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Administration FAQ

How do I expose my Sourcegraph instance to a different host port when running locally?

Change the docker --publish argument to make it listen on the specific interface and port on your host machine. For example, docker run ... --publish ... would make it accessible on port 80 of your machine. For more information, see "Publish or expose port" in the Docker documentation.

The other option is to deploy and run Sourcegraph on a cloud provider. For an example, see documentation to deploy to Google Cloud.

How do I access the Sourcegraph database?

NOTE: To execute an SQL query against the database without first creating an interactive session (as below), append --command "SELECT * FROM users;" to the docker container exec command.

For single-node deployments (sourcegraph/server)

Get the Docker container ID for Sourcegraph:

docker ps
d039ec989761        sourcegraph/server:VERSION

Open a PostgreSQL interactive terminal:

docker container exec -it d039ec989761 psql -U postgres sourcegraph

Run your SQL query:

SELECT * FROM users;

For Kubernetes cluster deployments

Get the id of one pgsql Pod:

kubectl get pods -l app=pgsql
NAME                     READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pgsql-76a4bfcd64-rt4cn   2/2       Running   0          19m

Make sure you are operating under the correct namespace (i.e. add -n prod if your pod is under the prod namespace).

Open a PostgreSQL interactive terminal:

kubectl exec -it pgsql-76a4bfcd64-rt4cn -- psql -U sg

Run your SQL query:

SELECT * FROM users;

How does Sourcegraph store repositories on disk?

Sourcegraph stores bare Git repositories (without a working tree), which is a complete mirror of the repository on your code host.

If you are keen for more details on what bare Git repositories are, check out this discussion on StackOverflow.

The directories should contain just a few files and directories, namely: HEAD, config, description, hooks, info, objects, packed-refs, refs

Does Sourcegraph support svn?

For Subversion and other non-Git code hosts, the recommended way to make these accessible in Sourcegraph is through src-expose.

Alternatively, you can use git-svn or svg2git to convert Subversion repositories to Git repositories. Unlike src-expose, this will preserve commit history, but is generally much slower.

How do I access Sourcegraph if my authentication provider experiences an outage?

If you are using an external authentication provider and the provider experiences an outage, users will be unable to sign into Sourcegraph. A site administrator can configure an alternate sign-in method by modifying the auth.providers field in site configuration. However, the site administrator may themselves be unable to sign in. If this is the case, then a site administrator can update the configuration if they have direct docker exec or kubectl exec access to the Sourcegraph instance. Follow the instructions to update the site config if the web UI is inaccessible.

How do I set up redirect URLs in Sourcegraph?

Sometimes URLs in Sourcegraph may change. For example, if a code host configuration is updated to use a different repositoryPathPattern, this will change the repository URLs on Sourcegraph. Users may wish to preserve links to the old URLs, and this requires adding redirects.

We recommend configuring redirects in a reverse proxy. If you are running Sourcegraph as a single Docker image, you can deploy a reverse proxy such as Caddy or NGINX in front of it. Refer to the Caddy or NGINX documentation for URL rewrites.

If you are running Sourcegraph as a Kubernetes cluster, you have two additional options:

  1. If you are using NGINX ingress (kubectl get ingress | grep sourcegraph-frontend), modify sourcegraph-frontend.Ingress.yaml by adding a rewrite rule.
  2. If you are using the NGINX service, modify nginx.ConfigMap.yaml.

What external HTTP checks are configured?

We leave the choice of which external HTTP check monitor up to our users. What we provide out-of-the-box is extensive metrics monitoring through Prometheus and Grafana, with builtin alert thresholds and dashboards, and Kubernetes/Docker HTTP health checks which verify that the server is running. Sourcegraph's frontend has a default health check at https://$SOURCEGRAPH_BASE_URL/healthz. Some users choose to set up their own external HTTP health checker which tests if the homepage loads, a repository page loads, and if a search GraphQL request returns successfully.

Can I consume Sourcegraph's metrics in my own monitoring system (Datadog, New Relic, etc.)?

Sourcegraph provides high-level alerting metrics which you can integrate into your own monitoring system - see the alerting custom consumption guide for more details.

While it is technically possible to consume all of Sourcegraph's metrics in an external system, our recommendation is to utilize the builtin monitoring tools and configure Sourcegraph to send alerts to your own PagerDuty, Slack, email, etc.. Metrics and thresholds can change with each release, therefore manually defining the alerts required to monitor Sourcegraph's health is not recommended. Sourcegraph automatically updates the dashboards and alerts on each release to ensure the displayed information is up-to-date.

Other monitoring systems that support Prometheus scraping (for example, Datadog and New Relic) or Prometheus federation can be configured to federate Sourcegraph's high-level alerting metrics. For information on how to configure those systems, please check your provider's documentation.


Content moved to a dedicated troubleshooting page.