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rico trebeljahr
programmer, traveler, photographer. not necessarily in that order.

Self-Employed Berlin

Gerrit gerritgr

German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence Saarbrücken

Janarthan Rama Murti srinithyamantrananda
Physician scientist Working in Viral Immunology

Sahlgrenska Academy Sweden

Alexandru P Ivan apivan19
Research Assistant at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, MA. Looking to pursue a graduate degree in Boston Currently Reorganizing Repos

Boston, MA

cihan cihan

Trabzon, Turkey

Guillaume Gaullier Guillawme

Uppsala University Uppsala, Sweden

Célio da Silva Júnior Icedwolf
Computer Alchemist | rtfm

@globalgatedc, @bludata Blumenau/SC

Valeriia Vasylieva vvsbiocode
Bachelors: Biology (Genetics), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine; Masters: Biochemistry, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
Semidán Robaina Robaina
Computational Biology | Data Science | Python Dev. | Ph.D. Systems Biology

NAL Atlantic Ocean

anand jain anandijain
cs music p=np

San Jose CA, Boston MA

Jakub mediashock
Alien Windsor Ontario

Adam Wolf adamwolf
You can find my latest web experiment at
Max Shirokawa m-k-S
Machine Learning @ NTT Research
Rob Jess KryptonNerd
I am an MSc by research student in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
sung naturepoker
Amateur biologist

Binomica Labs NYC

TheMicroscopicEngineThatCould Thalexander6
NCSU Bio-Engineering '20 Learning to code because all the jobs are online now.
d6e d6e


Brian Degger sctv
#diybio #citizenscience #fermentation #internetofeverything #bbb #backterias #beverages #botanicals

newcastle upon tyne

Sebastian S. Cocioba sebogawa
Amateur Plant Biologist

@Binomica-Labs NYC

Danijel Korent Danijel-Korent
Embedded sw. developer by day, self- proclaimed civic tech activist by night (or is it other way around? 🤔)

Freelancer Zagreb, Croatia

Abdon Troche abdontroche
Hi! I am Abdon Troche. I am an electronic engineering student in the National University of Asuncion, and I am doing an internship in the Fab Lab CIDi.
