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Application developer's Guide

natete edited this page Apr 18, 2016 · 7 revisions

Start up Guide (Requionic Generator developer's new Hybrid mobile application)

Ionic - Apache Cordova - Yeoman

$ sudo npm install -g ionic cordova yo

Then install in yout system Requionic generator:

$ sudo npm install -g generator-requionic

Whith this the the generator should be installed and ready to be used, type:

$ yo

check Requionic availibility.

Start a new application. (Let's do a magic trick!)

Type command:

$ yo requionic YourApplicationName

#First steps

At this pount your application base code is ready to star new develpment. If you want to see it in action just type into your application folder

$ ionic serve

A browser window will be opened.

Add a new module

Into your application folder root type command:

$ yo requionic:module YourModuleName

Add a new view

Into your application folder root type command:

$ yo requionic:view