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677 lines (575 loc) · 26.3 KB

File metadata and controls

677 lines (575 loc) · 26.3 KB


Bug Fixes

  • mwSelectBox: Use mwModelAttr if provided to set selected item of selectbox


Bug Fixes

  • Remove angular sanitize from file include in mwUI.Relution to provide angular 1.5 support



  • Add is-visible attribute to mw-menu-entry to hide menu entries without removing them from the dom. When using ng-if to hide/show menu entries it can lead to a jump in the navigation bar when it is re-added


Bug Fixes

  • Fix upload state of file uploader for small files.



  • Update to latest angular version 1.7



  • Fix broken initial state of searchbar (#222)



  • Make option group body clickable to select option (#214)
  • Add option to mw-header to disable refresh button (#221)
  • Don't trigger request when search term is empty and user clicks on search icon (#222)
  • Fix allignments of badges and tooltip of for mw-checkbox-wrapper (#205)
  • Soften phone number validation and allow slashes/dashes/slashes/whitspaces (#215)


Bug Fixes

  • Refactor fileuploader to split up uploader directive into smaller directives
  • Fix double click issue in internet explorer (#220)


  • Add options to file uploader to hide remove file button and to show select file button always



  • Improve mwSidebarDateRange usability.
  • Extend e2e support

Bug Fixes

  • make sure that query params that are set to removeOnUrlChange are removed on url change (Fix #202)
  • make sure that controller is not reinitialised when a query param is set by url storage



  • Improve styling of the directive mwCollapsable.



  • Improve style of badges in the directive mwFormCheckbox



  • add id attribute to mwMenuTopItem and mwMenuTopDropDownItem to support a better navigation in e2e test cases.


Bug Fixes

  • Reverted "Improve memory usage by unbinding several event and rootscope listeners on $destroy" which was introduced in 1.22.0 because it's unstable


Bug Fixes

  • Minor fixes regarding anchor href references.
  • The directive mw-prevent-default allow event propagation again.



  • The directive mw-prevent-default stops now also the propagation of an event.
  • The mw-header directive hides the refresh button if the directive mw-form-actions is present



  • Improve memory usage by unbinding several event and rootscope listeners on $destroy

List module

  • Persist sort order in url as query param
  • Display total amount of items when items are selected

Layout module

  • Display reload button in header
  • Add possibility to pass a description into the header


Bug Fixes

Menu module

  • Clean up timeouts and throttled executions when menubar, menu-entry is destroyed. Otherwise functions are triggered that should not be triggered which results in an exception



Ui components module

  • Keep tab content in the DOM by default. For complex tab content the attribute removeInactiveContent on mwTabs can be set to true. The default behaviour in gerenral is a bit faster during the initialisation but may slow down the general performance because the content wit h all its listeners stays in the dom.

Bug Fixes

Menu module

  • Fix #182: Menuentry is not hidden when it is removed during menu initialisation



Utils module

  • Urls query params that are set by the mwUrlStorage won't be put into the navigation history by default. So when calling mwUrlStorage.setItem('key','value') it will append the query prams to the url but not create a history entry. When using the back button you will be moved to the previous url. If you want to let the user browse through the different query states you can set the options param keepInHistory mwUrlStorage.setItem('key','value', {keepInHistory: true})


Bug Fixes

Ui components module

  • Fix bug that tab pane could not be selected by number anymore



Backbone module

  • Trigger Backbone model/collection sync events (request, sync, error ) when calling model.request or `collection.request
  • Set property isSynchronising on model/collection on request and unset it when its done

Ui components module

  • mw-view-change-loader can be set manually by triggering rootscope events $showViewChangeLoader and $hideViewChangeLoader
  • mwTabPane was extended with scope property id and its possible to select a tab pane from mwTabBar by setting scope property activePaneNumber
  • Transcluded content from mwTabPane is removed when tab is not selected anymore

Layout module

  • Add backdrop-filterto mwHeader to blur content beneath it (works only in safari so far)

Bug Fixes

Utils module

  • Fix mwUrlStorage so it also removes query params from url when they were set to options.removeOnUrlChange and remove is called



