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nanodet module

The nanodet module contains the NanodetLearner class, which inherits from the abstract class Learner.

Class NanodetLearner

Bases: engine.learners.Learner

The NanodetLearner class is a wrapper of the Nanodet object detection algorithms based on the original Nanodet implementation. It can be used to perform object detection on images (inference) and train all predefined Nanodet object detection models and new modular models from the user.

A plethora of different architectures can be used from the predefined models:{"EfficientNet_Lite0_320", "EfficientNet_Lite1_416", "EfficientNet_Lite2_512", "RepVGG_A0_416", "t", "g", "m", "m_416", "m_0.5x", "m_1.5x", "m_1.5x_416", "plus_m_320", "plus_m_1.5x_320", "plus_m_416", "plus_m_1.5x_416"} pretrained on MS COCO dataset.

The "plus_fast" architecture can be used for high resolution real-time agricultural applications on embedded devices. A pre-trained model in the RoboWeedMap dataset is provided.

The NanodetLearner class has the following public methods:

NanodetLearner constructor

NanodetLearner(self, model_to_use, iters, lr, batch_size, checkpoint_after_iter, checkpoint_load_iter, temp_path, device,
               weight_decay, warmup_steps, warmup_ratio, lr_schedule_T_max, lr_schedule_eta_min, grad_clip)

Constructor parameters:

  • model_to_use: {"EfficientNet_Lite0_320", "EfficientNet_Lite1_416", "EfficientNet_Lite2_512", "RepVGG_A0_416", "t", "g", "m", "m_416", "m_0.5x", "m_1.5x", "m_1.5x_416", "plus_m_320", "plus_m_1.5x_320", "plus_m_416", "plus_m_1.5x_416", "plus_fast", "custom"}, default=m
    Specifies the model to use and the config file that contains all hyperparameters for training, evaluation and inference as the original Nanodet implementation. If you want to overwrite some of the parameters you can put them as parameters in the learner.
  • iters: int, default=None
    Specifies the number of epochs the training should run for.
  • lr: float, default=None
    Specifies the initial learning rate to be used during training.
  • batch_size: int, default=None
    Specifies number of images to be bundled up in a batch during training. This heavily affects memory usage, adjust according to your system.
  • checkpoint_after_iter: int, default=None
    Specifies per how many training iterations a checkpoint should be saved. If it is set to 0 no checkpoints will be saved.
  • checkpoint_load_iter: int, default=None
    Specifies which checkpoint should be loaded. If it is set to 0, no checkpoints will be loaded.
  • temp_path: str, default=''
    Specifies a path where the algorithm looks for saving the checkpoints along with the logging files. If '' the cfg.save_dir will be used instead.
  • device: {'cpu', 'cuda'}, default='cuda'
    Specifies the device to be used.
  • weight_decay: float, default=None\
  • warmup_steps: int, default=None\
  • warmup_ratio: float, default=None\
  • lr_schedule_T_max: int, default=None\
  • lr_schedule_eta_min: float, default=None\
  • grad_clip: int, default=None\, dataset, val_dataset, logging_path, verbose, logging, seed, local_rank)

This method is used for training the algorithm on a train dataset and validating on a val dataset.


  • dataset: object
    Object that holds the training dataset. Can be of type ExternalDataset or XMLBasedDataset.
  • val_dataset : object, default=None
    Object that holds the validation dataset. Can be of type ExternalDataset or XMLBasedDataset.
  • logging_path : str, default=''
    Subdirectory in temp_path to save log files and TensorBoard.
  • verbose : bool, default=True
    Enables verbosity.
  • logging : bool, default=False
    Enables the maximum verbosity and the logger.
  • seed : int, default=123
    Seed for repeatability.
  • local_rank : int, default=1
    Needed if training on multiple machines.


NanodetLearner.eval(self, dataset, verbose, logging, local_rank)

This method is used to evaluate a trained model on an evaluation dataset. Saves a txt logger file containing stats regarding evaluation.


  • dataset : object
    Object that holds the evaluation dataset. Can be of type ExternalDataset or XMLBasedDataset.
  • verbose: bool, default=True
    Enables verbosity.
  • logging: bool, default=False
    Enables the maximum verbosity and logger.
  • local_rank : int, default=1
    Needed if evaluating on multiple machines.


NanodetLearner.infer(self, input, conf_threshold, iou_threshold, nms_max_num, hf, dynamic, ch_l)

This method is used to perform object detection on an image. Returns an object, which contains bounding boxes that are described by the top-left corner and their width and height, or returns an empty list if no detections were made on the input image.


