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Himal Shrestha himal2007
An evolving biologist | Bioinformatics | Statistics | Modelling

University of Melbourne Melbourne

Vedanth Ramji Vedanth-Ramji

Big Data Biology Lab Chennai, India

qood famiji
True lifelong learners should disdain the knowledge they have already acquired.


James A. Fellows Yates jfy133
Bioinformatician with specialism in ancient DNA and metagenomics. nf-core core-team member and SPAAM community founder.

HKI Jena, MPI-EVA Leipzig Leipzig, Germany

Nick Minor nrminor
Thinking about bioinformatics, evolution, and immunogenomics. Writing in Python, R, Nextflow, Rust, and more.

@dholab Madison, Wisconsin

Young erinyoung
Bioinformatician in public health

Utah Public Health Laboratory Salt Lake City, UT

Tessa Pierce Ward bluegenes
Assistant Researcher, UC Davis

San Diego, CA

Taylor Paisie taylorpaisie
Resistance is futile.

Atlanta, GA

Sam Sims Sam-Sims
Bioinformatician | Public Health | UKHSA
Tongzhou Xu tongzhouxu
PhD student at the University of Gerogia
Quentin Andres Isoris
Hello there, I am French, I enjoy molecular biology, and microbial genomics. I'm just a PhD student. If you want to work together or collaborate you're welcome

Animal Genomics and Bioresources Research Unit (newer, PhD year 2-3) Center of Excellence in Aquatic Animal Health Management (older, PhD year 1) @ Kasetsart University Bangkok, TH

Frank Ambrosio frankambrosio3
As a Public Health Bioinformatics Scientist, I am honored to share my journey and accomplishments in advancing the frontiers of genomics and public health.

Theiagen Genomics Atlanta, GA

Upalabdha UpalabdhaD
PhD Student, Bioinformatics

Tezpur University India

Austin Richardson audy
Head of Bioinformatics @onecodex

@OneCodex San Francisco, CA

Inês Mendes cimendes
Bioinformatics Scientist @ Theiagen Genomics

@theiagen Lisbon, Portugal

Thanh Lee thanhleviet

@quadram-institute-bioscience UK

Wytamma Wirth Wytamma
Technically a biologist


Robert A. Petit III rpetit3
Bioinformatician at the Wyoming Public Health Laboratory. Developer of the Bactopia and other microbial genomic tools.

Wyoming Public Health Laboratory Cheyenne, WY

Gültekin Ünal cinnetcrash
M.Sc. Microbiologist, Veterinarian, Molecular Microbiology, Bioinformatics, Data Analytics, Public Health, SARS-CoV-2


Michael Hall mbhall88
Postdoc @ University of Melbourne with @lachlancoin. Bioinformatics | Nanopore | Microbial Genomics | Software Dev.

University of Melbourne | Doherty Institute Sunshine Coast, Australia

Ahmed M. A. Elsherbini AhmedElsherbini
Tübingen Uni, Ph.D. student, Infection Biology (Nile Uni, Bioinformatics Diploma & Antwerp Uni, Infectious Diseases MSc) Prokaryotic genomics & metagenomics


Samuel Lampa samuell
Bioinformatician in clinical microbiology. Occasionally hacking on stuff like @flowbase, @scipipe & @rdfio

Karolinska University Hospital Stockholm