List module

  • Directive mw-listable-action was added to define a custom action that is registered as action column similiar to mw-list-url-action-button only that you can transclude custom content and define custom function. Custom function is executed on click of the element and when the user double clicks on the row.
    <td mw-listable-action="action()">
      <div mw-arrow-button></div> <!-- transclude custom content -->

Bug Fixes

List module

  • Colspan of action column header is now set correctly. It uses the maximum of registered mw-listable-action per row. So when the first row registers only one mw-listable-action but the second registers two the colspan of the action column header element will be set to two



Utils module

  • Adding mwRuntimeStorage service with an api like localstorage to store key, values during runtime
  • Adding mwScheduler to run future tasks. mwScheduler can be paused and continued at any time. When paused the execution time from tasks will be paused. mwScheduler is paused when window becomes inactive and started when window becomes active again

Toast module

  • Toasts are using mwScheduler for the auto hide logic to fix #168

Src-Relution module

  • Filters, Searchquery and sort order are not persisted in localstorage anymore only in mwRuntimeStorage
  • Handling for invalid filters that can not be applied anymore

Bug Fixes

List module

  • Fix wrong positioned table configurator dropdown when you have scrolled down in the list


Bug Fixes

List module

  • Fix flickering of columns during table initialisation



Ui components module

  • The mw-collabsable was extended with two optional attributes icon and tooltip.
<div mw-collapsable="true" mw-title="Title" tooltip="ABC DEF"> <!-- for helper tooltip -->
<div mw-collapsable="true" mw-title="Title" tooltip="ABC DEF" icon="fa-taxi"><!-- for helper tooltip with custom icon -->

When a tooltip is provided but no icon the question circle will be used as icon

Bug Fixes

Backbone module

  • When reseting a filter of the Filterable the pagination will be also reset. (#159)



List module

  • Table rows got a opacity fade in animation to prevent flickering during initialisation when user has changed visibility of columns.
  • Columns that have been hidden or made visible by the user are now persisted in localstorage so they keep their visibility status after reload (#144)

Src-Relution module

  • mwFileUpload: Made cancel button visible by default. To hide it set hideCancelBtn to true.
  • mwFileUpload: Added some small animations to the uploader.
  • mwFileUpload: Adjusted text of cancel button to Abort upload.

Bug Fixes

List module

  • Fix #154 by changing the visibility handling of columns. Provided test cases to check functionality


Bug Fixes

Src-Relution module

  • Fix typo in mwMimetype service which prevents uploads with file extension image/jpeg.


Bug Fixes

Src-Relution module

  • Add an additional check to the directive mw-multi-select-boxes in the event addBeforeSave. This will fix an issue when the Backbone object is instantiated but empty. The event will now no longer add this empty object to the collection.


Bug Fixes

Src-Relution module

  • Extend the directive mw-multi-select-boxes by listening to the event addBeforeSave. If the event gets triggered by the mwListCollection, the last selected element will be added to the list, even when the user didn't clicked on the add button.


Bug Fixes

Src-Relution module

  • Fixes the directive mw-file-upload by adding an optional flag (showCancelButton) to explicitly show the cancel button, by default the directive doesn't show the cancel button.
    <div mw-file-upload
         show-cancel-button="true"> <!-- set the flag to true if you want to cancel the upload -->
  • Extend the directive mw-file-upload by adding an optional flag (abortFlag) to abort the current upload from outside the directive.
    <div mw-file-upload
         abort-flag="viewModel.abortFlag"><!-- set the flag to true if you want to cancel the upload -->


Bug Fixes

List module

  • Fixes the column configurator feature, which was introduced in 1.0.17, by adding a configuration flag to enable it. The feature is now deactivated by default to ensure the backwards compatibility. It can be enabled for every single list by adding the enable-configurator="true" flag.
   <table mw-listable-bb



  • Change version number pattern from MAJOR.0.MINOR to match the Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer) pattern (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH). -- This will fix the versioning syntax in bower.json when version ranges are used.