  • input : object
    Object of type Image type object to perform inference on.
  • conf_threshold: float, default=0.35
    Specifies the threshold for object detection inference. An object is detected if the confidence of the output is higher than the specified threshold.
  • iou_threshold: float, default=0.6
    Specifies the IOU threshold for NMS in inference.
  • nms_max_num: int, default=100
    Determines the maximum number of bounding boxes that will be retained following the nms.
  • hf: bool, default=False
    Determines if half precision is used.
  • dynamic: bool, default=False
    Determines if the model runs with dynamic input. If it is set to False, Nanodet Plus head with legacy_post_process=False runs faster. Otherwise, the inference is not affected.
  • ch_l: bool, default=False
    Determines if inference will run in channel-last format.


NanodetLearner.optimize(self, export_path, verbose, optimization, conf_threshold, iou_threshold, nms_max_num,
                        hf, dynamic, ch_l, lazy_load)

This method is used to perform JIT, ONNX or TensorRT optimizations and save a trained model with its metadata. If a model is not present in the location specified by export_path, the optimizer will save it there. If a model is already present and lazy_load=True, it will load it instead. Inside this folder, the model is saved as nanodet_{model_name}.pth for JIT models, nanodet_{model_name}.onnx for ONNX or nanodet_{model_name}.trt for TensorRT and a metadata file nanodet_{model_name}.json.


  • export_path: str
    Path to save or load the optimized model.
  • verbose: bool, default=True
    Enables the maximum verbosity.
  • optimization: str, default="jit"
    It determines what kind of optimization is used, possible values are jit, onnx or trt.
  • conf_threshold: float, default=0.35
    Specifies the threshold for object detection inference. An object is detected if the confidence of the output is higher than the specified threshold.
  • iou_threshold: float, default=0.6
    Specifies the IOU threshold for NMS in inference.
  • nms_max_num: int, default=100
    Determines the maximum number of bounding boxes that will be retained following the nms.
  • hf: bool, default=False
    Determines if half precision is used.
  • dynamic: bool, default=False
    Determines if the optimized model runs with dynamic input. Dynamic input leads to slower inference times.
  • ch_l: bool, default=False
    Determines if inference will run in channel-last format.
  • lazy_load: bool, default=True
    Enables loading optimized model from predetermined path without exporting it each time.


NanodetLearner.optimize_c_model(self, export_path, conf_threshold, iou_threshold, nms_max_num, hf, dynamic, verbose)

This method is used to export a JIT optimized model with its metadata compatible with the C API. If a model is already present in the export_path it will be replaced. Inside this folder, the model is saved as nanodet_{model_name}.pth and a metadata file nanodet_{model_name}.json.


  • export_path: str
    Specifies the path to save the optimized model.
  • conf_threshold: float
    Specifies the threshold for object detection inference. An object is detected if the confidence of the output is higher than the specified threshold. The value needs to be set between 0.0 and 1.0, modify to achieve best results.
  • iou_threshold: float
    Specifies the IOU threshold for NMS in inference. The value needs to be set between 0.0 and 1.0, modify to achieve best results.
  • nms_max_num: int
    Determines the maximum number of bounding boxes that will be retained following the nms. The value needs to be set higher than 0. Adjust the value based on the specific needs of your application. Bigger number will make the model to run slower.
  • hf: bool, default=False
    Determines model's floating point precision.
  • dynamic: bool, default=False
    Determines if the optimized model runs with dynamic input. Dynamic input leads to slower inference times.
  • verbose: bool, default=True
    Enables the maximum verbosity., path, verbose)

This method is used to save a trained model with its metadata. Provided with the path, it creates the path directory, if it does not already exist. Inside this folder, the model is saved as nanodet_{model_name}.pth and a metadata file nanodet_{model_name}.json. If the directory already exists, the nanodet_{model_name}.pth and nanodet_{model_name}.json files are overwritten.


  • path: str, default=None
    Path to save the model, if None it will be "temp_folder" or "cfg.save_dir" from the learner.
  • verbose: bool, default=True
    Enables the maximum verbosity and logger.


NanodetLearner.load(self, path, verbose)

This method is used to load a previously saved model from its saved folder. Loads the model from inside the directory of the path provided, using the metadata .json file included. If optimization is performed, the optimized model is loaded instead.


  • path: str, default=None
    Path of the model to be loaded.
  • verbose: bool, default=True
    Enables the maximum verbosity., path, mode, model, verbose, url)

Downloads data needed for the various functions of the learner, e.g., pretrained models as well as test data.


