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File metadata and controls

308 lines (234 loc) · 10.1 KB


To separate source code, programme configurations, application data, the respository is structured as follows:

____. (root)
    |____ /assets
    |    |_ ... # data e.g. translations
    |____ /setup
    |    |_ ... # contains configuration of app
    |____ /src
    |    |_ ... # source code
    |____ /tests
    |    |_ ... # unit tests
    |_ .env         # not synchonised
    |_ Makefile     # need GNU make to use
    |_ package.json # need node and npm to use

In this file we document how developers can organise and contribute to the development of the application.

Table of contents

Workflow guidelines

Since the development of this application is a collaborative effort, in order to keep development smoothly we would like to keep to the following guidlines.


The relation between branches is as follows:

-----------------------------------------> main
  \______> staging _________________/
     ||                         ||
     || all other branches:     ||
     ||                         ||
     ||__> dev-branch-unicorns__||
     |___> hotfix-error-404______|

where 'all else' includes dev, hotfix, and bugfix branches.

!!! The main branch and staging branches are hosted and correspond to the live production and test applications respectively.

!!! So, unless absolutely trivial (and agreed upon), we should never push to main.

In each ticket a branch (off staging) should be created with a appropriate name according to the scheme:

  • dev-xxxx where xxxx is in snake case, for ordinary development tickets
  • bug-xxxx where xxxx is in snake case, for bug tickets.
  • hotfix-xxxx where xxxx is in snake case, for hotfix tickets (thes are like bug tickets but have special priority).


When committing please use the following scheme:

{branch-from} > {branch-to}: {message}


  • {branch-from} = name of branch
  • {branch-to} = name of parent branch, to which the branch will be merged at the end of development. This is usually staging.
  • {message} the commit message. This should contain a short description of what was done. Any longer descriptions should be added after a line break.

This schema makes reading lots of parallel changes in different branches easier to filter with the eye.

Ticket Definition

  1. Before ticket fully defined, keep it in 'backlog' with a define me-label
  2. Add objectives as a TODO checklist (acceptance criteria).
  3. If the ticket is a Bug or Hotfix (= bug but with higher prio), add [Bug] or [Hotfix] to the start of the title.
  4. Once ticket fully defined, remove the define me-label.

Ticket in Doing

(provided ticket is fully defined and does not have define me-label)

  1. Drag ticket from 'backlog' to 'doing' and assign your face to it.
  2. Create a branch from the staging branch according to the above scheme.
    Note the name of the Branch in the ticket description.
  3. When ticket completed (everything in TODO list marked [x]):
    • create a pull request (branch ---> staging);
    • add a How to Review checklist;
    • remove your face from ticket;
    • drag ticket into 'review'.

Please note the information in the devlopment section below. It is also advisory to use local testing whilst developing.

Ticket Review

(Tickets should only be reviewed by a different developer from the one in 'doing'.)

  1. Assign your face to ticket.
  2. Go through all the checks in the checklist (+ generally check that the general bot behaviour is not faulty).
    • If the review has open issues:
      1. if issue is large, add new points to TODO and drag ticket into 'More work needed'.
      2. if issue small, clarify them with the original developer and then complete the below steps.
    • If the review is successful
      1. complete merging;
      2. remove your face from ticket and drag to 'Done'.

See the testing section below for information about local/live testing.

Ticket Merge-Strategie

!!! Never merge directly to main branch !!!

Order is ticket branch ---> staging ---> main.

  1. Change the Version in dist/Version and package.json. Run make clean && make build, to update package-lock.json.
  2. Commit this change, and accept the PR.
    You may delete the branch when done
    (but do not delete staging!).
    Ensure that live test instance of the app has been successfully deployed.
  3. Only if we want to release the changes properly, create a PR staging ---> main.
    (This should automatically be the case for hotfixes.)
    Perform live tests on the instance of the application before accepting this PR.
    Do NOT delete the staging branch!
    Ensure that live production instance of the app has been successfully deployed.

Deployment and Logging

Deployment of live test bot

  • Log in to our deployment tool.
  • Select the app leipzig-helps-ukraine (staging).
  • Check the latest activity. If the app is not running:
    • open the Deploy tab
    • select 'staging' in both automatic and manual deployment
    • deploy the branch.

Also check the logs (see below).

Deployment of live production bot

  • Log in to our deployment tool.
  • Select the app leipzig-helps-ukraine (production).
  • Check the latest activity. If the app is not running:
    • open the Deploy tab
    • select 'staging' in both automatic and manual deployment
    • deploy the branch.

Also check the logs (see below).


In the deployment tool select Overview then select the logging add-on.

Development notes

We document here how to set up and provide hints regarding the development of simple changes.

Basic setup for developers

Create a .env file with (at least) the following contents:

TOKEN={your API Token}
  • You may need to update your version of npm/node.
  • To compile and test the application, use the npm run build and npm run start (or make build and make run) commands. (See also local testing.)
  • For a fresh start, call make clean to delete all artefacts.

Develop new redirect command

To add a new redirect button, the following parts have to be changed:

And that's it! No need to add any code!

Develop new special command

To add a new special command (amongst /start, /help, /pin, etc.), the following parts have to be changed:

  • assets/config.yaml -> add a command.
  • assets/language.yaml -> if necessary add translations for new keyword.
  • src/parts/actions.js -> „ergänze“ universal_action to cater for new case.
    One can also if necessary follow the logic backwards from there (actions.js <- listeners.js <- app.js), and adjust things that happen 'higher up'.

Testing notes

Currently this is parcelled out into automatic tests, local testing, live testing.

Automatic testing


make tests


npm run test

to run the unit tests.

Live integration tests to be added. To use, the bot will have to be started before calling the above commands.

Local testing

Tickets should always be tested locally first.

Do this once:

  • Speak to @BotFather and create your own bot (just for you) if you have not already done so.
  • Ask @BotFather for the bot's API token, and add it to your .env file as follows
    ## this is my local bot's api token. I should not share this with anybody!
    TOKEN=01234567:ABCDefg_1289dU138 # <- this is just an example obvs!
  • Create a group just for you and @<name-of-local-test-bot>.
    Ensure you and @<name-of-local-test-bot> have admin status.
    The @<name-of-local-test-bot> only needs rights to delete messages.

To test:

  • Start the bot:
    make clean # <- optional
    make build # <- only needed if code or config or assets have changed
    make run
  • Enter the chat group and interact with the bot.

For more explicit logging, set

  debug: true
  full-censor-user: false # optional

in the config.yaml file and restart the bot.
With this option, logging takes place upon every message, instead of just relevant messages as per default.

Live tests

If the staging branch has been changed, the live test bot should be tested!

Do this once:

  • Create a group just for you and @<name-of-live-test-bot>.
  • Ensure you and @<name-of-live-test-bot> have admin status.
  • @<name-of-live-test-bot> only needs rights to delete messages

To test:

  • Enter the chat group and interact with the bot.