`, `instanceof`
18. Equality: `==`, `!=`, `===`, `!==`
19. Bitwise AND: `&`
20. Bitwise XOR: `^`
21. Bitwise OR: `\|`
22. Logical AND: `&&`
23. Logical OR: `\|\|`
24. Nullish Coalescing: `??`
25. Ternary/Conditional: `? :`
26. Assignment: `=`, `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, `%=`, `**=`,
`<<=`, `>>=`, `>>>=`, `&=`, `^=`, `\|=`
27. Comma: `,` + +## Pseudo-variables and primitive values + +| Description | Pharo | JavaScript | +|-------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| +| Boolean, truthy and falsy values | `true` `false` | `true` `false`
`0` `''` `null` `undefined` | +| Contextual object | `self`
used as `self message` | `this`
used as `this.message()` | +| Superclass lookup modifer | `super`
used as `super message` | `super`
used as `super.message()` + +| Description | Pharo | JavaScript | +|-------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| +| Dynamic array (`Array`) | `{ }` | `[ ]` | +| Block closures | `[ | ]` | `( )` | +| Cascade | `;` | - | +| Assignment and Keywords (`:=`, `ifTrue:`, `ifFalse:`, `whileTrue:`, etc.) | `:` | `=`, `if`, `else`, `while`, etc. | +| Symbol and Array (`#`, `#()`) | `#` | - | +| String | `' '` | `' '` | +| Character (`$`) | `$` | - | +| Comment | `"` | `//` | +| Point creation | `@` | - | +| Character space (` `), tab (`\t`), carriage return (`\r`), and line feed (`\n`) | `blank (Character space), tab (Character tab), cr (Character space), lf (Character lf)` | ` `, `\t`, `\r`, `\n` | + +## Reserved words + +| Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|----------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| +| `thisContext` `super` `self` `true` `false` `nil`| `abstract` `await` `boolean` `break` `byte` `case` `catch` `char` `class` `const` `continue` `debugger` `default` `delete` `do` `double` `else` `enum` `export` `extends` `false` `final` `finally` `float` `for` `function` `if` `implements` `import` `in` `instanceof` `int` `interface` `let` `long` `native` `new` `null` `package` `private` `protected` `public` `return` `short` `static` `super` `switch` `synchronized` `this` `throw` `throws` `transient` `true` `try` `typeof` `var` `void` `volatile` `while` `with` `yield` | + + + +## Variables declaration +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|-------------------------------------------|-----------------------------|-------------------------------| +| Declare variable `x` | `\| x \|` | `let x;` | +| Declare variables `x`, `y`, and `z` | `\| x y z \|` | `let x, y, z;` | +| Declare and assign the value 5 to `x` | | `let x = 5;` | + + +## Boolean values + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------|-----------------------------| +| Boolean value `true` to variable `b` | `b := true` | `b = true` | +| Boolean value `false` to variable `b` | `b := false` | `b = false` | + +# Undefined values +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|---------------------------------------------|--------------|-------------------------| +| Value of a nil object to variable `x` | `x := nil` | `x = null` | +| Value of an undefined variable to `x` | | `x = undefined` | +## Numbers +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|---------------------------------------------|--------------|-------------------------| +| Integer value `1` to variable `x` | `x := 1` | `x = 1` | +| Floating-point value `3.14` to variable `x` | `x := 3.14` | `x = 3.14` | +| Octal value `71` to variable `x` | `x := 8r71` | `x = 0o71` | +| Hexadecimal value `0F` to variable `x` | `x := 16rF` | `x = 0x0F` | +| Vigesimal value of `379` to variable `x` | `x := 20rIJ` | | +| Negative value `-1` to variable `x` | `x := -1` | `x = -1` | +| Big integer value `1234567890123456789` to variable `x` | `x := 1234567890123456789` | `x = 1234567890123456789n` | +| Scaled decimal value `3.14` | `x := 3.14s2` + +## 0.30000000000000004 issue + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|---------------------------------------------|--------------|-------------------------| +| Fractions | `(1/10) + (2/10) = (3/10)` | | +| Float numbers | `0.1 + 0.2 = 0.30000000000000004` | `0.1 + 0.2 == 0.30000000000000004` | +| Scaled decimals | `0.1s2 + 0.2s2 = 0.3s2` | | + + +## Strings, Characters, Symbols +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|---------------------------------------------|--------------|-------------------------| +| String value `'Hello'` to variable `x` | `x := 'Hello'` | `x = 'Hello'` | +| String value `'I'm here'` to variable `x` | `x := 'I''m here'` | `x = 'I\'m here'` | +| Character value `A` to variable `x` | `x := $A` | `x = 'A'` | +| Character value `' '` to variable `x` | `x := $ `
`x := Character space` | `x = ' '` | +| Symbol value `#aSymbol` to variable `x` | `x := #aSymbol` | `x = Symbol('aSymbol')` | +| Array value `#(3 2 1)` to variable `x` | `x := #(3 2 1)` | `x = [3, 2, 1]` | +| Mixed-type array value `#('abc' 2 $a)` to variable `x` | `x := #('abc' 2 $a)` | `x = ['abc', 2, 'a']` | + +## Comparisons + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|---------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|------------------------------------| +| Check if `x` is equal to `y`. | `x = y` | `x == y;` | +| Check if `x` is not equal to `y`. | `x ~= y` | `x !== y;` | +| Check if `x` is identical to `y`. | `x == y` | `x === y;` | +| Check if `x` is not identical to `y`. | `x ~~ y` | `x !== y;` | +| Check if `x` is greater than `y`. | `x > y` | `x > y;` | +| Check if `x` is less than `y`. | `x < y` | `x < y;` | +| Check if `x` is greater than or equal to `y`. | `x >= y` | `x >= y;` | +| Check if `x` is less than or equal to `y`. | `x <= y` | `x <= y;` | + +## Logical expressions + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|---------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|------------------------------------| +| Negate boolean value of `b`. | `b not.` | `!b;` | +| Check if both conditions are true. | `(x < 5) & (y > 1).` | | +| Check if at least one condition is true. | `(x < 5) \| (y > 1).` | | +| Check if both conditions are true (lazy). | `(x < 5) and: [y > 1].` | `(x < 5) && (y > 1);` | +| Check if at least one condition is true (lazy). | `(x < 5) or: [y > 1].` | `(x < 5) \|\| (y > 1);` | +| Check if both conditions are true or both false. | `(x < 5) eqv: (y > 1).`
