Registration and event details: Eventbrite
13:00-13:20 - Welcome and introductions
- Post-it note exercise: Write what you'd like to learn from this session & share with group. We'll keep the post-its and review towards the end of the session.
13:20-13:40 - What is open source? (Slides 1-9)
13:40-14:00 - Group activity: Working openly with software and data: pros, cons, and pondering points.
- Break up into groups of 4-5, and take 2-3 cards from the Open To Discussion open source, open data, and open collaboration decks.
- Spend a few minutes discussing the issues on your cards.
14:00-14:20 - Report back from groups. Were any open source or open data related issues controversial?
14:20-14:50 - Git basics - working on your own. Slides 11-19
- Follow along online:
14:50-15:10 - Group discussion: what makes open source good?
- review open source projects in your groups.
- Try and list things that make it easy to contribute
- Are there any warning signs or things that could be made better?
15:10-15:30 - Report back from group discussions and discuss aspects of high-quality open source software.
15:30-16:00 - coffee break.
16:00-16:30 - Git basics - collaborating with others
- Practical exercise: Cloning and Collaborating
- Within your group, create a shared repository and begin to add to it as a group. We'll have fun learning how to pull request, merge, and resolve merge conflicts!
16:30-16:45 - Further resources and more advanced exercises - taking it forward!
16:45-17:00 - Wrap up and Q&A