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Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Luis Guerra luis-guerraf
Computer Vision PhD at Monash University

Monash University

John Wolfe DarkestSoul1992
Head electrical engineer, programmer and co-founder of @WolfNet-Computing.

@WolfNet-Computing Glasgow, UK

Bohemia Softwares Bohemia-Softwares
The official account for all Bohemia Softwares' open source projects. All the RidOS operating system and other related softwares' Source codes up to date

Bohemia Softwares LLC

Mitch Mitchfox1
Electrical Engineering student
Naveen Yadav naveenphys
I am an astrophysicist by profession.

Max Planck Institute For Astrophysics Germany

Alive and kickin!


Yu-Yang Chen cyuyang019

National Taiwan University

Yiwen Shen (Chris) chrisshen
Vehicle networks, Intelligent transportation systems, IoT and localization systems.

Ajou University Suwon, South Korea

Dikshant Nautiyal dixant07
Chemical Engineering student at NIT Raipur

Dehradun, India

Sky Guy 5ky9uy
(my open-source endeavors/contributions, school projects, and some forks for reference) --> (🦄) = [[∫(⚙️) ∫(🔐) ∫(🕸️) ∫(🧪) ∫(🎨) ∫(📝) ∫(📈)]*] / [⏳]
WILSON O FONSECA wilsonfonseca

Higgs Consultoria São Paulo, BR

Giulio Venturini BayoDev
If you want to contact me feel free to send me a message on twitter
JJ Krasnick jjkrasnick
JJ, a seasoned software engineer and AI startup founder, is proficient in C++, Java, and Python. He has a unique blend of technical prowess and business acumen.

Pepperdine University - Keck Science Center Los Angeles, California

Riya Bisht chococandy63
21, interested in Computer Architecture & exploring low-level systems programming

[email protected] 0x0


Uniontech Wuhan

Omprakash omprakash6204
I am computer science engineering student
Vikash Patel vikashpatel24

Compcarta Solutions Private Limited Iɴᴅɪᴀ

Logan Hodgson cellomath

ACelloRondo Sierra Madre, CA

Abdullah Al mamun azonedev
Software Engineer, passionate about - Backend, Cloud, Tools & Product development

@JoulesLabs Dhaka,Bangladesh