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Serialization Model

The native types in NEO platform are Integer, Decimal and String, UInt160 and UInt256. This model is used for both the persistence and the network layer.

Integer serialization

Integers are encoded using a variable length according to the value stored:

Value Length Format
< 0xfd 1 uint8
<= 0xffff 3 0xfd + uint16
<= 0xffffffff 5 0xfe + uint32
> 0xffffffff 9 0xff + uint64

The value 1 is stored using a single byte:


But the number 65535 is stored using 3 bytes:


Integer serialization in code

You can find here the code used to serialise integers in our C# version:

public static void WriteVarInt(this BinaryWriter writer, long value)
  if (value < 0)
    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
  if (value < 0xFD)
  else if (value <= 0xFFFF)
  else if (value <= 0xFFFFFFFF)

Byte order

All variable length integer of NEO are little endian except for IP address and port number.

String serialization

Strings are encoded using variable length strings, consisting of variable length integer followed by the string encoded in UTF8.

Size Field Type Description
? length integer The length of a string in bytes
length string uint8[length] string itself

You can find here additional information on how UTF-8 is serialized.

The string "NEO" is stored using 4 bytes: var_string

String serialization in code

You can find here the code used to serialise strings in our C# version:

public static void WriteVarString(this BinaryWriter writer, string value)

public static void WriteVarBytes(this BinaryWriter writer, byte[] value)

In special occasions NEO serializes a string with a fixed length. In this case, this is how we do it:

public static void WriteFixedString(this BinaryWriter writer, string value, int length)
  if (value == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
  if (value.Length > length)
    throw new ArgumentException();
  byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
  if (bytes.Length > length)
    throw new ArgumentException();
  if (bytes.Length < length)
    writer.Write(new byte[length - bytes.Length]);

UInt160 and UInt256 serialization

Both UInt160 and UInt256 are stored as fixed size byte arrays, using 20 and 32 bytes respectively. NEO uses RIPMED160 for script-hashes and SHA256 for transaction and block hashes.
Note that in NEO we use hash functions twice. The first hash is always SHA256.

A very common use for UInt160 are contract hashes: contract

Contract hashing in code

A simple contract can be created using the owner public key:

public static byte[] CreateSignatureRedeemScript(ECPoint publicKey)
  using (ScriptBuilder sb = new ScriptBuilder())
    return sb.ToArray();

The resulting contract is a byte array. This byte array is converted to script-hash using the hash functions described earlier (RIPMED160):

public static UInt160 ToScriptHash(this byte[] script)
  return new UInt160(Crypto.Default.Hash160(script));

public byte[] Hash160(byte[] message)
  return message.Sha256().RIPEMD160();


UInt160 is used for contract hashes and the resulting hash is used to build the address.
The address is the script-hash of the contract, encoded in Bas58Check prefixed with the contract version, currently 0x17.


Address conversion in code

You can find here an example of this code conversion. Note that the address is used for human communication only, in system operations we always use the script hash.

public static string ToAddress(this UInt160 scriptHash)
  byte[] data = new byte[21];
  data[0] = ProtocolSettings.Default.AddressVersion;
  Buffer.BlockCopy(scriptHash.ToArray(), 0, data, 1, 20);
  return data.Base58CheckEncode();

public static UInt160 ToScriptHash(this string address)
  byte[] data = address.Base58CheckDecode();
  if (data.Length != 21)
    throw new FormatException();
  if (data[0] != ProtocolSettings.Default.AddressVersion)
    throw new FormatException();
  return new UInt160(data.Skip(1).ToArray());

Decimal serialization

Decimal numbers are stored as 64 bit fixed-point number with a precision of 10-8,range:[-263/108, +263/108)

More information on fixed point numbers please check here.

Data Structures




Domain classes serialization

The encoding used here is the same for both network communication and the persistence layer (C#).
The blockchain is composed of elements combined, stored in the persistence layer. blockchain

A blockchain always has at least one block (the Genesis block) and every block has at least one transaction (the Miner transaction).

Block Header

The block header contains all the information about the block, without the transactions. The block can be constructed using a block header and a list of transactions using the Merkle Root for integrity verification.

At network level, nodes request for the block header and transactions separately in order to retrieve a block.


Serializable data structure of block header:

Size Field DataType Description
4 Version uint32 Version of the block which is 0 for now
32 PrevBlock uint256 Hash value of the previous block
32 MerkleRoot uint256 Root hash of a transaction list
4 Timestamp uint32 Time-stamp
4 Height uint32 Height of block
8 Nonce uint64 Random number
20 NextMiner uint160 Contract address of next miner
1 - uint8 It's fixed to 1
? Script script Script used to validate the block
1 - uint8 It's fixed to 0


The block is composed by properties from the block header and an array of transactions, with at least one transaction (Miner Transaction).


