With Stapler, uploaded files are accessed by configuring/defining path, url, and default_url strings which point to your uploaded file assets. This is done via string interpolations. Currently, the following interpolations are available for use:
- :attachment - The name of the file attachment as declared in the hasAttachedFile function, e.g 'avatar'.
- :class - The class name of the model containing the file attachment, e.g User. This will include the class namespace.
- :class_name - The class name of the model, without its namespace.
- :extension - The file extension type of the uploaded file, e.g 'jpg'.
- :filename - The name of the uploaded file, e.g 'some_file.jpg'.
- :id - The id of the corresponding database record for the uploaded file.
- :id_partition - The partitioned id of the corresponding database record for the uploaded file, e.g an id = 1 is interpolated as 000/000/001. This is the default and recommended setting for Stapler. Partioned id's help overcome the 32k subfolder problem that occurs in nix-based systems using the EXT3 file system.
- :secure_hash - An sha256 hash of the corresponding database record id, the filesize, and the original file name.
- :hash - An sha256 hash of the corresponding database record id.
- :app_root - The path to the root of the project.
- :style - The resizing style of the file (images only), e.g 'thumbnail' or 'original'.
- :url - The url string pointing to your uploaded file. This interpolation is actually an interpolation itself. It can be composed of any of the above interpolations (except itself).