This is the sdk for sending request to mvcbridge, follow these steps to transform your asset through mvcbridge.
- Build and send on-chain transaction using your own wallet client instance(ie. metalet, metamask). Save the transaction hash.
- Use this sdk to generate a transfer request and sign the request content.
- Send the signed request to mvcbridge server.
you can refer to test/sdk-test.ts for a demo.
import {MvcBridgeSdk} from 'mvcbridge-sdk';
import {OrderApi} from "./api";
// 1. Build and send on-chain transaction using your own wallet client instance(ie. metalet, metamask). Save the transaction hash.
// todo: build and send on-chain transaction(ie. metalet, metamask)
// 2. Use this sdk to generate a transfer request and sign the request content.
// change this for prod env
const basePath = BASE_PATH;
// read wif from env
const wif = process.env.WIF;
const orderApi = new OrderApi(undefined, basePath);
// leaving signature empty for now
const registerRequest: OrderRegisterRequest = {
// token amount
amount: "100000",
// your source address
fromAddress: "0x0e7d22a52bab804d8509b06e2d982cddff7d5e8f",
fromChain: "eth",
fromTokenName: "usdt",
// this is your target address
toAddress: "mvMPwt1318WxF8gRFT3wGQ7XJuENF97dyF",
toChain: "mvc",
toTokenName: "usdt",
// the txid from previous transaction
txid: "0xdca3acde1db3254789493e4e5341471b32cb3407b3ca30daa3c634e87d1518f5"
// assemble the message
const message = SignatureHelper.getSigningMessageFromOrder(registerRequest);
// sign the message
// if your source chain is eth (ie using metamask), please sign the message using personal_sign
// don't forget the prefix
// const signature = SIGNATURE_FROM_ETH_WALLET;
// if your source chain is mvc (ie using metalet), you can use this sdk to sign the message
// set the signature
const signature = SignatureHelper.signMessageBitcoin(message, wif, "testnet");
registerRequest.signature = signature;
// call the api
orderApi.orderRegisterPost(registerRequest).then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {
// ignore
This generator creates TypeScript/JavaScript client that utilizes axios. The generated Node module can be used in the following environments:
- Node.js
- Webpack
- Browserify
Language level
- ES5 - you must have a Promises/A+ library installed
- ES6
Module system
- CommonJS
- ES6 module system
It can be used in both TypeScript and JavaScript. In TypeScript, the definition should be automatically resolved via package.json
. (Reference)
To build and compile the typescript sources to javascript use:
npm install
npm run build
First build the package then run npm publish
navigate to the folder of your consuming project and run one of the following commands.
npm install [email protected] --save
unPublished (not recommended):
npm install PATH_TO_GENERATED_PACKAGE --save