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  • $order(G)$: number of elements in the group G
  • Lagrange theorem:
    • Given a group $G$ and a subgroup $H$, then $order(H)|order(G)$
    • Outcomes: for any $a$ and $n=order(G)$, then $a^n=1$
  • Find the correct subgroup: possible orders: ${1, p_1, p_2,..}$


A field is a commutative ring in which all nonzero elements are invertible.

  • Identity

    • $0$: additive identity
      • $a + 0 = a$
    • $1$: Multiplicative identity
      • a * 1 = 1
    • Note: $0\neq 1$
  • $F^+$: additive group of $F$

  • $F^*$: multiplicative group of $F$

  • $order(F)$, order: number of elements in $F$

    • Isomorphic fields: $\phi : F \rightarrow F'$ if $order(F)=order(F')$
  • $char(F)$, characteristic: smallest positive integer $k$ such that: $\sum_\limits{k}1 = 0$

    • $char(F)= 0 \or p$
    • $char (F) = 0$: If no $k$ exist, contains $\mathbb{Q}$ (rational), $\mathbb{R}$ (real), $\mathbb{C}$ (complex).
    • $char(GF(p^n))=p$
    • $char(F)=p$, then order is a prime power $q=p^r$ and $F=\mathbb{F}{p}=\mathbb{F}{p^r}$


$f(x) = \sum^d_\limits{i=0}a_ix^i$ with $a_i\in F$

  • Indeterminate: symbol treated as a variable, does not designate a constant or a variable

    • Two polynomials in an indeterminate X $f(X)$ and $g(X)$ are equal if the coefficients are equal
    • Two polynomials in a variable x $f(x)$ and $g(x)$ may be equal depending on the value of $x$.
  • $F[x]$: ring of polynomials in the variable $x$ with coefficients in $F$ (like exprs above)

  • $deg(f(X))$, degree: max power of x

  • Monic: polynomial $f$ of degree $d$ with $a_d=1$ (e.g. $x^d+a_{d-1}x^{d-1}$+..)

  • Irreducible: if $f(x)$ can't be written as $f(x)=g(x)h(x)$ with $deg(g) < deg(f)$ and $deg(h)<deg(f)$

    • e.g. $x^2-2$ is irriducible over the integers (but not over the reals)
    • absolutely irreducible: $deg(f)=1$ (from Fundamental Theory of Algebra)
  • Root:

    • $\alpha \in F$ with $f(\alpha)=0$
    • $deg(f)=d$ has $d$ roots
  • Low-degree Polynomial: Polynomial where the degree $d << |F|$

  • Equality testing:

    • $|F| \geq n^2$
    • $a_i$, $b_i$ coefficients of Alice and Bob, s.t. $p(x) = \Sigma^n_{i=1} a_ix^i$
    • Reed-Solomon fingerprint: $p(r)$
    • Correctness:
      • $p(r) = q(r)$: if the two polynomials are equal, then Bob outputs equal with probability 1.
        • Proof: $a=b$, $p$ and $q$ are the same polynomial
      • $p(r)\neq q(r)$:
        • Let $p\neq q$ be univariate polynomials of degree at most $n$
        • $p$, $q$ agree on at most $n$ points
        • $\Pr_{r\in F}[p(r) = q(r)] = \frac{n}{|F|}$
  • Schwartz-Zippel Lemma:

    • Let $p\neq q$ be univariate polynomials of degree at most $d$, then:
      • $\Pr_{r\in F}[p(r)=q(r)] \leq \frac{d}{|F|}$
    • Let $p\neq q$ be an $l$-variate polynomials of total degree at most $d$, then:
      • $\Pr_{r\in F^l}[p(r)=q(r)] \leq \frac{d}{|F|}$
  • Multilinear polynomial: Given a $l$-variate polynomial $p : \mathbb{F}^l \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, it is multilinear if it has degree at most 1 in each of the input variables.

    • E.g. $p(x_1, x_2,..x_l) = a_1x_1 + \ldots + a_l x_l$
  • Extension polynomial: Given a function $f : {0, 1}^l \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, an extension of $f$ is an $l$-variate polynomial $g : \mathbb{F}^l \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ such that $g(x)=f(x)$ for all $x\in {0, 1}^l$

    • $f$ maps $l$-bits to a field to a field. If $f$ and $g$ agree on all the inputs $f$ is defined. $g$ is the extension polynomial. $g$ extends the domain to a much bigger set.
    • $g$ is an amplifying encoding of $f$ (recall Schwartz-Zippel, if extension disagrees on a single location, then they must disagreee everywhere)
  • Multilinear Extension (MLE): A multilinear extension of $W : {0, 1}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$ is a unique $l$-variate polynomial $\tilde{W} : \mathbb{F}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{F}$, such that $W(x) = \tilde{W}(x)$ on any ${0,1}^l$

    • multilinear means that polynomial has degree at most 1 in each variable $(1-x_1)(1-x_2)$ is multilinear, $x^2_1x_2$ is not.
    • Fact [VSBW13]: the verifier may have to verify low-degree extension, it's important to know it can be done quickly
      • Given as input all $2^l$ evaluations of $f:{0,1}^l\rightarrow F$, for any point $r\in F^l$, there is an $O(2^l)$-time algorithm for evaluating $\tilde{f}(r)$
        • With lagrange interpolation, it is $O(2^ll)$
        • If $f$ is structured, there might be an extension for which $g(r)$ can be evaluated faster than $O(n^2)$