`(x < 5) == (y > 1).` | `(x < 5) === (y > 1);` | +| Check if one condition is true and the other is false. | `(x < 5) xor: (y > 1).` | `(x < 5) !== (y > 1);` | +| Check if `5` is between `3` and `12` (inclusive). | `5 between: 3 and: 12.` | `5 >= 3 && 5 <= 12;` | + +## Object type checking + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|---------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------|------------------------------------| +| Get the class of object `123`. | `123 class` | | +| Get the constructor function of an object. | | `obj.constructor` | +| Check if `anObject` is an instance of `Person`. | `anObject isKindOf: Person.` | `anObject instanceof Person;` | +| Check if `123` is of type `SmallInteger`. | `123 isMemberOf: SmallInteger.`
`123 class == SmallInteger.` | `typeof 123 === 'number';` | +| Check if `123` responds to the message `sqrt`. | `123 respondsTo: #sqrt.` + +## Number properties + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|----------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------| +| Test if number `x` is zero. | `x isZero` | `x === 0` | +| Test if number `x` is positive. | `x positive` | `x >= 0` | +| Test if number `x` is strictly positive (greater than 0). | `x strictlyPositive` | `x > 0` | +| Test if number `x` is negative. | `x negative` | `x < 0` | +| Test if number `x` is even. | `x even` | `(x % 2) === 0` | +| Test if number `x` is odd. | `x odd` | `(x % 2) !== 0` | +| Test if object `x` is an integer. | `x isInteger` | `Number.isInteger(x)` | +| Test if object `x` is a float. | `x isFloat` | `typeof x === 'number' && !Number.isInteger(x)` | +| Test if object `x` is a number. | `x isNumber` | `typeof x === 'number'` | + +## Arithmetic expressions + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|------------------------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------| +| Add `6` and `3`. | `6 + 3` | `6 + 3` | +| Subtract `3` from `6`. | `6 - 3` | `6 - 3` | +| Multiply `6` and `3`. | `6 * 3` | `6 * 3` | +| Evaluate `1 + 2 * 3` left to right (result: `7`). | `1 + 2 * 3` | `1 + 2 * 3` | +| Divide `5` by `3` with fractional result. | `5 / 3` | `5 / 3` | +| Divide `5.0` by `3.0` with float result. | `5.0 / 3.0` | `5.0 / 3.0` | +| Divide `5.0` by `3.0` and truncate to integer. | `5.0 // 3.0` | `Math.trunc(5.0 / 3.0)` | +| Divide `5.0` by `3.0` and return the remainder. | `5.0 \\ 3.0` | `5.0 % 3.0` | +| Negate the number `-5`. | `-5` | `-5` | +| Get the numeric sign of `5` (result: `1`). | `5 sign` | `(x > 0) - (x < 0) \|\| +x` | +| Negate the number `5`. | `5 negated` | `-5` | +| Get the integer part of `1.2` (result: `1`). | `1.2 integerPart` | `Math.trunc(1.2)` | +| Get the fractional part of `1.2` (result: `0.2`). | `1.2 fractionPart` | `1.2 - Math.trunc(1.2)` | +| Get the reciprocal of `5` (result: `0.2`). | `5 reciprocal` | `1 / 5` | +| Multiply `6` and `3.1` and auto-convert to float. | `6 * 3.1` | `6 * 3.1` | +| Get the square of `5` (result: `25`). | `5 squared` | `5 ** 2` | +| Get the square root of `25` (result: `5`). | `25 sqrt` | `Math.sqrt(25)` | +| Raise `5` to the power of `2` (result: `25`). | `5 raisedTo: 2` | `5 ** 2` | +| Raise `5` to the power of `2` using an integer (result: `25`). | `5 raisedToInteger: 2` | `Math.pow(5, 2)` | +| Get the exponential of `5` (result: `148.4131591025766`). | `5 exp` | `Math.exp(5)` | +| Absolute value of `5` (result: `5`). | `-5 abs` | `Math.abs(-5)` | +| Round `3.99` (result: `4`). | `3.99 rounded` | `Math.round(3.99)` | +| Truncate `3.99` (result: `3`). | `3.99 truncated` | `Math.trunc(3.99)` | +| Round `3.99` to one decimal place (result: `4.0`). | `3.99 roundTo: 1` | `Number(3.99).toFixed(1)` | +| Truncate `3.99` to one decimal place (result: `3.9`). | `3.99 truncateTo: 1` | `Math.trunc(3.99 * 10) / 10` | +| Truncate `3.99` (result: `3`). | `3.99 floor` | `Math.floor(3.99)` | +| Round up `3.99` (result: `4`). | `3.99 ceiling` | `Math.ceil(3.99)` | +| Get the factorial of `5` (result: `120`). | `5 factorial` | `function factorial(n) { if (n == 1) return 1; return n * factorial(n - 1); } factorial(5)` | +| Divide `-5` by `3` and round toward zero (result: `-1`). | `-5 quo: 3` | `Math.trunc(-5 / 3)` | +| Get the remainder when dividing `-5` by `3` and round toward zero (result: `-2`). | `-5 rem: 3` | `-5 % 3` | +| Get the greatest common denominator of `28` and `12` (result: `4`). | `28 gcd: 12` | `function gcd(a, b) { return !b ? a : gcd(b, a % b); } gcd(28, 12)` | +| Get the least common multiple of `28` and `12` (result: `84`). | `28 lcm: 12` | `(28 * 12) / function gcd(a, b) { return !b ? a : gcd(b, a % b); } (28, 12)` | +| Get the natural logarithm of `100` (result: `4.605170185988092`).| `100 ln` | `Math.log(100)` | +| Get the base 10 logarithm of `100` (result: `2`). | `100 log` | `Math.log10(100)` | +| Get the logarithm of `100` with base `10` (result: `2`). | `100 log: 10` | `Math.log(100) / Math.log(10)` | +| Get the floor of the logarithm of `100` with base `10` (result: `2`). | `100 floorLog: 10` | `Math.floor(Math.log10(100))` | +| Convert `180` degrees to radians (result: `3.141592653589793`). | `180 degreesToRadians` | `180 * Math.PI / 180` | +| Get the sine of `0.7` (result: `0.644217687237691`). | `0.7 sin` | `Math.sin(0.7)` | +| Get the cosine of `0.7` (result: `0.7648421872844885`). | `0.7 cos` | `Math.cos(0.7)` | +| Get the tangent of `0.7` (result: `0.8422883804630793`). | `0.7 tan` | `Math.tan(0.7)` | +| Get the arcsine of `0.7` (result: `0.7753974966107531`). | `0.7 arcSin` | `Math.asin(0.7)` | +| Get the arccosine of `0.7` (result: `0.7953988301841435`). | `0.7 arcCos` | `Math.acos(0.7)` | +| Get the arctangent of `0.7` (result: `0.6107259643892086`). | `0.7 arcTan` | `Math.atan(0.7)` | +| Get