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Daniel Mendez nieldm
iOS Developer

Barcelona, Spain

Matt Goldman matt-goldman

@SSWConsulting Sydney

FS.IO FreezeSoul
Love Coding, Travel in the Coding.

Remoting 116.363967,39.95137

Benjamin Funke BJNFNE
I love Reverse Engineering and reimplementing.


Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Jevan Jevanzhu
Just to do.


Lou Rinaldi lourinaldi
Thinking in systems.

Connecticut, USA

Mihai Catalin Doja catalindoja
Graduated at University of Lleida in the Software Engineering mention and currently studying the official Master's Degree at the same university.


YuJinLei YuJinLei
no younger, less love!

兑吧集团 Hangzhou, China

João Pedro Belo silvajpedro

Vai Na Web Rio de Janeiro

姜俊峰 huihuh


Rafael da Cunha rafaelcunhaa
Estudante da faculdade de Ciências da Computação |Univali|


EiadiTheCoder Eiadi
Just a guy who likes making and checking out projects, want to work at SEGA™ someday
Ghost Ghost414Entourage
Christopher Owen oysta
I’m a software engineer and dev manager. I’m proficient in Objective-C, Swift, Ruby, and Java. I try hard not to do bugs.


mixer001 MixerFLX
I likes games and I like to tinker with tech.
Charge charge-dev
Hey, I'm Charge!


Lankey-K Lankeyk

Perth ,Western Australia

Márcio Moda TechnoDark-ti
| Developer Indie of Games | Desenvolvedor de Software |

TechnoDark - Consultoria TI Ananindeua - PA

Jidro.Z jidro
> The man was lazy and left nothing.


Brayan Torres brato84
IT Specialist in Cybersecurity. AWS re/Start Graduate. ☢️Geek.☣️ 💻CSR/Tech Supp📡 💉Lab/Nurse Tech💊 🦺Logistics/Warehouse⚠️ 🎯Ultimate Frisbee Spirit�

Figueres, Cataluña.

Just a guy that thinks up solutions for small problems and enjoy automation challenges. I've done many different things so I'll upload them sometimes.
C/C++/Go developer

Open mobile platform Saint-Petersburg

Brian Lima BrianLima
Just a programmer who was passing by. C#, Ruby, Rails, Python, SQL, Arduino, C & C++. Windows, Mac or Linux. Fast Learner. Coffee and Games.

@nuuvem Brasil

Eryk Pawlikowski Smuger12
I don't know what the I'm doing

I don't know where I am