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File metadata and controls

325 lines (223 loc) · 7.33 KB

Flow Control: a programmer's text editor

Terminal configuration

Most terminals have default keybindings that conflict with common editor commands. I highly recommend rebinding them to keys that are not generally used anywhere else.

For Kitty rebinding kitty_mod by adding this line to your kitty.conf is usually enough:

kitty_mod ctrl+alt

For other editors you will probably have to disable or rebind them each individually.


Press Ctrl-f to search this help file. Type a search term and press Ctrl-n/Ctrl-p or F3/Shift-F3 to jump through the matches. Press Enter to exit find mode at the current match or Escape to return to your starting point.

Input Modes

Flow Control supports multiple input modes that may be changed interactively at runtime. The current input mode (and some other settings) is persisted in the configuration file automatically.

  • F2 => Cycle major input modes (flow, vim, ...)

The current input mode is displayed in the at the left side of the statusbar.

Flow mode

The default input mode, called just flow, is based on common GUI programming editors. It most closely resembles Visual Studio Code, but also takes some inspiration from Emacs and others. This mode focuses on powerful multi cursor support with a find -> select -> modify cycle style of editing.

Navigation Commands

  • Up, Down, Left, Right => Move the cursor

  • Home, End => Move to the beginning/end of the line

  • PageUp, PageDown => Move up/down one screen

  • Ctrl-Left, Ctrl-Right, Alt-b, Alt-f => Move the cursor word wise

  • Ctrl-Home, Ctrl-End => Move to the beginning/end of the file

  • Alt-Left, Alt-Right, MouseBack, MouseForward => Jump to previous/next location in the location history

  • Ctrl-f => Enter find mode

  • Ctrl-g => Enter goto line mode

  • Ctrl-t, Ctrl-b => Enter move to next/previous character mode

  • Ctrl-n, Ctrl-p, F3, Shift-F3 => Goto next/previous match

  • Ctrl-l => Scroll cursor to center of screen. Press again to cycle the cursor to the top/bottom/center of the screen

  • MouseLeft => Clear all cursors and selections and the place cursor at the mouse pointer

  • MouseWheel => Scroll

  • Ctrl-MouseWheel => Fast scroll

Selection Commands

  • Shift-Left, Shift-Right => Add next character to selection

  • Ctrl-Shift-Left, Ctrl-Shift-Right => Add next word to selection

  • Shift-Up, Shift-Down => Add next line to selection

  • Ctrl-Shift-Up, Ctrl-Shift-Down => Add next line to selection and scroll

  • Shift-Home, Shift-End => Add begging/end of line to selection

  • Ctrl-Shift-Home, Ctrl-Shift-End => Add begging/end of file to selection

  • Shift-PageUp, Shift-PageDown => Add next screen to selection

  • Ctrl-a => Select entire file

  • Ctrl-d => Select word under cursor, or add cursor at next match (see Multi Cursor Commands)

  • Ctrl-Shift-Space => Reverse selection direction

  • Double-MouseLeft => Select word at mouse pointer

  • Triple-MouseLeft => Select line at mouse pointer

  • Drag-MouseLeft => Extend selection to mouse pointer

  • MouseRight => Extend selection to mouse pointer

Multi Cursor Commands

  • Ctrl-d => Add cursor at next match (either find match, or auto match)

  • Alt-Shift-Down, Alt-Shift-Up => Add cursor on the previous/next line

  • Ctrl-Shift-l => Add cursors to all matches

  • Shift-Alt-i => Add cursors to line ends

  • Ctrl-MouseLeft => Add cursor at mouse click

  • Ctrl-u => Remove last added cursor (pop)

  • Ctrl-k -> Ctrl-d => Move primary cursor to next match (skip)

  • Escape => Remove all cursors and selections

Editing Commands

  • Ctrl-Enter, Ctrl-Shift-Enter => Insert new line after/before current line

  • Ctrl-Backspace, Ctrl-Delete => Delete word left/right

  • Ctrl-k -> Ctrl-u => Delete to beginning of line

  • Ctrl-k -> Ctrl-k => Delete to end of line

  • Ctrl-Shift-d, Alt-Shift-d => Duplicate current line or selection down/up

  • Alt-Down, Alt-Up => Pull current line or selection down/up

  • Ctrl-c => Copy selected text

  • Ctrl-x => Cut selected text, or line if there is no selection

  • Ctrl-v => Paste previously copied/cut text

  • Ctrl-z => Undo last change

  • Ctrl-Shift-z, Ctrl-y => Redo last undone change

  • Tab, Shift-Tab => Indent/Unindent line

  • Ctrl-/ => Toggle comment prefix in line

  • Alt-s => Sort file or selection

  • Alt-Shift-f => Reformat file or selection

  • Alt-u, Alt-l => Convert the selection or word at cursor to upper/lower case

File Commands

  • Ctrl-s => Save file

  • Ctrl-Shift-s => Save file as

  • Ctrl-o => Open file

  • Ctrl-e => Open recent file. Repeat for quick select

  • Ctrl-q => Exit

  • Ctrl-Shift-q => Force exit without saving

  • Ctrl-Shift-r => Restart Flow Control/reload file

Configuration Commands

  • F9 => Select previous theme

  • F10 => Select next theme

  • Ctrl-F10 => Toggle visible whitespace mode

  • Alt-F10 => Change gutter mode

Language Server Commands

  • Alt-n, Alt-p Goto the next/previous diagnostic, or if the matching files list is open, goto the next/previous matching file position.

  • F12 => Goto definition of symbol at cursor

  • Alt-MouseLeft => Goto definition of symbol at click

Debugging Commands

  • F5, Ctrl-Shift-i => Toggle inspector view

  • F6 => Dump buffer AST for current line to log view

  • F7 => Dump current line to log view

  • F11, Ctrl-J => Toggle panel view (defaults to log view)

  • Ctrl-Shift-/ => Dump current widget tree to log view

Vim mode

The vim mode, called NOR or INS, follows the basic modal editing style of vim. Normal and insert mode basics follow vim closely, but more advanced vim functions (e.g. macros and registers) are not supported yet. Keybindings from flow mode that do not conflict with common vim keybindings also work in vim mode.

(work in progress)


Configuration is stored in the standard location ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/flow/config.json. This is usually ~/.config/flow/config.json.

The default configuration will be written the first time Flow Control is started and looks similar to this:

    "frame_rate": 60,
    "theme": "default",
    "input_mode": "flow",
    "modestate_show": true,
    "selectionstate_show": true,
    "modstate_show": false,
    "keystate_show": false,
    "gutter_line_numbers": true,
    "gutter_line_numbers_relative": false,
    "enable_terminal_cursor": false,
    "highlight_current_line": true,
    "highlight_current_line_gutter": true,
    "show_whitespace": false,
    "animation_min_lag": 0,
    "animation_max_lag": 150

Most of these options are fairly self explanitory.

theme, input_mode and show_whitespace are automatically persisted when changed interactively with keybindings.

frame_rate can be tuned to control the maximum number of frames rendered.

*state_show toggle various parts of the statusbar.

animation_max_lag controls the maximum amount of time allowed for rendering scrolling animations. Set to 0 to disable scrolling animation altogether.