the maximum of `10` and `20` (result: `20`). | `10 max: 20` | `Math.max(10, 20)` | +| Get the minimum of `10` and `20` (result: `10`). | `10 min: 20` | `Math.min(10, 20)` | +| Get the value of pi (result: `3.141592653589793`). | `Float pi` | `Math.PI` | +| Get the value of the exp constant (result: `2.718281828459045`). | `Float e` | `Math.E` | +| Get the value of infinity. | `Float infinity` | `Infinity` | +| Get the value of NaN (Not-a-Number). | `Float nan` | `NaN` | +| Get a random number between `0` and `1`. | `Random new next; yourself. x next` | `Math.random()` | +| Get a quick random number (result varies). | `100 atRandom` | `Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)` | + +## Conversion + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|------------------------------------------|----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------| +| Convert `3.99` to an integer (result: `3`). | `3.99 asInteger` | `Math.trunc(3.99)` | +| Convert `3.99` to a fraction (result: `399/100`). | `3.99 asFraction` | `new Fraction(3.99)` | +| Convert `3` to a float (result: `3.0`). | `3 asFloat` | `3.0` | +| Convert the integer `65` to a character (result: `'A'`). | `65 asCharacter` | `String.fromCharCode(65)` | +| Convert the character `'A'` to its ASCII code (result: `65`). | `$A asciiValue` | `'A'.charCodeAt(0)` | +| Convert the object `3.99` to a string via `printOn:` (result: `'3.99'`). | `3.99 printString` | `String(3.99)` | +| Convert the object `3.99` to a string via `storeOn:` (result: `'$3.99'`). | `3.99 storeString` | `"$" + 3.99` | +| Convert `15` to a string in hexadecimal base (result: `'F'`). | `15 radix: 16` | `15.toString(16).toUpperCase()` | +| Convert `15` to a string in binary base (result: `'1111'`). | `15 printStringBase: 2` | `15.toString(2)` | + +## Bitwise operations + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|---------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------| +| AND bits | `x := 2r1111 bitAnd: 2r0100.` | `let x = 0b1111 & 0b0100;` | +| AND bits with different bases | `x := 4r3333 bitAnd: 2r011011011.` | `let x = parseInt('3333', 4) & parseInt('11011011', 2);` | +| OR bits | `x := 2r1111 bitOr: 2r0100.` | `let x = 0b1111 \| 0b0100;` | +| XOR bits mixing bases | `x := 16rFF bitXor: 8r5252.` | `let x = 0xFF ^ 0o5252;` | +| Invert bits | `x := 16rFF bitInvert.` | `let x = ~0xFF;` | +| Left shift bits | `x := 2r0100 bitShift: 2.` | `let x = 0b0100 << 2;` | +| Right shift bits | `x := 2r0100 bitShift: -2.` | `let x = 0b0100 >> 2;` | +| Divide by four | `x := 2r0100 >> 2.` | `let x = 0b0100 >> 2;` | +| Multiply by four | `x := 2r0100 << 2.` | `let x = 0b0100 << 2;` | +| Bit at position (0\|1) | `x := 2r0100 bitAt: 3.` | `let x = (0b0100 & (1 << 3)) !== 0;` | +| Position of highest bit set | `x := 2r0100 highBit.` | `let x = Math.floor(Math.log2(0b0100)) + 1;` | +| Test if all bits set in mask set in receiver | `b := 16rFF allMask: 16r0F.` | `let b = (0xFF & 0x0F) === 0x0F;` | +| Test if any bits set in mask set in receiver | `b := 16rFF anyMask: 16r0F.` | `let b = (0xFF & 0x0F) !== 0;` | +| Test if all bits set in mask clear in receiver | `b := 16rFF noMask: 16r0F.` | `let b = (0xFF & 0x0F) === 0;` | + + +## Conditional statements + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|--------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| if-then statement (with trace print) | `x > 10 ifTrue: [ 'ifTrue' traceCr ].` | `if (x > 10) { console.log('ifTrue'); }` | +| if-else statement (with trace print) | `x > 10 ifFalse: [ 'ifFalse' traceCr ].` | `if (x <= 10) { console.log('ifFalse'); }` | +| if-then-else statement | `x > 10 ifTrue: [ 'ifTrue' traceCr ] ifFalse: [ 'ifFalse' traceCr ].` | `if (x > 10) { console.log('ifTrue'); } else { console.log('ifFalse'); }` | +| if-else-then statement | `x > 10 ifFalse: [Transcript show: 'ifFalse'; cr] ifTrue: [Transcript show: 'ifTrue'; cr].` | `if (x <= 10) { console.log('ifFalse'); } else { console.log('ifTrue'); }` | +| if-then-else statement (with trace print) | `(x > 10 ifTrue: ['ifTrue'] ifFalse: ['ifFalse']) traceCr.` | `console.log(x > 10 ? 'ifTrue' : 'ifFalse');` +| + +## Iteration statements + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|--------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| while-true loop | `[x > 0] whileTrue: [x := x - 1. y := y * 2].` | `while (x > 0) { x--; y *= 2; }` | +| while-false loop | `[x >= 4] whileFalse: [x := x + 1. y := y * 2].` | `while (x < 4) { x++; y *= 2; }` | +| times-repeat loop | `x timesRepeat: [y := y * 2].` | `for (let i = 0; i < x; i++) { y *= 2; }` | +| for loop | `1 to: x do: [:a | y := y * 2].` | `for (let a = 1; a <= x; a++) { y *= 2; }` | +| for loop with specified increment | `1 to: x by: 2 do: [:a | y := y / 2].` | `for (let a = 1; a <= x; a += 2) { y /= 2; }` | +| iterate over array elements | `#(5 4 3) do: [:a | x := x + a].` | `const arr = [5, 4, 3]; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { x += arr[i]; }` | + +# Strings + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|---------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| +| Return substring | `x allButFirst: 10.` | `x.substring(10);` | +| String concatenation | `x := 'String', 'Concatenation'.` | `let x = 'String' + 'Concatenation';` | +| Test if string is empty | `b := x isEmpty.` | `let b = x.length === 0;` | +| String size | `y := x size.` | `let y = x.length;` | +| Char at location | `y := x at: 2.` | `let y = x.charAt(1);` | +| First position of character within string | `y := x indexOf: $a ifAbsent: [0].` | `let y = x.indexOf('a'); if (y === -1) { y = 0; }` | +| Set up to 4 elements at a time | `x := String with: $a with: $b with: $c with: $d.` | `let x = 'abcd';` | +| Iterate over the string | `x do: [:a | Transcript show: a printString; cr].` | `for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { console.log(x.charAt(i)); }` | +| Return all elements that meet condition | `y := x select: [:a | a > $a].