Extension Fields

  • Quotient ring: $K = F[x] / f(x)$ ring of all polynomials with coefficients in $F$ subject to the relation $f(x )$
    • defining polynomial: $f(x)$ is an irreducible polynomial of degree $d$
      • The choice of the defining polynomial can make a huge difference in running time!
    • $K$ is the set of polynomials with coefficient less than $d$ (or with coefficient in $F$ subject to the relation $f(x)=0$)
  • $K$ is an extension field of $F$, $K/F$ is a field extensions
  • Field Extension example:
    • $K=\mathbb{Q}[x]/(x^2+1)$ if $F=\mathbb{Q}$ and $f(x)=x^2+1$,
    • Addition: $(ax+b )+ (cx+d)$
    • Multiplication $(ax+b)*(cx+d) = acx^2 + (ad+bc)x + bd$, using $x^2 = -1$ then $(ad+bc) x + (bc-ac)$
    • $K=\mathbb{Q}[x]/(x^2+1)=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-1})$: $\mathbb{Q}$ adjoin the $\sqrt{-1}$
  • $\mathbb{F}_{p^d} =\mathbb{F}_p[x]/f(x)$ are isomorphic for the same $p$ and different any $f(x)$ of degree $d$
    • Example:
      • $\mathbb{F}_{25} = \mathbb{F}_5[x]/(x^2-2) = \mathbb{F}_5(\sqrt{2})$
      • $\mathbb{F}_{25} = \mathbb{F}_5[y]/(y^2-3) = \mathbb{F}_5(\sqrt{3})$
      • $\mathbb{F}_{25} = \mathbb{F}_5[z]/(z^2+z+1)$
        • Isomorphisms given by $y=2x$ and $z=3x+2$
  • $\mathbb{F_{p^m}}\subset \mathbb{F_{p^n}}$ iff $m$ divides $n$
  • $\overline{\mathbb{F}}q$, algebraic closure: For a fixed $q=p^d$, the union of the finite fields $\mathbb{F}{q^r}$ for all positive $r$ is the algebraic closure of $\mathbb{F}_q$.
    • Any polynomial $f\in\mathbb{F}_q[x]$ has $deg(f)$ roots in $\overline{\mathbb{F}}_q$
  • Freshman's dream: $(x+y)^q = x^q+y^q$, for a field $F=\mathbb{F}_q$ of $char(F) = p$
  • $q$-power Frobenius map:
    • $\phi(x)=x^q$ is a ring homomorphism from $F$ to itself
    • $x\in\overline{\mathbb{F}}_q$ and $x\in \mathbb{F_q}$ $\iff $ $x^q=x$


  • Consider a single number as a polynomial $f(x) = 7 + 0x+…+x^d$
  • $Order(F)=p^m$, for prime $p$ and $m>1$, hence $char(F)=p$