List module

  • The columns of a table are now configurable. The user can now select columns that should be (not) visible. You can add optional columns by adding the attribute hidden to the mw-listable-header-bb directive. It is also possible to configure optional columns per bootstrap breakpoint xs, sm, md, lg by passing them as array into the hidden attribute. Optional columns will be only visible when the user selects them or they don't match the active breakpoint. If you have columns that are mandatory and shall not be unselected you can set the attribute mandatory
     <table mw-listable-bb
          <tr mw-listable-header-row-bb>
            <th mw-listable-header-bb
                mandatory="true"> <!-- is mandatory and user can not unselect this column -->
              {{'' | i18n}} <!-- this is the text that will be displayed in the column configurator because no title was defined -->
            <th mw-listable-header-bb
                title="Description" <!-- this is the text that will be displayed in the column configurator -->
                hidden <!-- is not visible for all breakpoints unless user selects column to be visible -->
              {{'hero.description' | i18n}}
            <th mw-listable-header-bb
                hidden="['xs', 'sm']" <!-- is not visible when the breakpoint xs or sm is active (smartphones, tablets) -->
              {{'hero.superPowers' | i18n}}
          <tr mw-listable-body-row-bb
              ng-repeat="item in ctrl.heroes.models">
    The mw-listable-header-row-bb automatically adds a button that lets the user configure the visiblity of all columns. The column name is automatically generated either by using the title attribute or the transcluded text

Src-Relution module

  • The directive mw-file-upload was extended with the attribute has-drop-zone="true|false" to disable the dropzone where the user can drop a file. By default the dropzone is turned on.
  • The directive mw-file-upload got a cancel button to abort uploads. The button is visible when an upload is in progress
  • The directive mw-file-upload was restyled and displays the file name that is uploaded. It also got translations for the locales de_DE and en_US.



Layout module

  • Back button of mw-header is now more visible by adding a border around it (#126)
  • A refresh icon was added to the mw-header to make a soft page refresh

Bug Fixes

Menu module

  • Fixed bug that menu did not close when changing screen size or changing the route in mobile mode (#131)

Ui components module

  • Fixed wrong initial state of mwCollapsable when content was not available during initialisation (#136)

Src-Relution module

  • Fixed exception when filter attribute of filterable is not available (#137). When this happens e.g when the user changes the url query param manually the whole filter will be reset



Layout module

  • Support pages without mwHeader
  • Handle style when no mwMenuTopBar is available

Modal module

  • Modaloptions was extended with size property so a modal size can be configured:
    • DEFAULT: Default bootstrap modal size
    • BIGGER: Takes almost whole window, max size 1024px
    • LARGE: Takes almost whole window without a max size
    • FULLSCREEN: Takes the whole window
     templateUrl: 'PTH_TO_TEMPLATE.html',
     controller: 'CONTROLLER_NAME',

Ui components module

  • Hardcoded max-height of mwCollapsable was removed and is now calculated during runtime. It also allows transcluded content to grow in height.
  • mwOptionsGroup was extended with the optional attribute badges that can be an array of strings. They will be displayed as badges right next to to the title

Src-Relution module

  • mwFileUpload directive registers error message for mwInputWrapper when mime-type is invalid.

Bug Fixes

List module

  • Fixed issue that reset button did not work when the search input was focused
  • Responsive mode of mwListHead was adjusted so the clear search button is not floating around in the middle of the view. Instead the reset button will replace the search icon as soon as there is a input value.

Modal module

  • Fixed overflow issue in modal body. When the content is wider then the modal it can be scrolled horizontally

Src-Relution module

  • Fixed duplicate is required error message in mwFileUpload directive
  • Remove icon- prefix of relution font icons because font was updated



Backbone module

  • Selectable was extended with the public method setSingleSelection(true|false) to change the selection mode. It also allows to set single selection to true even though the attribute preSelected is a collection.



Utils module

  • Service mwUrlStorage was added to store runtime vars in url e.g. for deeplinking. Call mwUrlStorage.setItem('key','value') to store a variable in the url. Will be available also after route change.

