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Jozef Harag Joozty
A small town boy who believes everything is just a matter of time...

@smartlook Brno, Czech Republic

Michal Mokroš michalmokros
Tech enthusiast and an IT-curious person. Working as Software Engineer at Cisco. Studied at the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University in Brno.

@Smartlook Prague, Czech Republic

Nyaundi Nyaundi
I hold professional roles as a Backend Engineer, a DevOps Engineer, and an active contributor to open-source projects.

Pilgrim Consulting Group Remote

Filip Růžička froseio
Swift developer

Louny, Czech republic

Jan Žaloudek janzal

AppDynamics (part of Cisco) Prague

Sami Al-Dury samialdury

@Smartlook / @Cisco AppDynamics Brno, Czech Republic