Elliptic curves

  • General Weierstrass equation (affine equation):
    • $E: y^2+a_1x y + a_3y = x^3+ a_2 x^2+a_4x + a_6$
      • $a_1,\ldots,a_6\in\overline{K}$
      • $(x,y)\in\overline{K}$
      • $\mathcal{O}$, point at infinity
  • Singular curve/Non singular or smooth:
    • Exists a point $P=(x_P, y_P)$ on $f$ where both partial derivatives $\frac{d\ f}{d\ x}$ and $\frac{d\ f}{d\ y}$ vanish simultaneously at point P (singular point)
    • Singularity occures only if $4a^3+27b^2\neq0$ in $K$
  • $E/K$, "elliptic curve defined over K" if $a_1,\ldots, a_6 \in K$
  • $E(K)$, set of points over $K$
    • $E(K) = \big{ (x,y)\in \mathbb{A}^2(K) : y^2 = x^3+ax+b \big}$
  • $E=E(\overline{K})$
  • $P=(x_P,y_P)\in E(K)$
  • $[n]P =P + P \cdots + P $
  • Short Weierstrass equation (affine)
    • $E:y^2=x^3 + ax+b$
      • Assume that $char(K)\neq 2,3$
        • substitute $y\mapsto(y-a_1x-a_3)/2$
        • substitute $(x,y)\mapsto \big( \frac{x-3b_2}{36}, \frac{y}{108}\big)$
    • $(x,y)\in E$, then $(x, -y) \in E$
      • every two points come in pairs except $(x, 0)$ and $\mathcal{O}$
  • Example 1: Elliptic curve over a field
    • $E/\mathbb{Q} : y^2=x^3-2$ is an elliptic curve
    • $E(\mathbb{Q}) = \big{ (x,y) \in \mathbb{A}^2(\mathbb{Q}) : y^2=x^3-2) \big}\cup\big{\mathcal{O}\big}$
  • Example 2: Elliptic curve over extension fields
    • $E/\mathbb{F_{11}} : y^2 = x^3 + 4x + 3$
    • $E(\mathbb{F}_{11})$ has $11$ points:
      • $\mathcal{O}, (0, y=\sqrt3=5 ), (0, y=-\sqrt3=6),..$
      • If $\mathbb{F}{11^2} = \mathbb{F}{11}[x]/(x^2+1) = \mathbb{F}_{11}(\sqrt{-1})$
        • $#E(\mathbb{F_{11^2}) = 140}$
          • New points: $(2, 6i)$,..
            • $y^2 = x^3+4x+3$
            • $y = \sqrt{8} = 6i$
  • $#E(\mathbb{F_q}) |#E(\mathbb{F_{q^r}})$ since $E(\mathbb{F}_q)$ is a subgroup of $E(\mathbb{F}_q)$
  • Getting a point of order $r|#E(\mathbb{F}_p)$
    • Get a point $P$ and multiply it by the appropriate co-factor $h = #E / r$
  • $r$-torsion:
    • If $order(P) = r$, then $[r]P=\mathcal{O}$
    • $\forall P, [r]P=\mathcal{O}$ then $P\in$ $r$-torsion, $P\in E(\mathbb{\overline{F}_q})$
    • There are $r$ points in $E(\mathbb{{F}_q})$, but many more in $E(\mathbb{\overline{F}_q})$
  • Counting points:
    • Hasse bound: $|#E(\mathbb{F}_q) - (q+1)| \leq t=2 \sqrt{q}$
      • Group order lies in the interval between $[q+1-t, q+1+t]$
    • Trace of Frobenius: $t$ (the difference between $#E$ and $(q+1)$)
    • Deuring: When $q$ is prime, then every value $N\in $ $[q+1-t, q+1+t]$ can be found as a group order of $#E(\mathbb{F}_q)$ for some $E$.
      • Example: $q=23$, then hesse interval is $[15,33]$, meaning that there are 19 different group orders taken by elliptic curves over $\mathbb{F_{23}}$
    • Schoof: algorithm that made counting points polynomial time (hence practical ECC)
    • $#E\approx q$ argument:
      • Approximately half of the values $x\in[0,\ldots,q-1]$ will give a quadratic residue $x^3+ax+b\in \text{QR}(q)$ which will give rise to two points $(x, \pm\sqrt{x^3+ax+b})\in E(\mathbb{F}_q)$
      • TODO
  • Frobenius endomorphism $\pi$ for $E$:
    • $\pi : E \rightarrow E, (x, y) \mapsto (x^q,y^q)$
    • Note: $\pi$ maps any point $E(\mathbb{F}_q)$ to $E(\mathbb{F}_q)$, but the set of points fixed by $\pi$ is exactly the group $E(\mathbb{F}_q)$
    • Example:
      • $q=67$
      • $E/\mathbb{F}_q : y^2=x^3+4x+3$
        • $P_1=(15, 50)$
        • $\pi_q(P_1) = (15^q, 50^q)=(15, 50)=P_1$
      • $\mathbb{F}_{q^2}(u), u^2+1=0$
        • $P_2= (2u+16, 30u+39)\in E(\mathbb{F}_{q^2})$
        • $\pi_q(P_2) = ((2u+16)^q, (30u+39)^q) = (65u+16, 37u+39)$
        • $\pi^2_q(P_2)=P_2$
      • $\mathbb{F}_{q^3}(v), v^3+2=0$
        • $P_3 = (15v^2+4v+8, 44v^2+30v+21)\in E(\mathbb{F}_{q^3}$
        • $\pi_q(P_3)= (33v^2+14v+8, 3v^2+38v_21)$
        • $\pi^2_q(P_3)= (19v^2+49v+8, 20v^2+66v_21)$
        • $\pi^3_q(P_3) = P_3$
    • $\mathbb{P}^2_K$ Projective Space over field $K$
    • $\big{(x, y, z) \in K^3\big} $
  • Division polynomials: polynomials whose roots reveal torsion points
    • For odd $l$, the $l$-th division polynomial $\psi_l(x)$ on $E$ solves to give the $x$-coordinates of the points of order $l$.
    • division polynomials
    • Example: $E/\mathbb{F}{101}: y^2 = x^3+x+ 1$ , $#E(\mathbb{F}{101}) = 105=3\cdot 5 \cdot 7$
      • $r=2$: the $x$-coordinate of the points of order 2 are found as the roots of $\psi_2(x)=4x^3+4x+4$
        • $\psi_2(x)$ is irreducible in $F_q[x]$, this means no 2-torsion points in $E(F_q)$
      • $r=3$: $\psi_3(x)=(x+73)(x+84)(x^2+45x+36)$
        • Two solutions $x=17$, $x=28$ over $\mathbb{F}_{101}$
        • This does not mean both solutions are in $\mathbb{F}_{101}$
          • $x=17$ gives $x^3+x+1\not\in\text{QR(q)}$
          • so these points will be defined over $\mathbb{F}_{101^2}$

