The language in the computer is a very simple assembly, that uses only ops and numbers. All ops are meant to fit on a single line (so no seperate CMP
and conditional-jumps, like in TASM.)
Things are in reverse-order (LSB first) so for example jump to line 0x00 if register 0x01 > register 0x02
would be JGT 00 02 01
JMP 0 0 <LINE>
; other stuff on fail
; other stuff on fail
; other stuff on fail
; other stuff on fail
we have a computer that has these memory-mapped registers:
0A - pin digit 1
0B - pin digit 2
0C - pin digit 3
0D - pin digit 4
0E - alarm
0F - flashing red light
10 - door-lock mechanism
11 - wait (in seconds)
Here is it's code:
; this sets up the comparison, so pin should be 1,2,3,4
00 SET 00 00 01 ; set register 0 to 1
01 SET 00 01 02 ; set register 1 to 2
02 SET 00 02 03 ; set register 2 to 3
03 SET 00 03 04 ; set register 3 to 4
04 SET 00 06 01 ; "truth" for comparison, in 06 register
; check pin
05 JNE 0D 0A 00 ; jump to 0D if pin1 (0A register) is not equal to register 00 (1)
06 JNE 0D 0B 01 ; jump to 0D if pin2 (0B register) is not equal to register 01 (2)
07 JNE 0D 0C 02 ; jump to 0D if pin3 (0C register) is not equal to register 02 (3)
08 JNE 0D 0D 03 ; jump to 0D if pin4 (0D register) is not equal to register 03 (4)
; this allows the security gaurd to enter correct pin to disable alarm
09 JEQ 10 0E 06 ; compare 0E & 06 registers, if equal (alarm is on) go turn it off by jumping to 10
0A SET 00 10 00 ; unlock the door
0B SET 00 11 14 ; wait for 20 seconds (0x14)
0C SET 00 10 01 ; lock the door
; error routine: other things jump here
0D SET 00 0E 01 ; sound alarm
0E SET 00 0F 01 ; flashing red light on
0F JMP 00 00 05 ; loop back to beginning so security-guard can enter correct code to disable alarm
; routine to allow security gaurd to turn off alarm & lock door
10 SET 00 0E 00 ; alarm off
11 SET 00 0F 00 ; flashing red light off
12 JMP 00 00 05 ; jump back to pin-routine
If you were hacking this, a solution might be to modify the "error" routine:
0D SET 00 0E 00 ; don't sound alarm
0E SET 00 0F 00 ; no flashing red light
0F JMP 00 00 0A ; loop back to unlock routine
This would allow you to enter any pin.
Another solution might be to look at the registers on the bottom of the screen:
01 02 03 04 00 01
That is the pin (which is also just in in the code, at the top, so you don't even need ot run this.)
Same thing could be done wiht less characters.
S - SET - set a register to a value
M - MOV - copy value in 1 register to another
+ - ADD - add 2 registers
- - SUB - subtract 1 register from another register
* - MUL - multiply 1 register with another register
/ - DIV - multiply 1 register with another register
J - JMP - jump to a line
= - JEQ - jump if 1 register equals another register
! - JNE - jump if 1 register does not equal another register
> - JGT - jump if 1 register is greater than another register
< - JLT - jump if 1 register is less than another register
Peripheral registers:
G - pin digit 1
H - pin digit 2
I - pin digit 3
J - pin digit 4
K - alarm
L - flashing red light
M - door-lock mechanism
N - wait (in seconds)
same code above would look like this:
S O 01
S P 02
S Q 03
S R 04
S T 01
! 0D O G
! 0D P H
! 0D Q I
! 0D R J
= 10 K T
S M 00
S N 14
S M 01
S K 01
S L 01
J 05
S K 00
S L 00
J 05
showing this help on each line:
SET O to 0x01
SET P to 0x02
SET Q to 0x03
SET R to 0x04
SET T to 0x01
if G != O JUMP to line 0x0D
if H != P JUMP to line 0x0D
if I != Q JUMP to line 0x0D
if J != R JUMP to line 0x0D
if T == K JUMP to line 0x10
SET M to 0x00
SET N to 0x14
SET M to 0x01
SET K to 0x01
SET L to 0x01
JUMP to line 0x05
SET K to 0x00
SET L to 0x00
JUMP to line 0x05
with registers/help, like this, at bottom:
SET O to 0x01
G:00 K:00 O:00 S:00 W:00
H:00 L:00 P:00 T:00 X:00
I:00 M:00 Q:00 U:00 Y:00
J:00 N:00 R:00 V:00 Z:00 0F (current line)