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Thales Roel T-Roel

Coimbra, Portugal

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Abhiram P abhiramp2013
SW Developer @ Valtrix Systems >> Little bit of everything , C , C++ , Python, SQL, Shell Scripting ...

@valtrix Bengaluru

Software Engineer on the Technology Track.

Bank of America Charlotte, North Carolina

Adrasteon Adrasteon

Samar Designs UK

Hoi-yin Ip yeahletters
Independent graphic designer based in The Hague, NL. Lover of type, music addict and good food.
John Dempsey mcfnord
Heard there was pizza.

Seattle. Washington, U.S.A.

Manuela Silva mansil
I am an Interpreter/Translator since 1984, by education (ITFI- Porto) and I am a proofreader as well. 2018 - > House Manager (Retirement property)


Pete Cummings petecummings
Specialization is for insects.

Pete Cummings New York

Random person


Peter L Jones pljones
Programmer, drummer.

London, UK