Projective Space

  • Instead of working with points in 2-space, we work with lines that pass from the origin in 3-space.
    • A point $(x, y) \in \mathbb{A}^2(K)$ ix now a line of all points of the form $(\lambda x, \lambda y, \lambda) \in \mathbb{P}^2(K)$, where $\lambda \in \overline{K}^*$
    • $\mathbb{P}^2$ is $\mathbb{A}^3 \setminus {(0,0,0)}$ with the following congruence condition: $(x_1, y_1, z_1)\sim (x_2, y_2, z_2)$ if there exist a $\lambda \in \overline{K}^*$ such that $(x_1, y_1, z_1)= (\lambda x_2, \lambda y_2, \lambda z_2)$
  • $(X:Y:Z)$ representative of the congruence class in projective coordinates of all points on the lines that corresponds to the affine point $(x, y)\in \mathbb{A}^2$.
    • $(x, y) \mapsto (x:y:1)$
    • $\mathcal{O} \mapsto (0:1:0)$
    • $(X:Y:Z) \mapsto (X/Z, Y/Z)$ (For any $(X:Y:Z)\neq \mathcal{O}$
    • Note: this is a trivial mapping, there are many other mappings
  • Homogenizing $E$:
    • $(X, Y, Z)\in \mathbb{A}^3$, homogenous coordinates
    • Simple homogenization: substitute $x=X/Z$ and $y=Y/Z$
      • Multiply by $Z^3$ to clear denominators
      • $E_\mathbb{P} : Y^2Z = X^3+aXZ^2 + bZ^3$
    • $x=X/Z$, $y=Y/Z^2$ , then $E_\mathbb{P} : Y^2 = X^Z + aXZ^3 + bZ^4$ and $\mathcal{O} = (1 : 0 : 0)$
    • Jacobian coordinates: $x=X/Z^2$, $y=Y/Z^2$, then $Y^2 = X^3 + aXZ^4 + bZ^6$, setting $Z=0$, then $\mathcal{O} = (\lambda^2 : \lambda^3 : 0)$
  • Projective closure of $E$: set of points $(X,Y,Z) \in \overline{K}$
    • Finally $(0, \lambda, 0)$ is in the projective closure of $E$, these points can't be mapped into $\mathbb{A}^2$.

Group Law

  • Affine
    • Addition, $2M + S + I$:
      • $(x_P, y_P) \mathbin{\oplus} (x_Q, y_Q) = (- \lambda^2 - x_P - x_Q, -(\lambda x_R + v))$
      • $\lambda = \frac{y_Q - y_P}{x_Q - x_P}$
      • $v= y_P - \lambda x_P$
    • Doubling, $2M + 2S + I$:
      • $[2](x_P, y_P) = (\lambda^2 - 2x_P, -(\lambda x_R + v))$
      • $\lambda = (3x^2_P + a)/(2y_P)$
      • $v = y_P - \lambda x_P$
    • Edge cases:
      • If $P=\mathcal{O}$, return $Q$ (equivalent the reverse)
      • if $P = -Q$ (check if $x_P=x_Q$ and $y_P=-y_Q$)
  • Projective (using $x=X/Z$, $y=Y/Z$)
    • Addition, 12M + 2S
    • Doubling, 12M + 2S
    • Note $I >> 20M$

Chord and Tangent

  • $R = P + Q$
    • Bezout theorem: a line cross a cubic in 3 points
    • Make a line $l : y = \lambda x + v$ between two points $P=(x_P, x_P)$ and $Q=(x_Q, x_Q)$
    • Substitute $l$ in $E$ will give a cubic in $x$
    • This gives 3 roots of which one is $P$, one is $Q$ and one is $-R$
    • Flip $-R$ over the curve to find $R$
  • $R = P + P$
    • $l$ is the tanget to $E$ at point $P$
    • $l$ Intersects twice P
  • Identity $\mathcal{O}$ (intuition): simultaneously sits infinitely high and infinitely low in the $y$ axis.
  • $R + (-R)$
    • $l$ Intersects twice the point at infinity $\mathcal{O}$


  • $[m] : E \leftarrow E$, multiplication by m
  • $P \mapsto [m]P$
  • Double and add algorithm
    • Complexity: $log_2(m)$ doublings and $~log_2(m)$ additions (on random $m$)
    • Algorithm:
      • Convert $m$ into binary $(m_{n-1},\ldots, m_0)_2$
      • Set $T\leftarrow P$
      • Starting from second most significant bit $m_{n-2}$ compute until $m_0$:
        • Compute $T \leftarrow [2]T$
        • if $m_i=1$: Compute $T\leftarrow T+P$