Ui Components module

  • mwTabs directive got attribute tabChanged to register a callback when a tab has been changed


Src-Relution Module

  • mwFileUpload directive checks whether model is instance of Backbone.Model instead of mCAP.Model



Backbone Module

  • Selectable of the collection was extended with the method useSelectionFor(modelOrCollection) to reset the modelOrCollection with the current selection
  • The mwUI.Collection is now triggering the event change:filterValue when a filter was set on the filterable

Menu Module

  • The menu-entry directive was extended with an is-active attribute that accepts a function or a boolean. This attribute can be used to control the active state of a mw-menu-entry programmatically. Can be useful for entries that don't have a url but only a click action. When a manual is-active function is defined the url won't be checked
<div mw-menu-entry 
     is-active="false"></div> <!-- This entry will never be in active state -->
<div mw-menu-entry 
     is-active="true"></div> <!-- This entry will always be in active state -->  
<div mw-menu-entry 
     is-active="ctrl.isEntryActive()"></div> <!-- This entry will be in active state  when the isEntryActive() function returns true -->          

Src-Relution Module

  • The search query of mw-listable-head-2 (#93) will be persisted in local storage. To get the feature working the Attribute collection of mw-listable-head-2 has to be replaced with the attribute mw-list-collection="mwListCollection"
  • Fixed the selection of a public filter in the filter bar on page reload
  • Switch filter sidebar tabs immediately instead of waiting for the fetch results
  • Display loading spinner in filter sidebar tab when the filter is fetching results


Backbone Module

The page of the filterable is reset to 1 when a filter was set. This fixes the wrong offset when the user has paginated through the collection and changes the filter afterwards e.g. by searching.

List Module

The scroll listener of the directive mwListableHead2 is now only active when the directive is visible to improve performance and to fix broken affixed state when a user is e.g. switching from one tab to another



Src-Relution Module

Sort order of listviews will be persisted in local storage



Modal Module

The service mwModalOptions was added to configure global modal options. Those options will be used for all modals except the modal configures it differently.


.config(function (mwModalOptionsProvider) {
      holderEl: '.module-page', // Element where modal should be appended to (default is body)
      styleClass: 'my-modal-class', // Css class that should be set on the modal when appended to DOM
      dismissible: false // Whether the user should be able to close modal by clicking on backdrop (default true)


Bug Fixes

Src-Relution Module

  • Fixed filter owner check on page reload #80. Waits until user is authenticated before checking if authenticated user is the filter owner
  • Fixed sass datepicker dependencies file import #79. Removed those files from sass import. You have to make sure that you have imported bootstrap-sass-datepicker/sass/datepicker in your main.scss before including the uikit sass file. The other file bootstrap-sass-official/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables is already imported there



Src-Relution Module

Added public filter functionality for src-relution. This lets the user create a public filter that can be seen by all users of the organisation



Form Module

Added directive mw-form-actions that can be used in the mw-header directive to save the form or to cancel the changes. Save button is disabled when form is invalid. save and cancel functions can be defined that should be executed on button click. When the function is returning a promise a loading spinner is displayed until the promise is resolved.

Layout Module

  • Added mw-ui directive that shall be used as top directive. It applies basic styles and sets up the toasts holder

      <div mw-ui>
        <!-- Your app -->
        <div ng-view></div>
  • Added mw-sidebar directive.

  • Added mw-footer directive.

  • mw-header directive is now setting the browser title

Ui Components Module

  • An optional icon and tooltip can be defined for mw-tabs-pane directive

Utils Module

  • Added service to get and set browser title
  • Added mw-append-route-class directive to append css classes that were defined for a route in the $routeProvider

Bug Fixes

Modal module

  • fixed style of toasts that are displayed in the modal
  • fixed default selector where the modal should be appended. Is now body

List Module

  • fixed style of unselect button in the list header
  • fixed affix bug of list header when no header element could be found

Toast module

  • sanitize message when option isHtmlMessage is set to true

Ui Components Module

  • fix style of mw-button-help
  • fix missing translation of mw-button-help when changing the locale



Menu Module

Added directives to create a top menu bar. It provides an easy markup to create the Bootstrap navbar

<div mw-menu-top-bar>
  <img src="PATH_TO_LOGO_IMG"> <!-- header image -->
  <div mw-menu-top-entries>
    <div mw-menu-entry 
         label="Start"> <!-- dropdown entry with sub entries -->
      <div mw-menu-entry 
           label="Index"> <!-- dropdown sub entry -->
      <div mw-menu-entry
    <div mw-menu-entry 
         label="New"> <!-- normal entry without sub entries-->

Bug Fixes

Form Module

Fixed missing leave confirmation for form. The leave confirmation should be displayed when the user made changes in a form and tries to leave the form (e.g. by navigting to a different page) without submitting the changes. The form leave confirmation is available as a directive called mw-form-leave-confirmation that can be applied on form elements

<form mw-form-leave-confirmation></form>

Backbone Module

  • Fixed collection selectable performance issue. Internal change listeners on the selection state of the model where registered multiple times.
  • Fixed collection selectable wrong reference issue when calling preSelectCollection. The reference was not updated to the model in the actual collection.

