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    • 🏆 Handle completion and errors with elegance! Support for async/await, promises, callbacks, streams and observables. A drop-in replacement for async-done - pass 100% of its tests plus more
      MIT License
      23139Updated Jan 11, 2023Jan 11, 2023
    • try/catch block with a callback, used in `try-catch-core`. Use it when you don't care about asyncness so much and don't want guarantees. If you care use `try-catch-core`.
      MIT License
      05014Updated Jun 22, 2022Jun 22, 2022
    • Asynchronous and sync tryCatch in one place - works almost like `async-done`, used in `always-done`. The callback is securely wrapped with a `dezalgo` and `once`.
      MIT License
      110014Updated Jun 22, 2022Jun 22, 2022
    • Promisify, basically, everything. Generator function, callback-style or synchronous function; sync function that returns child process, stream or observable; directly passed promise, stream or child process.
      MIT License
      1410Updated Jul 24, 2017Jul 24, 2017
    • letta

      #asyncfirst 🐈 Promisify sync, async or generator function, using relike. Kind of promisify, but lower level. Full compatibility with co4 and passing 100% of its tests.
      MIT License
      0430Updated Jul 24, 2017Jul 24, 2017
    • hybridify

      Hybridify@2. Create sync or async function to support both promise and callback-style APIs in same time. Using the power of `relike`.
      MIT License
      0820Updated Jul 12, 2017Jul 12, 2017
    • Promisify all functions in an object, using `relike`.
      MIT License
      0300Updated Jun 21, 2017Jun 21, 2017
    • Handling/creating hybrid errors, if callback pass to it else throw
      MIT License
      0200Updated May 24, 2017May 24, 2017
    • redolent

      Simple promisify with sane defaults, works on node 0.10 if you provide custom Promise through options
      MIT License
      0300Updated May 5, 2017May 5, 2017
    • Wrap a promise to allow passing callback to `.then` of given promise, also works as normal `.then`
      MIT License
      0100Updated Apr 5, 2017Apr 5, 2017
    • Create stream from any value - function, array, string, buffer, promise, number, object and etc. Always returns a function that returns Transform Stream, using through2.
      MIT License
      0320Updated Mar 17, 2017Mar 17, 2017
    • Transform sync, async or generator function to Stream. Correctly handle errors and optional arguments.
      MIT License
      0330Updated Mar 17, 2017Mar 17, 2017
    • Create callback api from synchronous function. Same as `make-callback`, but won't handle generators and if async function is given returns it.
      MIT License
      0100Updated Mar 11, 2017Mar 11, 2017
    • Transform ES2015 Promise to Stream - specifically, Transform Stream using `through2`. Works in object mode by default, but you can pass options directly to the `through2` package.
      MIT License
      0300Updated Mar 11, 2017Mar 11, 2017
    • Convert (transform) promise to thunk, just like was in co@3
      MIT License
      0230Updated Mar 3, 2017Mar 3, 2017
    • coone

      Acts like `co@3` and also is drop-in replacement for it. Built on top of `merz`, actually thanks to `always-done`. But accept everything, not only generators - sync functions, async functions, callbacks and more. Flow-control for now and then.
      MIT License
      0120Updated Jan 16, 2017Jan 16, 2017
    • Make synchronous function or generator to support callback api
      MIT License
      0400Updated Jan 16, 2017Jan 16, 2017
    • Extends `letta` to accept and handles more than functions only. Handles all kind of results from `letta`/promise. Basically, creating promise from everything - strings, arrays, objects, functions, generators, generator functions, promises, streams, child processes, observables, maps, symbols, dates and etc.
      MIT License
      0110Updated Jan 16, 2017Jan 16, 2017
    • is-hybrid

      Check whether an object looks like Hybrid which is promises-a+ promise and callback api
      MIT License
      0100Updated Jan 16, 2017Jan 16, 2017
    • Make promise to have support for callback API, it returns promise in that same time.
      MIT License
      0300Updated Jan 16, 2017Jan 16, 2017
    • then-got

      Promisified `simple-get`.
      MIT License
      0100Updated Jan 16, 2017Jan 16, 2017
    • relike

      #asyncfirst ⭐ Simple promisify async or sync function with sane defaults. Lower level than `promisify` thing.
      MIT License
      0220Updated Dec 22, 2016Dec 22, 2016
    • Create promise from sync, async, string, number, array and so on. Handle completion (results) and errors gracefully! Built on top of `relike`, used by `redolent` to build robust (hybrid) APIs.
      MIT License
      0300Updated Dec 22, 2016Dec 22, 2016
    • merz

      Wrapper to handle completion and errors of sync and async functions, promises, generators, streams, observables and child processes.
      MIT License
      0210Updated Nov 9, 2016Nov 9, 2016
    • Handle completion of an observable, using observable's `.subscribe` method.
      0200Updated Nov 1, 2016Nov 1, 2016
    • Handle completion of a stream, using `on-stream-end` and `stream-exhaust`.
      0100Updated Nov 1, 2016Nov 1, 2016
    • Transform any value to stream. Create stream from any value - string, array, buffer, number, promise or even Error object.
      MIT License
      0310Updated Nov 1, 2016Nov 1, 2016
    • exec-cmd

      Flexible and cross-platform executing commands. Hybrid, Async and Promise API.
      MIT License
      0210Updated Nov 1, 2016Nov 1, 2016
    • Hybridifies all the selected functions in an object.
      MIT License
      0210Updated Nov 1, 2016Nov 1, 2016
    • Get separately non-callback arguments in `.arguments` and the last argument if it `is-callback-function` in `.callback` property. It also works like `sliced`, but returns object with `.arguments` and `.callback` properties.
      MIT License
      0400Updated Nov 1, 2016Nov 1, 2016