Serializable data structure of the block:

Size Field DataType Description
4 Version uint32 Version of the block which is 0 for now
32 PrevBlock uint256 Hash value of the previous block
32 MerkleRoot uint256 Root hash of a transaction list
4 Timestamp uint32 Time-stamp
4 Height uint32 Height of block
8 Nonce uint64 Random number
20 NextMiner uint160 Contract address of next miner
1 - uint8 It's fixed to 1
? Script script Script used to validate the block
?*? Transactions tx[] Transactions list

(Native) Asset

A native asset is represented by it's RegisterTransaction hash. After the asset is registered, it is sent to an address using the IssueTransaction. These transactions were used to emit the first NEO and GAS in the platform found in the GenesisBlock.

Native asset emission in code

The GenesisBlock code can be found here.

public static readonly Block GenesisBlock = new Block
    PrevHash = UInt256.Zero,
    Timestamp = (new DateTime(2016, 7, 15, 15, 8, 21, DateTimeKind.Utc)).ToTimestamp(),
    Index = 0,
    ConsensusData = 2083236893, //向比特币致敬
    NextConsensus = GetConsensusAddress(StandbyValidators),
    Witness = new Witness
        InvocationScript = new byte[0],
        VerificationScript = new[] { (byte)OpCode.PUSHT }
    Transactions = new Transaction[]
        new MinerTransaction
            Nonce = 2083236893,
            Attributes = new TransactionAttribute[0],
            Inputs = new CoinReference[0],
            Outputs = new TransactionOutput[0],
            Witnesses = new Witness[0]
        new IssueTransaction
            Attributes = new TransactionAttribute[0],
            Inputs = new CoinReference[0],
            Outputs = new[]
              new TransactionOutput
                    AssetId = GoverningToken.Hash,
                    Value = GoverningToken.Amount,
                    ScriptHash = Contract.CreateMultiSigRedeemScript(StandbyValidators.Length / 2 + 1, StandbyValidators).ToScriptHash()
            Witnesses = new[]
                new Witness
                    InvocationScript = new byte[0],
                    VerificationScript = new[] { (byte)OpCode.PUSHT }

NEO is represented as the "GoverningToken", and after it is registered, it is sent to the Validators multi-signature contract address:

public static readonly RegisterTransaction GoverningToken = new RegisterTransaction
  AssetType = AssetType.GoverningToken,
  Name = "[{\"lang\":\"zh-CN\",\"name\":\"小蚁股\"},{\"lang\":\"en\",\"name\":\"AntShare\"}]",
  Amount = Fixed8.FromDecimal(100000000),
  Precision = 0,
  Owner = ECCurve.Secp256r1.Infinity,
  Admin = (new[] { (byte)OpCode.PUSHT }).ToScriptHash(),
  Attributes = new TransactionAttribute[0],
  Inputs = new CoinReference[0],
  Outputs = new TransactionOutput[0],
  Witnesses = new Witness[0]

And GAS as the UtilityToken.

public static readonly RegisterTransaction UtilityToken = new RegisterTransaction
  AssetType = AssetType.UtilityToken,
  Name = "[{\"lang\":\"zh-CN\",\"name\":\"小蚁币\"},{\"lang\":\"en\",\"name\":\"AntCoin\"}]",
  Amount = Fixed8.FromDecimal(GenerationAmount.Sum(p => p) * DecrementInterval),
  Precision = 8,
  Owner = ECCurve.Secp256r1.Infinity,
  Admin = (new[] { (byte)OpCode.PUSHF }).ToScriptHash(),
  Attributes = new TransactionAttribute[0],
  Inputs = new CoinReference[0],
  Outputs = new TransactionOutput[0],
  Witnesses = new Witness[0]
Native assets in code

Native assets can be found in the Genesis Block. Note that it uses the Validators property, meaning that this transaction has a different hash in different networks (main network, test network or other).

Deprecation notice

The RegisterTransaction and IssueTransaction are both deprecated. You can use a NEP-5 contract to create your own tokens. NEP-5 contracts use InvocationTransaction for both deploying and running SmartContracts.

Coin Reference (Transaction Input)

NEO utilize the UTXO model in it's native assets, meaning that that to spend a coin, you need to reference the transaction where you received it. This reference is done using two properties: PrevHash and PrevIndex. The PrevHash references to a transaction hash and the PrevIndex points to the index in the TransactionOutput array in that transaction.