Input Module

  • Fixed mw-select-box directive to also work in Firefox. Previously it was not possible to select an item in Firefox



i18n Module

It is now possible to define a basePath for i18n locales and resources. This can be useful when you want to overwrite translations of the uikit or add new translations for locales that are not supported by the uikit. To do so you can simply overwrite the resource path of an uikit translation. Each module has a i18n folder when it has directives that include a text.

If you want to replace the translation e.g. of the mw-list module copy the i18n folder into your directory of choice. After that you have to overwrite the existing resource with your new basePath.

To do so call the the method i18nProvider.addResource('mw-list/i18n', 'PATH_TO_YOUR_NEW_DIRECTORY') during the angular config phase. In the run phase it will fetch the translations for mw-list by making a $templateRequest to the path PATH_TO_YOUR_NEW_DIRECTORY/mw-list/i18n/{locale}.json.

If you want to replace all translations of the uikit you have to repeat the steps for all uikit modules

Modal module

The modal prepare method got a new option called dismissible. It is set to true by default. If it is set to false the modal can not be closed by clicking on the backdrop or by hitting escape.

 templateUrl: 'PTH_TO_TEMPLATE.html',
 controller: 'CONTROLLER_NAME',
 dismissible: [true|false]     


Bug Fixes

Mw List Module

  • Fixed bug that the wrong link was executed when double clicking on a row. This happened when not every row had a mw-listable-link-show-bb directive Bug is fixed and a double click will execute the correct link.



Modal Module

  • Modal got a function to watch its scope attributes. It is not recommended to call modal.getScope() and add a watcher because the scope will be destroyed on hide so the watchers are gone. If you want to watch on scope attributes use the modal.watchScope(expression, callback). It delegates to the angular scope.$watch and ensures that you will always watch on the right scope.



Ui Module

  • The directive mw-hide-on-request was added to hide the transcluded content and show a spinner as long as the backbone model or collection is syncing
    <div mw-hide-on-reqeust="backboneModel">
      Content that sould be hidden while the model is beeing synched



List module

  • The loading spinner of mw-list-footer will be only displayed when the collection is fetching data and has a next page (#19)


Backbone Module

  • Collection got a request method that works as the request method of the model. This method can make plain ajax request that are not bound to the collection url.
  • You can define a hostName and a basePath that should be used by the collections and models to generate the url for the remote calls. The hostName and basePath can be defined globally by setting mwUI.Backbone.hostName and mwUI.Backbone.basePath and the attribute can be overwritten per Model and Collection

Modal Module

  • Modal can be configured with controllerAs that is exposed to the modal template
  • Modal can be configured with preresolvers. All preresolvers will be resolved and injected into the controller before the modal is opened
  • Modal triggers the following events:
    • $modalOpenStart
    • $modalResolveDependenciesStart
    • $modalResolveDependenciesSuccess
    • $modalOpenSuccess / $modalOpenError
    • $modalCloseStart
    • $modalCloseSuccess

i18n Module

  • Translations can be added during run time. Previously it was only possible to define translations in the angular config phase. Already existing translations for keys will be overwritten.
    i18n.extendForLocale('de_DE', {common: {helloWord: 'Hallo Welt'}});
    i18n.extend({de_DE: {common: {helloWord: 'Hallo Welt'}}, en_US: {common: {helloWord: 'Hello World'}}};

Breaking Changes

Backbone Module

  • The attribute baseUrl is replaced by the new attributes hostName and basePath

Utils Module

  • The concatUrlParts method was moved from the Utils module into the Backbone module. You have to call mwUI.Backbone.Utils.concatUrlParts instead of window.mwUI.Utils.shims.concatUrlParts