Group Law with affine formulas derivation

  • General Case: R = P +Q
    • Find $l : y = \lambda x + v$
      • $\lambda = \frac{y_Q - y_P}{x_Q - x_P}$
      • $v = y_P - \lambda x_P = y_Q - \lambda x_Q = \frac{y_Qx_P-y_Px_Q}{x_P - x_Q}$
    • Substitute $l$ into $E$:
      • $(x-x_P)(x-x_Q)(x-x_R) = (x^3 + ax + b) - y^2$
      • RHS
        • $(x^3 + ax + b) - (\lambda x + v)^2$
        • $x^3 - \lambda^2x^2 + (a-2\lambda v)x + b - v^2$
      • LHS
        • $(x-x_P)(x-x_Q)(x-x_R)$
        • $(x^2 - (x_P + x_Q)x + x_Px_Q)(x - x_R)$
        • $x^3 - (x_P + x_Q + x_R)x^2 + (x_Px_Q + x_Px_R + x_Qx_R)x - x_Px_Qx_R$
    • Find $x_R$
      • Looking at $x^2$ coefficients
      • $(x_P + x_Q + x_R) = -\lambda^2$
      • $x_R = - \lambda^2 - x_P - x_Q$
    • Find $y_R$
      • using $l$ (rember we want to substitute with $-y_R$)
      • $y_R = -(\lambda x_R + v)$
  • General Case: $2P = P+P$
    • Remember $l$ is the tangent at point $P$!
    • We differentiate the curve equation:
      • $\frac{d}{dx}(y^2) = \frac{d}{dx}(x^3 + ax + b)$
      • $\frac{d}{dx}(y^2) = 3x^2 + a$ (right side)
      • $\frac{d}{dy}(y^2)\frac{dy}{dx} = 3x^2 + a$ (left side)
      • $2y\frac{dy}{dx} = 3x^2 + a$
      • $\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{3x^2 + a}{2y}$
    • Find $l$
      • $\lambda = \frac{dy}{dx}(P) = (3x^2_P + a)/(2y_P)$
      • $v = y_P - \lambda x_P$
    • Substitute $l$ into $E$:
      • $(x - x_P)(x - x_P)(x - x_R) = (x^3+ax + b) - y^2$
      • ...
      • $x_R = \lambda^2 - 2x_P$
      • $y_R = -(\lambda x_R + v)$
  • Exceptions:
    • One of the points is 0: trivial!
    • P is the inverse of Q (P+Q=0)
    • How to handle:
      • if $Q$ or $P = \mathcal{O}$, then skip operation
      • If $x_P = x_Q$
        • Case 1: $y_P = -y_Q$ (includes $y_P=y_Q=0$), then $P+Q=\mathcal{O}$,
        • Case 2: $y_P = y_Q \neq 0$, then $P=Q$, then do $2P$
    • Unsafe operation mode:
      • Groups are so large that running into a special case (not adding or doubling) randomly is negligible
        • (chances of having either $P$ or $Q$ to be $\mathcal{O}$) or $P=-Q$

EC for Cryptography

  • ECDLP:
    • Given $Q$, find $k$, such that $[k]P=Q$
  • Security of EC for Crypto: We want $#E(\mathbb{F_q})$ to be a large prime, or a factor of a large prime, since the attacker power is dependent on the size of the largest prime subgroup.
    • $E/\mathbb{F}_{1021} : y^2 = x^3 + 905x + 100 $
    • $#E(\mathbb{F}_q) = 966 = 2 \cdot 3 \cdot 7 \cdot 23$
    • Generator $P = (1006,416)$
    • Given $Q=(612,827)$ find $k$ such that $[k]P = Q$
    • Attack:
      • try every multiple $[i]P$ of $P$ until $i=k$
    • Better attack:
      • Instead of looking for i in $2\leq i \leq 965$, map the instance into each prime order subgroup:
        • Multiply $P$ by appropriate co-factor and solve for $k_j \equiv k \mod j$, $j\in{2,3,7,23}$
          • $j=2$:
            • $P_j=P_2 = [h=#E(\mathbb{F}_q)/2]=[966/2]P = [483](1006, 416) = (174,0)$
            • $Q_j=Q_2=[966/2]Q = [483](612, 827)=(174,0)$
            • so $Q_2 = [k_2]P_2$ gives $k_2 = 1$
          • $j=3$
            • $P_3 = [966/3]P = (147, 933)$
            • so $Q_3=[k_3]P_3 = \mathcal{O}$, gives $k_3=3$
          • $j=7$
            • $P_7=[966/7]P=(906,201)$
            • $Q_7 = [966/7]Q = (906,201)$
            • so $Q_7=[k_7]P_3$, gives $k_7=1$
          • $j=23$
            • $P_{23} = [966/23]P =(890, 665)$
            • $Q_23 = [966/23]Q=(68,281)$
            • Exhaust $k_{23}\in{1,\ldots,22}$ to find $k_{23}=20$
        • Use Chinese Reminder Theroem to solve:
          • $k\equiv k_2 = 1 \mod 2;$
          • $k\equiv k_3 = 0 \mod 3;$
          • $k\equiv k_7 = 1 \mod 7;$
          • $k\equiv k_23 = 20 \mod 23;$
          • this results to $k\equiv 687 \mod #E$

Arithmetic circuits

  • Arithmetic circuit: addition and multiplication gates over a finite field $\mathbb{F}$
  • AC evaluation problem: Given a $\mathcal{C}$ of depth $d$ and input $x$, evaluate $\mathcal{C}$ on $x$


  • Valiant Lemma: For any DAG $G$ with $m$ edges and $d$ depth, there is a set $S$ of $m/\log d$ edges s.t. deleting them we obtain a graph of depth at most $d/2$
    • Extension: $\mathsf{depth}(G) \leq d = 2^i$, there is a set of $m/i$ edges s.t. deleting them depth is at most $d/2$.
    • Attack:
      • Partition the edges into sets $E_1\ldots E_n$

