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Angelo Zilian angelozilian
Interested in embedded systems 🖥️🔧


Mustafa Shaik Mustafa9010
Dedicated and inquisitive technology enthusiast.


Machine Learning Engineer

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Marco Antônio de Paula Dornel mdornell
Cursando Bacharel Sistemas de Informação - IFES Colatina

Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Espírito Santo - Campus Colatina

Tejas Salian tejasps28
Instrumentation and Control Engineer, currently exploring the field of Robotics!


Navin Kaviyarasu navinkaviyarasu

Temasek Laboratories@NUS Singapore

Tolgahan Ozdemir tolgahanozdemir7
Tarsus University Computer Engineering Machine & Deep Learning
Ameene ameene770
Control Systems, Python, Matlab, C++
zhang haipeng zhcv
Software Engineer, Machine Learning.

lxkj Zhengzhou, China

meo209 meo209
Kotlin & C++ Developer from Germany

Kotlin Island

Tarcísio Genaro Rodrigues tarc
I'm mainly focused on C++ development. Lately I've been writing some Python mostly related to CI/CD of C/C++ projects and libraries.

São Paulo, Brazil

Александр SCorky
... Рисуешь мудрёные, хитрые схемы, Листая истории толстый альбом, Но взоры терзают одни теоремы, Где раньше чернели ряды аксиом. ...
