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Database migrations

Maikel edited this page Nov 26, 2018 · 2 revisions

Some code changes require database updates as well. We make use of migrations to deliver necessary data changes to all our servers. Here are some guidelines we like to follow.

Include all needed ActiveRecord models in your migration file

Sometimes a migration needs to do more than add or remove a column. When you must convert existing data, migrations can get nasty because SQL is all you can use. You can never call models in a migration because your models will evolve away from your migrations...

Always provide a rollback method

Simple migrations have a change method that can perform the migration and can be used to reverse it as well. But not everything can be reversed that easily. In that case you can declare the up and down methods, one for migrating and the other for rolling back. If the up method is destructive, you can't reverse it. For example, if you delete a whole column, the data is lost and can't be restored ... unless you keep a backup. No matter how simple the change is, we have some pretty complex production data and the simplest change can have nasty side effects. Therefore we should always write a backup file for the data we are destroying and provide a down method that can reverse the migration. The first example can give you an idea of how that works. Let's make it a bit more beautiful and re-usable next time we need a reversible destructive migration.

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