Probabilistically Checkable Proofs

  • Deterministic verifier has to read an entire proof

  • Randomized verifier can only read parts of the proof

PCP Theorem [BFLS91, FCLSS91, AS92, ALMSS92]

  • For every problem in NP, there exist a randomized verifier that
    • at most $O(log(n))$ random coins
    • O(1) queries
  • Completeness: $T$ is true, $\Pr[Ver^{\pi}(T) = acc] =1$
  • Soundness: $T$ is fales, $\Pr[Ver^{\pi}(T) = acc] =1/10$
  • $NP \subseteq PCP_{1/2}[O(log(n), O(1))]$

PCP Challenges:

  • Proof is not too long
  • Prover overhead in writing the proof
  • Verifier running time

Proof transformations:

  • Locality of Error:
    • Every false proof must have some local error (NP-completeness gives us this)
  • Abundance of local errors

Algebraic PCP

  • Given a system of $m$ quadratic equations of the form $\Sigma {a_{ij}x_ix_j} = b$, is there a boolean setting for the variable $x_i$ which simultaneously satisfy the system?

    • In NP, the witness would be the satisfying $x$
    • In PCP, proof is an encoding of $x$ which would allow for efficient verification
  • Input: (operations over GF(2))

    • $<a^{(1)}, x> = b_1$

    • $<a^{(2)}, x> = b_2$

    • $<a^{(b)}, x> = bn$

    • where $a^{(i)}\in{0,1}^n$, $x\in{0,1}^n$, $b_i\in{0,1}^n$, $<a, x> = \Sigma a_ix_i$

    • Is it simultaneous satisfiable?

      • In NP, one would give x
      • In PCP, we get an n-bit string and generate an $2^n$-bit string using $Had(x)$
        • $Had(x)$ can be checked efficiently

Hadamard Encoding:

  • Simple Linearity Testing:

    • Assume oracle acces to a function $f: {0,1}\rightarrow{0,1}$
    • If for every $x, y \in {0,1}^n$, $f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y)$
    • Then $f$ is linear
    • Note: this test requires $O(2^{2^n})$ to $f$
    • Can we do it in constant number of times? Yes!
  • Constant-time Linearity Testing (Blum-Luby-Rubinfeld):

    • Closeness:
      • Let $\delta \in [0,1]$, $f, g: {0,1}^n\rightarrow {0,1}$
      • They are $\delta$-close if they $\Pr_{x\in_RR {0,1}^n}[f(x) = g(x)]\geq \delta$
      • So: $f$ is $\delta$-close to a linear function, if there is a linear function $g$ such that $g$ and $f$ are $\delta$-close
    • Closeness theorem:
      • Let $f: {0,1}^n \rightarrow {0,1}$ such that for some $\delta> \frac{1}{2}$
      • $\Pr_{x,y\in_R{0,1}^n}[f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y)] \geq \delta$
      • Then $f$ is $\delta$-close to a linear function
    • Randomized Linear Testing:
      • Pick $x, y$ at random and test $f(x+y)= f(x)+ f(y)$
      • $\Pr[Test(f) \text{ fails}] \geq \frac{1}{2}$ (hence $f$ is not $p$-close to linear)
  • $Had: {0, 1}^n\rightarrow{0,1}^{2^n}$

    • $x\rightarrow {<x, y>}_{y \in {0,1}^n}$
    • $\ell_x:{0,1}^n \rightarrow {0,1}$ (set of all linear function on input x)
    • $y\rightarrow <x,y> = \Sigma x_i, y_i \mod 2$
    • Observe: $\forall y,z \in{0,1}^n, \ell_x(z) = \ell_x(y+z)$
  • Self-correction property:

    • Let $f: {0,1}^n \rightarrow{0,1}$, $f$ is $\delta$-close to $\ell_x$ for some $x$:
      • $\Pr_y[f(y) \neq l_x(y)]\leq \delta$
      • Candidate: $\Pr_{y\in {0,1}^n}[\ell_x(z) = f(y+z) - f(y)]$

Interactive Proofs

Freivalds's protocol for verifying matrix products (variant):

  • Inputs: $A, B \in F^{n \times n}$
  • Goal: compute $A\times B$
    • Fastest known algorithm: $n^{2.37}$
    • Can a prover convince a verifier such that the verifier takes $O(n^2)$
  • Protocol:
    • $V$ picks $r\in_R F$ and lets ${\bf x} = (r, r^2, ..., r^n)$ (in Freivalds original protocol ${\bf x}$ is random)
    • $V$ computes $C * {\bf x}$ and $(AB)\times \mathbf{x}$
  • Runtime> 3 matrix vector products which takes $O(n^2)$
    • $C * {\bf x}$ (1 prod)
    • $AB * {\bf x} = (A * (B * {\bf x}))$ (2 prods)
  • Correctness:
    • If $C=A*B$, $V$ accepts with probability 1
    • If $C\neq A * B$, $V$ rejects with probability at least
      • $1 - \frac{n}{|F|} \geq 1 - 1/n$
        • $(C * {\bf x})i = \Sigma^n{j=1} C_{ij}r^j$ (the Reed-Solomon fingerprint at $r$ of the $i$-th row of $C$)
          • Recall ${\bf x} = (r, r^2, ..., r^n)$
        • Similarly for $(AB * {\bf x})$
      • Even if one row in $C$ does not equal the corresponding row of $AB$, the fingerprint will differ with probability at least $1-\frac{1}{n}$

