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Jean-Paul van Houten - Bos vanhoutenbos
IaC, Resilience, Scalability, and Innovation, just some of the subjects of my daily life. Enjoying 🏌️‍♂️ & 🎮 in my spare time. 💍since 4-6-20 ❤️

@van-Houten-Solutions The Netherlands

Stepan Samutichev Samutichev
BaseALT LLC • ALT Academy 🦭

BaseALT LLC Worldwide

Tommi xplosionmind
I pretend to understand code

A galaxy far, far away

Nicco Kunzmann niccokunzmann
Software is only a tool. Humanity, your house 🌍 is burning 🔥. You can pay me if you would like me to prioritize issues on my repositories.


Alexander Scheurer ASPePeX
Realtime 3D engine plumber at @FUSEEProjectTeam @hs-furtwangen. Also Gamer, Developer, Researcher, Metalhead, Pirat, Zombie and such.

Furtwangen University Schönwald im Schwarzwald, Germany