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Neo4j drivers integration/conformance tests

Running all test suites within docker containers

Requirements on host:

  • Python >= 3.8
  • Docker >= 19.03

Environment variables:

    Set to the name of the driver in lowercase. This is currently used for adjusting the set of skipped tests and the expected outcome of some tests.
    Currently known drivers are dotnet, go, java, javascript, python, and ruby.
    Path to driver repository.
    Name of testkit branch. When running locally, this defaults to 'local'.
    Set to true to enable build cache persistence via Docker Volumes for supported build systems. Only Maven is supported at the moment and it stores its data in testkit-m2 volume.
    Set to true to make sure all tests are run even if some fail. Testkit will still exit with a non-zero exit code if any test failed.
    If specified, all docker containers are run as the specified user. Value is directly passed to docker, if present. See docker run -u for more details.
    Set to true to make testkit remove all tags it created, loaded, or overwrote after they are not needed anymore. If said tag is the only tag of that image, docker will remove the image and all intermediate parent images.
    Name of the directory into which logs and similar debug output is placed.
    Set to true to enable additional logging and output for TeamCity as well as integration tests against nightly builds pulled from the CI. To download those builds (only when trying to run the respective integration tests), you also need to set:
    The URL to the docker container registry where nightly builds are stored.
export TEST_DRIVER_REPO=/home/clones/neo4j/neo4j-go-driver

Configuration variables

Environment variables used to control how tests are executed:

    Host or ip where Neo4j server is running. Should normally be set to localhost.
    Username used to connect to Neo4j server. Defaults to 'neo4j'
    Password used to connect to Neo4j server. Defaults to 'pass'
    Scheme to build the URI when contacting the Neo4j server, default "bolt".
    The port on which the Neo4j server is listening for HTTP requests. This is just used to make sure the driver does not try to speak bolt over this port.
    Version of the Neo4j server, default "4.4"
    Edition ("enterprise", "community", or "aura") of the Neo4j server, default "enterprise"
    Whether the Neo4j server is a cluster, default "False"
    Defaults to Bolt port 7687, normally not needed.
    Defaults to localhost, normally not needed.
    Defaults to 9876, normally not needed.

All of these variables are normally set by the main runner ( You only ever need to adjust them when running tests separately (e.g., from an IDE) or when running --external-integration (in which case you should use --help to see what environment variables are needed).

Running a subset of tests or configurations

When running testkit locally from the command line you can specify which test types you want to run. In addition, the Neo4j version and edition against which the tests should be executed can be configured via the --configs parameter:

python3 --tests TESTKIT_TESTS UNIT_TESTS --configs 4.0-community 4.1-enterprise

To see a list of available test types and configurations use:

python3 --help

The --tests parameter refers to a prefined set subset of all available tests.

Local development

For how to contribute to TestKit, see

For info on how to run selected tests locally (developing your driver), read below.

There are additional environment variables that are useful for locally developing TestKit or for debugging local backends:

  • TEST_DEBUG_REQRES Print all messages sent between TestKit and the backend.
  • TEST_DEBUG_NO_BACKEND_TIMEOUT Set to 1 to disable TestKit timing out if the backend takes longer than the usually enforced timeout. This is very handy if you want to step through the backend or driver with a debugger without TestKit canceling the tests due to a timed out connection.

Running tests against a specific backend

When developing a driver or providing a testkit backend for that specific driver it is useful to be able to run testkit against a locally running backend. That backend will be most likely started from your IDE and making use of a non-packaged version of your driver, thus avoiding the step of fully building both the specific driver and its backend. Therefore, such a setup does not require Docker containers.

Testkit requires some packages to do this, which can be installed via pip:

python3 -m pip install -Ur requirements.txt

The backend can run on the same host that runs the testkit tests or on a remote machine.

Integration tests

To run integration tests you need to:

  • Provide the tests with a running Neo4j instance. This instance can be running locally (Jar or Docker) or on a server somewhere (be careful, the tests might destroy data).

    Example on how to start latest Neo4j server locally in Docker:

    docker run --name neo4j --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/pass -p7687:7687 --rm neo4j:latest

    For security reasonse there is no default setting for the Neo4j host that the tests are running against, as the tests will modify the databases contents. The environment variable TEST_NEO4J_HOST needs to be set to the correct location. In the example above that would be localhost.

  • Start the drivers testkit backend. testkit tries to connect to the backend on port 9876 on localhost by default. If the backend is running on another host or port the environment variables TEST_BACKEND_HOST and TEST_BACKEND_PORT needs to be set in the environment where the tests are invoked.

  • Run the integration tests using standard Python unittest syntax. The integration tests are all prefixed with tests.neo4j.XXX, where XXX can be a single Python file (without the .py), a class in the single Python file or a single test. For non-Python people: All tests are stored under tests, folder names will become package or module names according the above definition.

    To run a single named test using a local Neo4j database:

    export TEST_NEO4J_HOST=localhost
    python3 -m unittest tests.neo4j.datatypes.TestDataTypes.test_should_echo_back

Stub tests

Running stub tests locally is simpler than running the integration tests as they don't need a running Neo4j instance (hence stub tests, using a scripted stub).

  • Start the drivers testkit backend, see above.
  • Run the stub tests same way as the integration tests but they are rooted at tests.stub instead of tests.neo4j

Orchestrate backend from testkit

Alternatively, it's possible to use the option --tests RUN_SELECTED_TESTS to build the driver backend and run the tested in the TEST_SELECTOR environment variable. This will start all dependencies needed (such as neo4j or tls servers). It's especially useful during the development of new tests when used in combination with enabling to run one specific test against all known drivers.

  • The command-line param --run-only-selected <test_selector> is a shortcut for setting the TEST_SELECTOR environment variable and running the command with --tests RUN_SELECTED_TESTS.

Running all test suites for all known drivers within docker containers

This test runner will clone and run the tests for each known driver repository.

Requirements on host:

  • Python >= 3.7
  • Docker >= 19.03

Environment variables:

    Branch to be tested in all drivers. Default: 4.3
    Set to true to make sure all drivers are tested even if some fail. The program will still exit with a non-zero exit code if any test failed.

This test runs the overriding the environment variables TEST_DRIVER_NAME and TEST_DRIVER_REPO with correct values for each driver. The other environment variables will be passed on to as usual.

Running stress test suite against a running Neo4j instance

This test runner will build the driver and its testkit backend, setup the environment and invoke the driver native stress test suite.

Environment variables:

    Full URI for connecting to running Neo4j instance, for example: neo4j+s://
    Username used to connect, defaults to neo4j
    Password used to connect

Sending build args for the Driver Docker Image

TestKit is able to send different --build-args for building the driver docker image. This configuration is done by setting environment variables prefixed with TESTKIT_DRIVER_BUILD_ARG_. The driver build will called with all build args minus the prefix.

For example:


will result in the following build command:

docker build --build-arg NODE_VERSION=12 --build-arg NPM_VERSION=7 --tag <some_tag> /driver/path/testkit