Sum-Check Protocol [LFKN90]

  • Input: $V$ given oracle access to an $l$-variate polynomial $g$ over field $F$

  • Goal: Compute quantity

    • $\Sigma_{b_1 \in {0,1}}\Sigma_{b_2 \in {0,1}}..\Sigma_{b_l \in {0,1}} g(b_1,..,b_l)$
  • Protocol:

    • Start: $P$ prover sents $C_1$
    • Round 1: $P$ sends univariate polynomial $s_1(X_1)$
      • $H_1(X_1) = \Sigma_{b_2 \in {0,1}}..\Sigma_{b_l \in {0,1}} g(X_1,..,b_l)$
      • $V$ checks: $C_1 = s_1(0) + s_1(1)$
        • If check passes, $V$ can believe that $C_1$ is the correct answer so long as $s_1 = H_1$. How can the verifier convince herself that they are the same polynomial?
      • $V$ checks: $H_1(r_1) = s_1(r_1)$ (recursively)
        • $V$ picks $r_1$ at random from $F$ and sends it to $P$
          • $H_1(X_1) = \Sigma_{b_2 \in {0,1}}..\Sigma_{b_l \in {0,1}} g(r_1,..,b_l)$
    • Round $l$ (final round): $P$ sends $s_l(X_l)$ claimed to be equal to:
      • $H_l := g(r_1,..., r_{l-1})$
      • $V$ checks that $s_{l-1} = s_l(0) + s_l(1)$
      • $V$ picks random $r_l$ at random and needs to check that $s_l(r_l) = g(r_1, ..., r_l)$
  • Completeness: holds by design. If $P$ sends messages, then all checks from $V$ will pass.

  • Soundness: If $P$ does not send the prescribed messages (e.g. true answer at the start), $V$ rejects with high probability. ($1 = \frac{l*d}{|F|}$, where $d$ is the maximum degree of $g$).

    • Proof by induction on the number of variables $l$:
      • Base case: $l=1$
        • $P$ sends a single message $s_1(X_1)$ which is claimed to be $g(X_1)$
        • $V$ picks $r_1$ at random, checks that $s_1(r_1) = g(r_1)$
        • If $s_1 \neq g$, then $\Pr_{r_1 \in F}[s_1(r_1) = g(r_1)] \leq \frac{d}{|F|}$
      • Inductive case: $l \gt 1$
        • $P$ first message $s_1(X_1)$ is claimed to equal
          • $H_1(X_1) = \Sigma_{b_2 \in {0,1}}..\Sigma_{b_l \in {0,1}} g(X_1,..,b_l)$
          • If $s_1 \neq H_1$, then $\Pr_{r_1 \in F}[s_1(r_1) = H_1(r_1)] \leq \frac{d}{|F|}$
          • So $s_1(r_1) \neq H_1(r_1)$, then $P$ must prove a false claim in the recursive call.
        • The recursive call applies sum-check to $g(r_1, X_2,...,X_l)$ which is an $l-1$-variate polynomial.
        • By induction $P$ fails to convince $V$ in the recursive call with probability at least $1- \frac{d (l-1)}{|F|}$
      • Summary: If $s_1\neq H_1$, $V$ accepts with probability:
        • $\Pr_{r_1 \in F}[s_1(r_1) = H_1(r_1)] + \Pr_{r_2,..r_l \in F}[V\text{ accepts} | s_1(r_1)\neq H(r_1)] \leq \frac{d}{|F|} + \frac{d(l-1)}{|F|} \leq \frac{dl}{|F|}$
  • Costs:

    • Comm complexity: $O(dl)$ $F$ elements
      • $P$ sends $l$ messages, each a univariate polynomial of degree at most $d$
      • $V$ sends $l-1$ messages each consisting of 1 $F$
    • Runtime
      • Verifier: $O(dl + \text{time required to eval g at one point})$
      • Prover: $O(d * 2^l * \text{time required to evaluate g at one point})$
        • $2^l$ number of evaluations of g
        • $d$.. (TODO)

Proof of Space

  • $(n, \alpha, \beta, d)$-Depth-Robust

    • $(n, \alpha, \beta, d)$-depth-robust is a graph of size $n$ degree $d$ which every subgraph of size $\alpha n$, there is a path o f length at least $\beta n$.
  • $(n, \alpha, \beta)$-Expander Graph:

    • Let $\mathcal{G}$ be an undirected graph on a vertex set $V$ of size $n\in \mathbb{N}$
    • for any subset $S\subseteq V$, define $\Gamma(S) = V \setminus S$ that have an edge to some vertex in $S$
      • $\Gamma(S)$: the nodes that are not in $S$ but that have an edge to $S$
    • For any constant $0< \alpha < \beta < 1$:
      • IFF $\mathcal{G}$ is an $(n, \alpha, \beta)$-expander graph
      • IFF $|\Gamma(S) \cup S| \geq \beta n$ and $|S|\geq \alpha n$
  • $(1+\delta)$- Expanding:

