Small cli dicerolling program written in Rust.
Pass the required dice rolls as arguments along with any modifiers. For dice use the common NdX notation where N is the number of dice and X is the type, eg 2d20. Modifiers are plain integers. Combine multiple dice and modifiers with '+' signs.
For example,
$ ./diceroll 1d20+2d8+3
might output
18 (d20) + 5 (d8) + 5 (d8) + 3 = 31
Don't put spaces between elements of a single roll. Use spaces to separate independent rolls instead. For example you could roll attack and damage together.
$ ./diceroll 1d20+7 1d8+6
18 (d20) + 7 = 25
6 (d8) + 6 = 12
If you absolutely want extra spaces for readability then wrapping the arguments in quotes would work.
$ ./diceroll '1d20 + 7' '1d8 + 6'
This project is managed by cargo, rust's package manager. Make sure you have it installed, then inside of the project dir, run
$ cargo build
or for the optimized release build
$ cargo build --release
Cleaner error messages. Now it just outputs the rust assertion failures.
man page & --help option
Maybe some indication of lowest/highest rolls, eg color-coding. This is useful for automatic failures & criticals.
Add advantage/disadvantage
Some form of preconfigured rolls. Could be as simple as a configuration file with named rolls
attack: 1d20+7
useable as
diceroll attack
Or maybe a rudimentary character sheet from which the rolls can be automatically generated.