` | `let y = x.split('').filter(char => char > 'a').join('');` | +| Convert string to symbol | `y := x asSymbol.` | `let y = Symbol(x);` | +| Convert string to array | `y := x asArray.` | `let y = Array.from(x);` | +| Convert string to byte array | `x := 'ABCD' asByteArray.` | `let x = new TextEncoder().encode('ABCD');` | +| Convert string to ordered collection | `y := x asOrderedCollection.` | `let y = new Map(); for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { y.set(i, x.charAt(i)); }` | +| Convert string to sorted collection | `y := x asSortedCollection.` | `let y = new Set(x); y = [...y].sort();` | +| Convert string to bag collection | `y := x asBag.` | `let y = new Map(); for (let char of x) { y.set(char, (y.get(char) || 0) + 1); }` | +| Convert string to set collection | `y := x asSet.` | `let y = new Set(x);` | +| Randomly shuffle string | `y := x shuffled.` | `let y = x.split('').sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5).join('');` | + + +## Characters + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|-------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------| +| Character assignment | `x := $A.` | `let x = 'A';` | +| Test if lower case | `y := x isLowercase.` | `let y = x.toLowerCase() === x;` | +| Test if upper case | `y := x isUppercase.` | `let y = x.toUpperCase() === x;` | +| Test if letter | `y := x isLetter.` | `let y = /^[A-Za-z]$/.test(x);` | +| Test if digit | `y := x isDigit.` | `let y = /^[0-9]$/.test(x);` | +| Test if alphanumeric | `y := x isAlphaNumeric.` | `let y = /^[A-Za-z0-9]$/.test(x);` | +| Test if separator character | `y := x isSeparator.` | `let y = /[\s.,:;-]/.test(x);` | +| Test if vowel | `y := x isVowel.` | `let y = /^[aeiou]$/i.test(x);` | +| Convert to numeric digit value | `y := x digitValue.` | `let y = parseInt(x);` | +| Convert to lower case | `y := x asLowercase.` | `let y = x.toLowerCase();` | +| Convert to upper case | `y := x asUppercase.` | `let y = x.toUpperCase();` | +| Convert to numeric ASCII value | `y := x asciiValue.` | `let y = x.charCodeAt(0);` | +| Convert to string | `y := x asString.` | `let y = String(x);` | +| Comparison | `y := $A <= $B.` | `let y = 'A' <= 'B';` | +| Maximum of two characters | `y := $A max: $B.` | `let y = 'A' > 'B' ? 'A' : 'B';` | + +## Symbols + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------| +| Symbol assignment | `x := #Hello.` | `let x = Symbol('Hello');` | +| Symbol concatenation (result is string) | `y := 'String', 'Concatenation'.` | `let y = 'String' + 'Concatenation';` | +| Test if symbol is empty | `b := x isEmpty.` | `let b = x.description.length === 0;` | +| Symbol size | `y := x size.` | `let y = x.description.length;` | +| Char at location | `y := x at: 2.` | `let y = x.description.charAt(1);` | +| Substring | `y := x copyFrom: 2 to: 4.` | `let y = x.description.substring(1, 4);` | +| First position of character within symbol | `y := x indexOf: $e ifAbsent: [0].` | `let y = x.description.indexOf('e');` | +| Iterate over the symbol | `x do: [:a | Transcript show: a printString; cr].` | `for (let char of x.description) { console.log(char); }` | +| Return all elements that meet condition | `y := x select: [:a | a > $a].` | `let y = Array.from(x.description).filter(char => char > 'a').join('');` | +| Convert symbol to string | `y := x asString.` | `let y = x.description;` | +| Convert symbol to text | `y := x asText.` | `let y = x.description;` | +| Convert symbol to array | `y := x asArray.` | `let y = Array.from(x.description);` | +| Convert symbol to ordered collection | `y := x asOrderedCollection.` | `let y = new Map(); for (let i = 0; i < x.description.length; i++) { y.set(i, x.description.charAt(i)); }` | +| Convert symbol to sorted collection | `y := x asSortedCollection.` | `let y = new Set(x.description); y = [...y].sort();` | +| Convert symbol to bag collection | `y := x asBag.` | `let y = new Map(); for (let char of x.description) { y.set(char, (y.get(char) || 0) + 1); }` | +| Convert symbol to set collection | `y := x asSet.` | `let y = new Set(x.description);` | + +## Array: Fixed length collection + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|----------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------| +| Constant byte array | `x := #[255 255 255].` | `let x = Uint8Array.of(255, 255, 255);` | +| Literal array | `x := #(4 3 2 1).` | `let x = [4, 3, 2, 1];` | +| Literal array whose first element is an array of size 3 | `x := #((1 + 2) . 3).` | `let x = [[1 + 2, 3]];` | +| Dynamic array | `x := { 5. 2 * 2 + 1 . 3+2 . 8 - 3 }.` | `let x = [5, 2 * 2 + 1, 3 + 2, 8 - 3];` | +| Create array with up to 4 elements | `x := Array with: 5 with: 4 with: 3 with: 2.` | `let x = [5, 4, 3, 2];` | +| Allocate an array with specified size | `x := Array new: 4.` | `let x = new Array(4);` | +| Set array elements | `x at: 1 put: 5; at: 2 put: 4; at: 3 put: 3; at: 4 put: 2.` | `x[0] = 5; x[1] = 4; x[2] = 3; x[3] = 2;` | +| Test if array is empty | `b := x isEmpty.` | `let b = x.length === 0;` | +| Array size | `y := x size.` | `let y = x.length;` | +| Get array element at index | `y := x at: 4.` | `let y = x[3];` | +| Test if element is in array | `b := x includes: 3.` | `let b = x.includes(3);` | +| Subarray | `y := x copyFrom: 2 to: 4.` | `let y = x.slice(1, 4);` | +| First position of element within array | `y := x indexOf: 3 ifAbsent: [0].` | `let y = x.indexOf(3) === -1 ? 0 : x.indexOf(3);` | +| Number of times object in collection | `y := x occurrencesOf: 3.` | `let y = x.filter(element => element === 3).length;` | +| Iterate over the array | `x do: [:a | Transcript show: a printString; cr].` | `x.forEach(element => { console.log(element); });` | +| Return collection of elements that pass test | `y := x select: [:a | a > 2].` | `let y = x.filter(element => element > 2);` | +| Return collection of elements that fail test | `y := x reject: [:a | a < 2].` | `let y = x.filter(element => element >= 2);` | +| +| Return collection of elements that fail test | `y := x reject: [:a \| a < 2].