    • A graph $\mathcal{G}$ is $(1+\delta)$- expanding if $|\Gamma(S) \cup S| \geq (1+\delta) |S|$
  • Chung's construction yields an $(n, \alpha, \beta)$ bipartite expander $(0 < \alpha < \beta < 1)$ for sufficiently large $n$ with overwhelming, probability if:

    • $d > \frac{H_b(\alpha) + H_b(\beta)}{H_b(\alpha) - \beta H_b(\frac{\alpha}{\beta})}$
      • where $H_b(\alpha) = -\alpha log_2 \alpha - (1-\alpha)log_2(1-\alpha)$
    • Proof:
      • A bad permutation is a permutation that does not yield an expander
      • $\Pr(\Pi\text{ is bad}) = \frac{(C[n, \alpha n] C[n, \beta n]) (C[d\beta n, d \alpha n](d \alpha n)!)(d-d\alpha n)!}{(dn)!}$
        • Total number of permutations $\Pi$: $dn!$ permutations
        • Combinations of sources $U$ and sinks $V$: $C[n, \alpha n]C[n, \beta n]$
          • it connects a subset $U$, $|U|=\alpha n$ sinks to a subset $V$, $|V|=\beta n$ sources
        • Ways to connect $U$ and $V$: $C[d \beta n, d \alpha n](d\alpha n)!$
        • Ways to connect the rest of edges not incident on $U$: $(dn-d\alpha n)!$
        • simplifies to $\Pr(\Pi\text{ is bad}) = C[n, \alpha n] C[n, \beta n] C[d\beta n, d \alpha n]/C[dn, d\alpha n]$
      • Using Robbins' inequality for Stirling approximation:
        • $\sqrt{2\pi n}(n/e)e^\frac{1}{12n+1} < n! < \sqrt{2\pi n}(n/e)^n e^\frac{1}{12n}$
        • we have $log_2(C[n, \alpha n])=nH_b(\alpha) - \frac{1}{2}log_2n + o(1)$
        • $log_2\Pr(\Pi\text{ is bad}) = n[H_b(\alpha)+H_b(\beta)+ d\beta H_b(\alpha/\beta) - dH_b(\alpha)] - log_2n + o(1)$
          • if the bound on $d$ holds, then $\Pr(\Pi\text{ is bad})$ decreases exponentially as $n$ increases.
  • Red-black pebbling game:

    • red pebbles: incorrect labels during Initialization
    • black pebbles: labels stored in advice S
    • $\mathsf{Red-Black-Pebbles}^{\mathcal{A}}(\mathcal{G}, V_C, \mathsf{Chal}, t)$:
      1. $\mathcal{A}$ outputs $R\subseteq[N]$ (red pebbles indices) and $S\subseteq [N]$ (of black pebble indices).
      2. Challenger samples:
        1. $c_1,..,c_\lambda \leftarrow_R \mathsf{Chal}(n)$. If $c_i\in R$ for some $i$, $\mathcal{A}$ fails immediately.
        2. $v_1,..,v_k$ uniformly at random from indices in $V_C(n)$
      3. $\mathcal{A}$ Plays the random (black) pebbling game on $\mathcal{G}(n)$:
        1. challenges $v_1,..,v_k$
        2. initial pebble configuration $P_0 = R \cup S$
        3. runs for $t$ parallel rounds
        4. outputs final configuration $P_t$
        5. $\mathcal{A}$ wins if $P_t$ contains pebbles on all of $v_1,..., v_k$
  • Graph Labeling PoS:

    • A graph labeling PoS with $\mathcal{G}(b)$ , $V_C(n)$, $\mathsf{Chal}(n)$ and a cost function $c(n)$ is $(s, c(n) \cdot t, \mu)$-parallel-sound iff the probability that $\mathcal{A}$ wins the $\mathsf{Red-Black-Pebbles}^\mathcal{A}(\mathcal{G}, V_C, \mathsf{Chal}, t)$ is bounded by $\mu$ where $|S| = s$.
  • Stacked Bipartite Expanders:

    • $G_{(n, k, \alpha, \beta)}$:
      • stacking $(n, \alpha, \beta)$ bipartite expanders,
      • n(k+1) vertices partitioned into $k+1$ sets each of size $n$, $V= {V_0,.. V_k}$
      • all edges go from $V_{i-1}$ to $V_i$ for some $i$ from $1$ to $k$.
      • has n sources and n sinks with maximum in-degree as the bipartite expander.
    • pebblling each expander resylts in a sequence $\bold{P}$ that pebbles $G$ using $S(\bold{P})=2n$ space in $T(\bold{P})= n(k+1)$ moves.
  • Paul and Tarjan: If $\bold{P}$ pebbles any subset of $2\alpha n$ sinks of $G_{n, k, \alpha, \beta}$ starting with $|P_0| \leq \alpha n$ and using $S(P) \leq \alpha n$ space, then $T(\bold{P})\geq (\frac{\beta}{2\alpha})^k$