  • path: str, default=None
    Specifies the folder where data will be downloaded. If None, the self.temp_path directory is used instead.
  • mode: {'pretrained', 'images', 'test_data'}, default='pretrained'
    If 'pretrained', downloads a pretrained detector model from the model_to_use architecture which was chosen at learner initialization. If 'images', downloads an image from MS COCO dataset to perform inference on. If 'agricultural_image', downloads an image from RoboWeedMap dataset to perform inference on. If 'test_data' downloads a dummy dataset for testing purposes.
  • verbose: bool, default=True
    Enables the maximum verbosity.
  • url: str, default=OpenDR FTP URL
    URL of the FTP server.

Tutorials and Demos

A Jupyter notebook tutorial on performing inference is available. Furthermore, demos on performing training, evaluation and inference are also available.


  • Training example using an ExternalDataset

    To train properly, the architecture weights must be downloaded in a predefined directory before fit is called, in this case the directory name is "predefined_examples". Default architecture is 'm'. The training and evaluation dataset root should be present in the path provided, along with the annotation files. The default COCO 2017 training data can be found here (train, val, annotations). All training parameters (optimizer, lr schedule, losses, model parameters etc.) can be changed in the model config file in config directory. You can find more information in corresponding documentation. For easier usage of the NanodetLearner, you can overwrite the following parameters: (iters, lr, batch_size, checkpoint_after_iter, checkpoint_load_iter, temp_path, device, weight_decay, warmup_steps, warmup_ratio, lr_schedule_T_max, lr_schedule_eta_min, grad_clip)


    The Nanodet tool can be used with any PASCAL VOC- or COCO-like dataset, by providing the correct root and dataset type.

    If 'voc' is chosen for dataset, the directory must look like this:

    • root folder
      • train
        • Annotations
          • image1.xml
          • image2.xml
          • ...
        • JPEGImages
          • image1.jpg
          • image2.jpg
          • ...
      • val
        • Annotations
          • image1.xml
          • image2.xml
          • ...
        • JPEGImages
          • image1.jpg
          • image2.jpg
          • ...

    On the other hand, if 'coco' is chosen for dataset, the directory must look like this:

    • root folder
      • train2017
        • image1.jpg
        • image2.jpg
        • ...
      • val2017
        • image1.jpg
        • image2.jpg
        • ...
      • annotations
        • instances_train2017.json
        • instances_val2017.json

    You can change the default annotation and image directories in the build_dataset function. This example assumes the data has been downloaded and placed in the directory referenced by data_root.

    from opendr.engine.datasets import ExternalDataset
    from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d import NanodetLearner
    if __name__ == '__main__':
      dataset = ExternalDataset(data_root, 'voc')
      val_dataset = ExternalDataset(data_root, 'voc')
      nanodet = NanodetLearner(model_to_use='m', iters=300, lr=5e-4, batch_size=8,
                               checkpoint_after_iter=50, checkpoint_load_iter=0,
 "./predefined_examples", mode="pretrained")
      nanodet.load("./predefined_examples/nanodet_m", verbose=True), val_dataset)
  • Inference and result drawing example on a test image

    This example shows how to perform inference on an image and draw the resulting bounding boxes using a nanodet model that is pretrained on the COCO dataset. In this example, a pre-trained model is downloaded and inference is performed on an image that can be specified with the path parameter.

    from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d import NanodetLearner
    from import Image
    from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d import draw_bounding_boxes
    if __name__ == '__main__':
      nanodet = NanodetLearner(model_to_use='m', device="cpu")"./predefined_examples", mode="pretrained")
      nanodet.load("./predefined_examples/nanodet_m", verbose=True)"./predefined_examples", mode="images")
      img ="./predefined_examples/000000000036.jpg")
      boxes = nanodet.infer(input=img)
      draw_bounding_boxes(img.opencv(), boxes, class_names=nanodet.classes, show=True)
  • Optimization framework with Inference and result drawing example on a test image

    This example shows how to perform optimization on a pretrained model, then run inference on an image and finally draw the resulting bounding boxes, using a nanodet model that is pretrained on the COCO dataset. In this example we use ONNX optimization, but JIT or TensorRT can also be used by changing the optimization option. The optimized model will be saved in the ./onnx folder

    from import Image
    from opendr.perception.object_detection_2d import NanodetLearner, draw_bounding_boxes
    if __name__ == '__main__':
      nanodet = NanodetLearner(model_to_use='m', device="cpu")
      nanodet.load("./predefined_examples/nanodet_m", verbose=True)
      # First read an OpenDR image from your dataset and run the optimizer:
      img ="./predefined_examples/000000000036.jpg")
      nanodet.optimize("./onnx/nanodet_m/", optimization="onnx")
      boxes = nanodet.infer(input=img)
      draw_bounding_boxes(img.opencv(), boxes, class_names=nanodet.classes, show=True)

Performance Evaluation

In terms of speed, the performance of Nanodet is summarized in the tables below (in FPS). The speed is measured from the start of the forward pass until the end of post-processing.

