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Rodinei Costa rodineicosta
Full-stack developer at @physistec

PhysisTec Ananindeua, PA, Brasil

Hansmiller Alves Hansmiller
Systems Analyst, graduated from the University of Tecnology of São Paulo, Brazil.

Aveiro, Portugal

Shafikul Islam Sourov sourovcse41
Studying B. Sc(Hons.) in Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Lucas Brigido Netthacker
I love to work with the best technologies
Valter Patrick valterpatrick
Gerente de Projetos - CTEC

CTEC Service LTDA Governador Valadares - MG

André Luiz Ddiidev
Dev fullstack. Tecnologias: C#, @vlang, Php, Js, Vb/Vb6, Delphi, kixtart e o resto é curiosidade.

João Pessoa, PB

Felipe Daniel felipeHELPNET
Full Stack Development | Estudante de ADS e Técnico de Informática na HelpNet-Vale

HelpNet-Vale Taubaté, SP, Brazil

Nate Macs natemacs
Software Engineer & DevOps Enthusiast


Rian Breno Polonini RianBrenoPolonini
Software Engineer - Mid Level | Student at @42School | Ruby on Rails - Node.js - React - AWS | Full Stack

@agendor @IN-Junior-UFF Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Gentil Pinto gentildpinto
Forever a software engineer under construction, enthusiast of open-source and Android development.

Luanda, Angola

Daniel Bichuetti danielbichuetti
Founder of @Intelijus

Intelijus Brazil

Luan Analista de TI </> UX/UI Designer LuanAnalistadeTI
Analista de Segurança da Informação, Software Developer, Programador Software Engineer, Apple Support Professional, Ethical Hacker, CyberSecurity.

Salvador - BA

Lucas Rosa lucasrosa90

Florianópolis, SC, Brazil

Leandro Teixeira leoteixeira2016
Analista de Sistemas

Apoio Assist Brasil

ThevenRex ThevenRexOff


Marcos Viana Maarcosv99

@gruporezult Aracaju - SE

Vinícius, Bruno d4li
Software Developer/Engineer; JS Lov3r; ❤︎ Building tools for humans. ~ React | React Native | Node.js >_< bio.js:23      throw err;              ^

São Paulo, Brasil

Bruno Vieira brunopiaca2 Brasil

Luiz Roberlei LuizRoberlei
💼 Full Stack Engineer - 🤖 Automation and integrated systems - 🚀 Be seen, be remembered!

iNova Empresários Bauru, SP - Brazil

Vinícius Vicente Alves Terçariol vinitercariol
Diretor de Tecnologia

@dtnetworkbr Brasil

André Luis andreluisotavio
Acredite no impossível ⚡
AleSilvaBrazil alesilvabrazil
Co-Fundador em Ai Press | ❤FilhoDaD.Lourdes❤PaiDoFê❤ParsaDaIlana 🤯 Me reinventando como Web FullStack Developer 📚 #Alura @freeCodeCamp @Universidade-Livre

Ai Press Assessoria | Ai Press Host | Rede SP de Notícias São Paulo

Júnior Nogueira juniornsantos
Software Engineer with more than 10 years of experience in FTTx projects.

JN Projetos e Soluções Pereiro - CE