` | `const y = x.filter(a => a >= 2);` | +| Transform each element for new collection | `y := x collect: [:a \| a + a].` | `const y = x.map(a => a + a);` | +| Find position of first element that passes test | `y := x detect: [:a \| a > 3] ifNone: [].` | `const y = x.find(a => a > 3) || [];` | +| Sum array elements | `sum := 0. x do: [:a \| sum := sum + a]. sum.` | `let sum = 0; for (let a of x) { sum += a; }` | +| Sum array elements | `sum := 0. 1 to: (x size) do: [:a \| sum := sum + (x at: a)].` | `let sum = x.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0);` | +| Sum array elements | `sum := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c \| a + c].` | `const sum = x.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0);` | +| Find max element in array | `max := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c \| (a > c)` | `const max = x.reduce((acc, val) => acc > val ? acc : val, 0);` | +| Randomly shuffle collection | `y := x shuffled.` | `const y = x.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);` | +| Convert to array | `y := x asArray.` | `const y = Array.from(x);` | +| Convert to byte array | `y := x asByteArray.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Convert to word array | `y := x asWordArray.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Convert to ordered collection | `y := x asOrderedCollection.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Convert to sorted collection | `y := x asSortedCollection.` | `const y = Array.from(x).sort();` | +| Convert to bag collection | `y := x asBag.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Convert to set collection | `y := x asSet.` | `const y = new Set(x);` | + +## SortedCollection + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|---------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| +| Create collection with up to 4 elements | `x := SortedCollection with: 4 with: 3 with: 2 with: 1.` | `const x = [4, 3, 2, 1]; x.sort();` | +| Allocate collection | `x := SortedCollection new.` | `const x = []` | +| Set sort criteria | `x := SortedCollection sortBlock: [:a :c \| a > c].` | `const x = []; x.sort((a, b) => b - a);` | +| Add element to collection | `x add: 3; add: 2; add: 1; add: 4; yourself.` | `x.push(3); x.push(2); x.push(1); x.push(4);` | +| Remove first element in collection | `y := x removeFirst.` | `const y = x.shift();` | +| Add element at end of collection | `y := x addLast: 5.` | `x.push(5); const y = x;` | +| Remove last element in collection | `y := x removeLast.` | `const y = x.pop();` | +| Add multiple elements to collection | `y := x addAll: #(6 7 8).` | `x.push(6, 7, 8); const y = x;` | +| Remove multiple elements from collection | `y := x removeAll: #(6 7 8).` | `x = x.filter(num => ![6, 7, 8].includes(num)); const y = x;` | +| Remove element from collection | `y := x remove: 5 ifAbsent: [].` | `const idx = x.indexOf(5); if (idx !== -1) { x.splice(idx, 1); } const y = x;` | +| Test if empty | `b := x isEmpty.` | `const b = x.length === 0;` | +| Number of elements | `y := x size.` | `const y = x.length;` | +| Retrieve element at index | `y := x at: 2.` | `const y = x[1];` | +| Retrieve first element in collection | `y := x first.` | `const y = x[0];` | +| Retrieve last element in collection | `y := x last.` | `const y = x[x.length - 1];` | +| Test if element is in collection | `b := x includes: 4.` | `const b = x.includes(4);` | +| Subcollection | `y := x copyFrom: 2 to: 3.` | `const y = x.slice(1, 3);` | +| First position of element within collection | `y := x indexOf: 3 ifAbsent: [0].` | `const y = x.indexOf(3) !== -1 ? x.indexOf(3) : 0;` | +| Number of times object in collection | `y := x occurrencesOf: 3.` | `const y = x.filter(num => num === 3).length;` | +| Iterate over the collection | `x do: [:a \| Transcript show: a printString; cr].` | `for (let a of x) { console.log(a); }` | +| Test if all elements meet condition | `b := x conform: [:a \| (a >= 1) & (a <= 4)].` | `const b = x.every(num => num >= 1 && num <= 4);` | +| Return collection of elements that pass test | `y := x select: [:a \| a > 2].` | `const y = x.filter(num => num > 2);` | +| Return collection of elements that fail test | `y := x reject: [:a \| a < 2].` | `const y = x.filter(num => num >= 2);` | +| Transform each element for new collection | `y := x collect: [:a \| a + a].` | `const y = x.map(num => num + num);` | +| Find position of first element that passes test | `y := x detect: [:a \| a > 3] ifNone: [].` | `const y = x.find(num => num > 3) || [];` | +| Sum elements | `sum := 0. x do: [:a \| sum := sum + a]. sum.` | `let sum = 0; for (let a of x) { sum += a; }` | +| Sum elements | `sum := 0. 1 to: (x size) do: [:a \| sum := sum + (x at: a)].` | `let sum = x.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0);` | +| Sum elements | `sum := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c \| a + c].` | `const sum = x.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0);` | +| Find max element in collection | `max := x inject: 0 into: [:a :c \| (a > c)` | `const max = x.reduce((acc, val) => acc > val ? acc : val, 0);` | +| Convert to array | `y := x asArray.` | `const y = Array.from(x);` | +| Convert to ordered collection | `y := x asOrderedCollection.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Convert to sorted collection | `y := x asSortedCollection.` | `const y = Array.from(x); y.sort();` | +| Convert to bag collection | `y := x asBag.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Convert to set collection | `y := x asSet.` | `const y = new Set(x);` | + +## Internal Stream + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|---------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| Create a read stream | `ios := ReadStream on: 'Hello read stream'.` | `const ios = new ReadableStream('Hello read stream');` | +| Create a read stream from a substring | `ios := ReadStream on: 'Hello read stream' from: 1 to: 5.` | `const ios = new ReadableStream('Hello read stream'.substring(0, 5));` | +| Iterate over the stream until the end | `[ (x := ios nextLine) notNil ] whileTrue: [ x traceCr ].