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Connection Pool Timeout Issues During Batch Processing with OpenTelemetry Agent #12157

Closed Answered by leon4652
leon4652 asked this question in Q&A
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Hello, I’m posting a troubleshooting response for other similar cases. There were several misconceptions on my part, and this is the process of resolving them.

  1. Basically, in the BatchSpanProcessor (BSP), if the buffer is full, the while loop inside the run method drops the data. That is, when the queue is full, any additional collected data will be dropped.
  2. The actual data is moved to the batch queue by the flush operation, and during this process, the actual span data transmission occurs.
  3. To reduce the load of data generation, we increased the size of the transmission batch queue for a short period of time, accepting the IO overhead (from 2048 to 8096, with 1000ms per batch), and reduce…

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