In this transaction, one CoinReference (in vin array) is transformed into multiple TransactionOutputs (vout). Note that the last transaction is used to send the change back to the sender, so he/she can have another unspent transaction to be used in the future.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "txid": "0x630c74684cc6dad330397c63e8c7aa6403c043cc1f241638cff87e3b97a40716",
        "size": 382,
        "type": "ContractTransaction",
        "version": 0,
        "attributes": [],
        "vin": [
                "txid": "0xd5ae4a22ffe49912a2a3dc698d39ac63a8fcf2cef63ae136850d039c312591d8",
                "vout": 5
        "vout": [
                "n": 0,
                "asset": "0xc56f33fc6ecfcd0c225c4ab356fee59390af8560be0e930faebe74a6daff7c9b",
                "value": "94",
                "address": "ATM7fayESuu1jKRWVXuNFYrq4EFfeAeSfj"
                "n": 1,
                "asset": "0xc56f33fc6ecfcd0c225c4ab356fee59390af8560be0e930faebe74a6daff7c9b",
                "value": "72",
                "address": "AYQvsVafPPkHSTdVYYGgz1B9CPsqpM2XVk"
                "n": 2,
                "asset": "0xc56f33fc6ecfcd0c225c4ab356fee59390af8560be0e930faebe74a6daff7c9b",
                "value": "45",
                "address": "AdPoqv3ZRAb8Bc4bUjhzHq4SBZMt6dxdfY"
                "n": 3,
                "asset": "0xc56f33fc6ecfcd0c225c4ab356fee59390af8560be0e930faebe74a6daff7c9b",
                "value": "2879",
                "address": "Aab9jDXcs4ZRdZyJZusCExauKE5wuzzVEX"
        "sys_fee": "0",
        "net_fee": "0",
        "scripts": [
                "invocation": "40a623d40c74fe2d7a51a98b580c08108f1f12cc76dbaf9307320f0fd0c3d0782bf14bd32c24e8d097f8a31ab0e60bc330386f3c5d1e5f6fe25b188c8eed6d8cff",
                "verification": "210310c5ab33fac18c22f280c8354d872af488508de74661ec799d03c94d23515358ac"
        "blockhash": "0x5820dffbb46a86bbc7398522e157d68a2495b99b7bc5d18f4c848cde81a46c28",
        "confirmations": 68436,
        "blocktime": 1555106714

The TransactionOutput of index 1 is now referenced in another transaction, using the transaction hash and index. In this example, the previous transaction hash is 0x630c74684cc6dad330397c63e8c7aa6403c043cc1f241638cff87e3b97a40716 and the index is 1.

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "txid": "0xd59ab9e40e3dc5302fb6ca464823f3569eceace69f3a30a41d1ef1e86225e467",
        "size": 245,
        "type": "ContractTransaction",
        "version": 0,
        "attributes": [
                "usage": "Remark",
                "data": "4f335853454e44"
        "vin": [
                "txid": "0x630c74684cc6dad330397c63e8c7aa6403c043cc1f241638cff87e3b97a40716",
                "vout": 1
                "txid": "0xd5ae4a22ffe49912a2a3dc698d39ac63a8fcf2cef63ae136850d039c312591d8",
                "vout": 3
        "vout": [
                "n": 0,
                "asset": "0xc56f33fc6ecfcd0c225c4ab356fee59390af8560be0e930faebe74a6daff7c9b",
                "value": "180",
                "address": "Ab4U1pBCQCDSKWq4nHvUtXdbQPB6DsDj8S"
        "sys_fee": "0",
        "net_fee": "0",
        "scripts": [
                "invocation": "40fafd537ad4a8aabf3645d8f546b9f7207facbd4cb6647d2d8bb2c9eb400269ddd97c37c511fb72c4d3e3d0a01ee979eab8da87fa7e45c912adb801e006c08e30",
                "verification": "2102bed127ae7e97f4954280b96359a17f1672e79a2ff2084c2750c34681b7ae0dc2ac"
        "blockhash": "0xbc9626bcdfa31c6efdf19e6de2b52a8a9b86d0cf660c4e83c4b09c3e382231f9",
        "confirmations": 59884,
        "blocktime": 1555278520

You can only spend the coins by pointing to them. This indexing is one of the tasks of the wallet. When you add an account to your wallet, it will search all blocks looking for transactions that belong to that address. This way, when the user demands to send funds, it can find these unspent coins references and use them to build the transaction. In light-wallets, where the blockchain is not stored, we use external services like to get the user balance (unspent coins references).

Regular nodes do not offer an indexing service, however, a plugin is being built to add indexing functionality to C# nodes.

Transaction Attribute

Transactions may have special attributes, depending on their type. Transaction attributes are serialized after the Version field.

Attributes in Miner Transaction

The MinerTransaction has one attribute called nonce used to avoid hash collision.

Miner Transaction special attributes:

Size Field DataType Description
4 Nonce uint32 random number




Transactions are the inputs used in our ledger. They can me used to claim GAS, transfer native assets and perform actions in the blockchain. The serialization of a transaction varies depending on the action to be registered in the ledger.

Size Field DataType Description
1 Type uint8 Type of transaction
1 Version uint8 Trading version, currently 0
? - - Data specific to transaction types
?*? Attributes tx_attr[] Additional features that the transaction has
34*? Inputs tx_in[] Input
60*? Outputs tx_out[] Output
?*? Scripts script[] List of scripts used to validate the transaction
Contract Transaction

Contract transactions have Type 0x80. The verification script used is usually a 64 bytes signatures.

Invocation Transaction

Test invoke Attach system fees Attach network fees

Other transaction types

Signatures (Witnesses)

Invocation examples

Native asset transfer

NEP-5 asset transfer

Multiple transfers in a single transaction

Multi-signature verification