` | `let x; while (x = ios.readLine()) { console.log(x); }` | +| Set the position of the read stream | `ios position: 3.` | `ios.seek(3);` | +| Get the position of the read stream | `ios position.` | `const pos = ios.getPosition();` | +| Get the next byte from the read stream | `x := ios next.` | `const x = ios.readByte();` | +| Peek at the next byte in the read stream | `x := ios peek.` | `const x = ios.peekByte();` | +| Get the entire contents of the read stream | `x := ios contents.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Test if the end of the read stream has been reached | `b := ios atEnd.` | `const b = ios.endOfStream();` | +| Create a read-write stream | `ios := ReadWriteStream on: 'Hello read stream'.` | `const ios = new ReadWriteStream('Hello read stream');` | +| Create a read-write stream from a substring | `ios := ReadWriteStream on: 'Hello read stream' from: 1 to: 5.` | `const ios = new ReadWriteStream('Hello read stream'.substring(0, 5));` | +| Create a read-write stream with initial contents | `ios := ReadWriteStream with: 'Hello read stream'.` | `const ios = new ReadWriteStream('Hello read stream'); ios.write('Hello read stream');` | +| Create a read-write stream with initial contents | `ios := ReadWriteStream with: 'Hello read stream' from: 1 to: 10.` | `const ios = new ReadWriteStream('Hello read stream'.substring(0, 10));` | +| Set the position of the read-write stream | `ios position: 0.` | `ios.seek(0);` | +| Iterate over the read-write stream until the end | `[ (x := ios nextLine) notNil ] whileTrue: [ x traceCr ].` | `let x; while (x = ios.readLine()) { console.log(x); }` | +| Set the position of the read-write stream | `ios position: 6.` | `ios.seek(6);` | +| Get the position of the read-write stream | `ios position.` | `const pos = ios.getPosition();` | +| Write a string to the read-write stream | `ios nextPutAll: 'Chris'.` | `ios.write('Chris');` | +| Get the next byte from the read-write stream | `x := ios next.` | `const x = ios.readByte();` | +| Peek at the next byte in the read-write stream | `x := ios peek.` | `const x = ios.peekByte();` | +| Get the entire contents of the read-write stream | `x := ios contents.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Test if the end of the read-write stream has been reached | `b := ios atEnd.` | `const b = ios.endOfStream();` | + +| Creating a file | `file := File named: 'asd.txt' asFileReference fullName.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Opening the file | `file open.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Opening the file for appending | `file openForAppend.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Closing the file | `file close.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the size of the file | `file size.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the current position in the file | `file position.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Set the current position in the file | `file position: 0.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Seek to an absolute position in the file | `file seekAbsolute: 10.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Seek to a relative position in the file | `file seekRelative: 10.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Check if the end of the file has been reached | `file atEnd.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Write a string to the file | `file nextPutAll: 'sdd'.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Read a specified number of bytes from the file | `file next: 2.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Buffered write | `file next: 2 putAll: 'abc' startingAt: 2.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Buffered read | `buffer := ByteArray new: 5.`
`file readInto: buffer startingAt: 1 count: 5.`
`buffer asString.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. + Read a specified number of bytes into a buffer | `file readInto: buffer startingAt: 1 count: 5.`
`buffer asString.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | + + ## File Reference + + | Get a handle to the user's home directory | `p := FileLocator home.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get a handle to the root of the file system | `p := FileLocator root.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the file path string of the handle | `p pathString.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the path of the parent folder of the handle | `p parent pathString.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get a handle to a folder in the user's home directory | `m := FileLocator home / 'Music'.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Test if the folder/file represented by the handle exists | `m exists.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Test if the handle represents a folder | `m isDirectory.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Find all files in the folder matching a pattern | `m allChildrenMatching: '.mp3'.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get a handle to a file | `p := 'pharo5.image' asFileReference.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Test if the handle represents a file | `p isFile.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the file name without the path | `p basename.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Write to a file | `hello := 'hello.txt' asFileReference.`
`hello writeStreamDo: [ :stream |`
