Scripts used to evaluate the Instagram account page mementos for the Disinformation Dozen and Health Authorities
Code developed by Haley Bragg (@haleybragg) as part of the 2022 ODU NSF REU Site in Disinformation Detection and Analytics
- Haley Bragg, Himarsha R. Jayanetti, Michael L. Nelson, and Michele C. Weigle, "Less than 4% of Archived Instagram Account Pages for the Disinformation Dozen are Replayable", In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), June 2023, short paper
- Haley Bragg and Michele C. Weigle, "Discovering the Traces of Disinformation on Instagram in the Internet Archive", tech report, arXiv:2301.09188, January 2023