For PyTorch inference:

Method {input} RTX 2070 TX2 NX
Efficient Lite0 {320} 81.98 15.51 22.75
Efficient Lite1 {416} 60.09 11.27 19.19
Efficient Lite2 {512} 59.46 8.53 15.99
RepVGG A0 {416} 48.13 13.33 21.46
Nanodet-g {416} 89.93 15.59 21.67
Nanodet-t {320} 63.83 13.33 19.60
Nanodet-m {320} 67.90 13.38 19.36
Nanodet-m 0.5x {320} 69.69 12.69 18.84
Nanodet-m 1.5x {320} 65.77 13.95 18.45
Nanodet-m {416} 71.76 13.06 17.88
Nanodet-m 1.5x {416} 63.51 13.11 19.31
Nanodet-plus m {320} 52.32 11.32 17.99
Nanodet-plus m 1.5x {320} 52.11 11.54 17.05
Nanodet-plus m {416} 59.25 11.48 17.14
Nanodet-plus m 1.5x {416} 52.35 9.34 16.78
Nanodet-plus-fast {1080} 291.68 14.93 -

For JIT optimization inference:

Method {input} RTX 2070 TX2 NX
Efficient Lite0 {320} 108.64 18.56 27.39
Efficient Lite1 {416} 96.63 12.49 21.53
Efficient Lite2 {512} 97.97 9.35 16.91
RepVGG A0 {416} 48.23 16.59 23.77
Nanodet-g {416} 96.01 19.78 27.37
Nanodet-t {320} 99.85 18.17 23.74
Nanodet-m {320} 103.78 19.27 24.24
Nanodet-m 0.5x {320} 90.24 18.31 23.30
Nanodet-m 1.5x {320} 104.82 19.29 23.16
Nanodet-m {416} 100.61 12.08 22.34
Nanodet-m 1.5x {416} 92.37 18.45 22.89
Nanodet-plus m {320} 75.52 16.70 23.12
Nanodet-plus m 1.5x {320} 86.23 16.83 21.64
Nanodet-plus m {416} 96.01 16.78 21.28
Nanodet-plus m 1.5x {416} 86.97 14.42 21.53
Nanodet-plus-fast {1080} 308 15.4 -

For ONNX optimization inference:

Method {input} CPU TX2 NX
Efficient Lite0 {320} 51.1 10.15 11.34
Efficient Lite1 {416} 36.60 5.84 5.99
Efficient Lite2 {512} 28.76 4.23 3.93
RepVGG A0 {416} 83.03 9.49 9.49
Nanodet-g {416} 97.11 8.87 14.61
Nanodet-t {320} 87.34 13.22 19.06
Nanodet-m {320} 101.83 15.54 19.36
Nanodet-m 0.5x {320} 123.60 16.89 24.44
Nanodet-m 1.5x {320} 88.39 13.35 18.32
Nanodet-m {416} 83.42 12.51 17.11
Nanodet-m 1.5x {416} 76.30 9.85 14.79
Nanodet-plus m {320} 51.39 12.06 15.48
Nanodet-plus m 1.5x {320} 63.19 9.55 11.69
Nanodet-plus m {416} 64.18 9.63 11.34
Nanodet-plus m 1.5x {416} 52.36 6.98 8.59
Nanodet-plus-fast {1080} 52.35 9.34 16.78

For TensorRT optimization inference:

Method {input} RTX 2070 TX2
Nanodet-plus-fast {1080} 476.96 18.1

Note that in embedded systems the standard deviation is around 0.2 - 0.3 seconds in larger networks cases.

Finally, we measure the performance on the COCO dataset, using the corresponding metrics:

Method {input} coco2017 mAP
Efficient Lite0 {320} 24.4
Efficient Lite1 {416} 29.2
Efficient Lite2 {512} 32.4
RepVGG A0 {416} 25.5
Nanodet-g {416} 22.7
Nanodet-m {320} 20.2
Nanodet-m 0.5x {320} 13.1
Nanodet-m 1.5x {320} 23.1
Nanodet-m {416} 23.5
Nanodet-m 1.5x {416} 26.6
Nanodet-plus m {320} 27.0
Nanodet-plus m 1.5x {320} 29.9
Nanodet-plus m {416} 30.3
Nanodet-plus m 1.5x {416} 34.1
Method {input} RoboWeedMap mAP
Nanodet-plus-fast {1080} 42.1