`stream nextPutAll: 'Hello World'].` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Read from a file | `hello readStreamDo: [ :stream | stream contents ].` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | + +## Date + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|-----------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------| +| Create a date object for today | `x := Date today.` | `const x = new Date();` | +| Create a date object from the current date/time | `x := Date dateAndTimeNow.` | `const x = new Date();` | +| Create a date object from a formatted string | `x := Date readFromString: '01/02/1999'.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Create a date object from parts | `x := Date newDay: 12 month: #July year: 1999.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Create a date object from elapsed days since 1/1/1901 | `x := Date fromDays: 36000.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the day of the week as an integer | `y := Date dayOfWeek: #Monday.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the month of the year as an integer | `y := Date indexOfMonth: #January.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the number of days in a specific month for a year | `y := Date daysInMonth: 2 forYear: 1996.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the number of days in a year | `y := Date daysInYear: 1996.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the name of the weekday | `y := Date nameOfDay: 1.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the name of the month | `y := Date nameOfMonth: 1.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the day of the week for a specific date | `y := x weekday.` | `const y = x.getDay();` | +| Get the date for the previous day of the week | `y := x previous: #Monday.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the day of the month | `y := x dayOfMonth.` | `const y = x.getDate();` | +| Get the day of the year | `y := x day.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the day of the year for the first day of month | `y := x firstDayOfMonth.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the name of the month | `y := x monthName.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the index of the month | `y := x monthIndex.` | `const y = x.getMonth() + 1;` | +| Get the number of days in the month | `y := x daysInMonth.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the year | `y := x year.` | `const y = x.getFullYear();` | +| Get the number of days in the year | `y := x daysInYear.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the number of days left in the year | `y := x daysLeftInYear.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Get the number of seconds elapsed since 1/1/1901 | `y := x asSeconds.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Add days to a date object | `y := x addDays: 10.` | `x.setDate(x.getDate() + 10);` | +| Subtract days from a date object | `y := x subtractDays: 10.` | `x.setDate(x.getDate() - 10);` | +| Subtract two date objects, result in days | `y := x subtractDate: (Date today).` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Print formatted date | `y := x printFormat: #(2 1 3 $/ 1 1).` | `x.toLocaleDateString('en-US', { month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit', year: 'numeric' });` | +| Compare two date objects | `b := (x <= Date today).` | `const b = (x <= new Date());` | + +## Time + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|----------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------| +| Create time from current time | `x := Time now.` | `const x = new Date();` | +| Create time from current time/date | `x := Time now asdateAndTime.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Create time from formatted string | `x := Time readFromString: '3:47:26 pm'.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Create time from elapsed time from midnight | `x := Time fromSeconds: 60 * 60 * 4.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Milliseconds since midnight | `y := Time millisecondClockValue.` | `const y = Date.now() % (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);` | +| Total seconds since 1/1/1901 | `y := Time totalSeconds.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Seconds past minute (0-59) | `y := x seconds.` | `const y = x.getSeconds();` | +| Minutes past hour (0-59) | `y := x minutes.` | `const y = x.getMinutes();` | +| Hours past midnight (0-23) | `y := x hours.` | `const y = x.getHours();` | +| Add time to time object | `y := x addTime: Time now.` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Subtract time to time object | `y := x subtractTime: (Time now).` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Convert time to seconds | `y := x asSeconds.` | `const y = (x.getHours() * 60 * 60) + (x.getMinutes() * 60) + x.getSeconds();` | +| Timing facility | `x := Time millisecondsToRun: [1 to: 1000 do: [:index | y := 3.14 * index]].` | Not directly supported in JavaScript. | +| Compare two time objects | `b := x <= Time now.` | `const b = (x <= new Date());` | + +## Points + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|-------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------|-----------------------| +| Obtain a new point | `pt := 200@100.` | - | +| Obtain the x coordinate of the point | `x := pt x.` | - | +| Obtain the y coordinate of the point | `y := pt y.` | - | +| Negate the x and y coordinates of the point | `pt := 200@100 negated.` | - | +| Obtain the absolute value of the x and y coordinates | `pt := (-200@ -100) abs.` | - | +| Round the x and y coordinates of the point | `pt := (200.5@100.5) rounded.` | - | +| Truncate the x and y coordinates of the point | `pt := (200.5@100.5) truncated.` | - | +| Add a scale of 100 to both coordinates | `pt := 200@100 + 100.` | - | +| Subtract a scale of 100 from both coordinates | `pt := 200@100 - 100.` | - | +| Multiply both coordinates by a scale of 2 | `pt := 200@100 * 2.` | - | +| Divide both coordinates by a scale of 2 | `pt := 200@100 / 2.` | - | +| Divide both coordinates by a scale of 2, discarding the remainder | `pt := 200@100 // 2.` | - | +| Obtain the remainder of dividing both coordinates by a scale of 3 | `pt := 200@100 \\ 3.` | - | +| Add two points together | `pt := (200@100) + (50@25).` | - | +| Subtract one point from another | `pt := (200@100) – (50@25).` | - | +| Multiply one point by another | `pt := (200@100) * (3@4).