React Form Context Validation is a minimalist package providing form validation to React components using the React Context API with typescript support.
npm install react-form-context-validation --save
React 16.8+
import React, { useState, ChangeEvent } from 'react';
import FormValidation, { withFormValidation, useFormValidation, useFormValidator, FormValidationConsumer } from "react-form-context-validation";
function MyForm (): JSX.Element {
const [value, setValue] = useState('');
// useFormValidation hook can access form validation state from within the form tree
const { valid, formErrors } = useFormValidation();
// Errors can be passed to useFormValidator to be added to formErrors from anywhere in the form tree
// if passed error is falsy, all reference to it will be removed from formErrors.
// A unique ID can be passed as the second parameter for reference, if no ID is passed one will be set dynamically
useFormValidator(value.length < 10 && 'Value must be at least 10 characters long', 'valueLength');
return (
{/* formErrors can be indexed by ID to check for specific errors */}
{formErrors['valueLength'] && (
Value is not long enough!
{formErrors['testField'] && (
Test field has an error!
{/* formErrors can be mapped over to get a list of all errors */}
{Object.keys(formErrors).map((errorKey, i) => (
<li key={i}>
<b>{errorKey}</b>: {formErrors[errorKey]}
{/* "valid" field provided to easily check there are no errors on the form */}
<button disabled={!valid}>
interface FieldProps {
value: string;
onChange: (val: string) => void;
name?: string;
function RequiredField ({ value, onChange, name }: FieldProps): JSX.Element {
// Error can be a string to display to the user, or a boolean for convenience otherwise
const errorString = useFormValidator(!value && 'Required!', name);
const error = useFormValidator(!value);
return (
onChange={(evt) => onChange(evt.currentTarget.value)}
className={error ? 'has-error' : ''}
{errorString && (
// Use withFormValidation HOC to wrap component with FormValidation context provider when exported
export default withFormValidation(MyForm)
// Form validation context provider and consumer can be access directly via FormValidation and FormValidationConsumer
function MyApp () {
return (
<MyForm />
{({ valid }) => (
My form {valid ? 'is' : `isn\'t`} valid!