This is a module that sends Zipkin trace data to Amazon SQS for collection and processing. SQS is an alternative to Apache Kafka that is fully managed in the AWS cloud.
npm install zipkin-transport-aws-sqs --save
const {
} = require('zipkin');
const {AwsSqsLogger} = require('zipkin-transport-aws-sqs');
const noop = require('noop-logger');
let awsSqsLogger = new AwsSqsLogger({
queueUrl: "https://...", //mandatory
endpointConfiguration: AWS.Endpoint, // optional
region: 'eu-west-1', // optional, region string
credentialProvider: AWS.CredentialProviderChain, // optional
delaySeconds: 0, // optional
log: noop // optional (defaults to console)
const AwsSqsRecorder = new BatchRecorder({
logger: awsSqsLogger
const tracer = new Tracer({
ctxImpl, // this would typically be a CLSContext or ExplicitContext
localServiceName: 'service-a' // name of this application
AWS credentials will be loaded as described here. The credentials must have the following permissions:
for health checking
for placing spans on the queue
The message's binary data includes a list of spans in the same JSON V2 format as the http POST /spans body.
collector-sqs integrates with zipkin-server to pull spans off of an SQS queue instead of HTTP or Kafka.