` | - | +| Divide one point by another | `pt := (200@100) // (3@4).` | - | +| Obtain the maximum x and y coordinates between two points | `pt := 200@100 max: 50@200.` | - | +| Obtain the minimum x and y coordinates between two points | `pt := 200@100 min: 50@200.` | - | +| Obtain the dot product of two points | `pt := 20@5 dotProduct: 10@2.` | - | + + +## Exceptions + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|-------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| +| Install an exception handler for ZeroDivide exception | `[ 1/0 ] on: ZeroDivide do: [ :ex \| ... ex ... ].` | - | +| Raise a warning signal with a message | `Warning signal: 'watch out!'.` | - | +| Always execute a block of code after a main block, even if an exception occurs | `[ 1/0 ] ensure: [ 'exception' trace].` | - | +| Execute a block of code only if the main block is curtailed (i.e. fails or is unwound) | `[ 1/0 ] ifCurtailed: [ Transcript show: 'exception' ].` | - | + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|-------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| +| Browse a specified class | `String browse.` | - | +| Open an object inspector window for `x` | `x inspect.` | - | +| Display a confirmation dialog with message `Is this correct?` for `x` and return `true` or `false` | `x confirm: 'Is this correct?'.` | - | +| Set a breakpoint at `x` and open debugger window when reached | `x halt.` | - | +| Set a breakpoint at `x` with message `Halt message` and open debugger window when reached | `x halt: 'Halt message'.` | - | +| Display a notification dialog with message `Notify text` for `x` | `x notify: 'Notify text'.` | - | +| Display an error dialog with title `Error string` for `x` | `x error: 'Error string'.` | - | +| Raise a `MessageNotUnderstood` exception for `x` with message selector `#cmrMessage` | `x doesNotUnderstand: #cmrMessage.` | - | +| Raise a `ShouldNotImplement` exception for `x` | `x shouldNotImplement.` | - | +| Raise a `SubclassResponsibility` exception for `x` | `x subclassResponsibility.` | - | +| Raise an `ImproperStore` exception for `x` | `x errorImproperStore.` | - | +| Raise a `NonIntegerIndex` exception for `x` | `x errorNonIntegerIndex.` | - | +| Raise a `SubscriptOutOfBounds` exception for `x` | `x errorSubscriptBounds.` | - | +| Raise a `PrimitiveFailed` exception for `x` | `x primitiveFailed.` | - | + +## STDIO + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|-------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------| +| Output a string to internal log | `'Hello World' trace.` | - | +| Output a string to external log | `Stdio stdout nextPutAll: 'Hello world'.` | `console.log('Hello world');` | + +## Classes and Metaclasses + +| Description | Pharo Code | JavaScript Code | +|-------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------|-----------------| +| Obtain the name of the `String` class | `x := String name.` | - | +| Obtain the organization category of the `String` class | `x := String category.` | - | +| Obtain the class comment for the `String` class | `x := String comment.` | - | +| Obtain the type of subclass for the `String` class (e.g. `variableSubclass`) | `x := String kindOfSubclass.` | - | +| Obtain the class definition for the `String` class | `x := String definition.` | - | +| Obtain the names of the immediate instance variables for the `String` class | `x := String instVarNames.` | - | +| Obtain the names of all instance variables for the `String` class (including those inherited from superclasses) | `x := String allInstVarNames.` | - | +| Obtain the names of the immediate class variables for the `String` class | `x := String classVarNames.` | - | +| Obtain the names of all class variables for the `String` class (including those inherited from superclasses) | `x := String allClassVarNames.` | - | +| Obtain the names of the immediate shared pools (dictionaries) used by the `String` class | `x := String sharedPools.` | - | +| Obtain the names of all shared pools (dictionaries) used by the `String` class (including those inherited from superclasses) | `x := String allSharedPools.` | - | +| Obtain the message selectors (method names) defined for the `String` class | `x := String selectors.` | - | +| Obtain the source code for the `capitalized` method of the `String` class | `x := String sourceCodeAt: #capitalized.` | - | +| Obtain a collection of all instances of the `String` class | `x := String allInstances.` | - | +| Obtain the immediate superclass of the `String` class | `x := String superclass.` | - | +| Obtain a collection of all superclasses of the `String` class (including the class itself) | `x := String allSuperclasses.` | - | +| Obtain a collection of the receiver class and all its superclasses | `x := String withAllSuperclasses.` | - | +| Obtain a collection of the immediate subclasses of the `String` class | `x := String subclasses.` | - | +| Obtain a collection of all subclasses of the `String` class (including those inherited from superclasses) | `x := String allSubclasses.` | - | +| Obtain a collection of the receiver class and all its subclasses | `x := String withAllSubclasses.` | - | +| Obtain the number of named instance variables for the `String` class | `b := String instSize.` | - | +| Check if the `String` class has no indexed instance variables | `b := String isFixed.` | - | +| Check if the `String` class has indexed instance variables | `b := String isVariable.` | - | +| Check if the indexed instance variables of the `String` class contain objects | `b := String isPointers.` | - | +| Check if the indexed instance variables of the `String` class contain bytes or words | `b := String isBits.` | - | +| Check if the indexed instance variables of the `String` class contain bytes | `b := String isBytes.` | - | +| Check if the indexed instance variables of the `String` class contain words | `b := String isWords.` | - | +| Get the total number of class entries (i.e. number of classes and metaclasses) | `Object withAllSubclasses size.` | - | +