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Kumar Nirupam KUMARNiru007
👨‍💻 Full-stack Developer | 🚀 Passionate about AI & Cloud Computing | 📚 Learning new technologies
Steven Hill steven-hill
iOS developer 👨🏼‍💻📱


Junjie JunjieAraoXiong
CS & Stats @ UC Berkeley

San Francisco, CA

Franco Grobler Franco-from-Owlish

Grow Creative Co South Africa

Kian-Meng Ang kianmeng
Old software plumber

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Sia Piperea siainbuletin

Facultatea de Filosofie din București București, Romania

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Giovanni Pennisi GioviPen
Italian ICT student, musician, wikimedian; astronomy, 3D printing and drone enthusiast #GioviPen

GioviPenDJ Catania

Cu Janeway Cuji12
Building stuff with PHP.

Freelancer Manchester, England.

Matyas Juhasz mpjuhasz
Working on ML and LLMs at @climatepolicyradar

London, UK

Keith Battle kcbattlejr
Graduate student in Cybersecurity at Western Governors University

Mobile, AL

zephyr_whisper Aterolite24
Eager AI and ML enthusiast diving deep into algorithms and architectures, from neural networks to LLMs. Also exploring new tech like Blockchain and GenAI.

Yavatmal, Maharashtra

Sakib Hasan shakibhasan09
Hi, I'm Sakib. I'm a computer programmer. Currently, I'm learning Data Science. I mostly work with web and app development. Loved watching anime 👍

Gazipur 1700, Bangladesh

Cương Nguyễn cuong0993
Self-taught engineer

Optimizely Ha Noi

Hamza Sayyed Hamzawp
Passionate Coder with an enthusiasm of increasing one's own calibur either as an individual or a group

[email protected] Mumbai, India

Diego Amaral dgoscn
curious by design


Rushan Mukhutdinov RushanM
Game developer and Russian translator

Deflecta Russia

Bohemia Softwares Bohemia-Softwares
The official account for all Bohemia Softwares' open source projects. All the RidOS operating system and other related softwares' Source codes up to date

Bohemia Softwares LLC

Binny Chopra binny-chopra
Student at University of Maryland | Software Engineering | Technical Product Management

World Trade Organization Switzerland

István Pánczél istvan-panczel
Freelance Software Engineer, working mostly on the front-end side.


Jean Luc N. Iradukunda jeanluciradukunda
Good sense of humour.

@anyvan Cape Town

GreenYoshi (Wang Han) 2659170494
I come from Fujian Economic School and am currently a Grade 22 e-commerce major. Like programming, music and other activities.


Manuel Venezia Rexus752

Università degli Studi di Torino Matera, Italy

Biswajit Sarkar biswajit-sarkar-007
Full-stack web developer passionate about crafting intuitive and dynamic web applications. Skilled in JavaScript, React, Node.js, and always eager to learn new.
ZZX-Laboratories ZZX-Labs
Open Source Software & Technology Development

ZZX-Labs Global

Peilin Li Ross-Li
Oh I am the guy who tells other guys to fix the bugs. Information Systems major because I can't get into CS. But programming is self-study anyway right?