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Rust API client for mvcapi

API definition for MicrovisionChain provided apis


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 3.0.11
  • Package version: 3.0.11
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RustClientCodegen


Put the package under your project folder in a directory named mvcapi and add the following to Cargo.toml under [dependencies]:

mvcapi = { path = "./mvcapi" }

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AddressApi address_address_balance_get GET /address/{address}/balance Get address balance by specific address.
AddressApi address_address_tx_get GET /address/{address}/tx Get address history by specific address(recent 10 days available).
AddressApi address_address_utxo_get GET /address/{address}/utxo Get address utxos by specific address(100 per page).
BlockApi block_block_id_get GET /block/{blockId} Get block request by height or hash
BlockApi block_get GET /block Get recent block list by paging. 30 items per page.
BlockApi block_info_get GET /block/info Get current blockchain info from full node.
ContractApi contract_ft_address_address_balance_confirmed_get GET /contract/ft/address/{address}/balance/confirmed Get all contract token balances for specific address ignoring all unconfirmed txs.
ContractApi contract_ft_address_address_balance_get GET /contract/ft/address/{address}/balance Get all contract token balances for specific address.
ContractApi contract_ft_address_address_code_hash_genesis_tx_get GET /contract/ft/address/{address}/{codeHash}/{genesis}/tx Get all contract token balances for specific address.
ContractApi contract_ft_address_address_utxo_get GET /contract/ft/address/{address}/utxo Get all contract token utxos for specific address.
ContractApi contract_ft_genesis_code_hash_genesis_circulation_get GET /contract/ft/genesis/{codeHash}/{genesis}/circulation Get all sum of circulation ft token utxos by codeHash and genesisId(10min cached).
ContractApi contract_nft_address_address_count_confirmed_get GET /contract/nft/address/{address}/count/confirmed Get confirmed utxo count for specific nft(ignore all unconfirmed txs).
ContractApi contract_nft_address_address_summary_get GET /contract/nft/address/{address}/summary Get nft summary(NFT count group by genesis) for address.
ContractApi contract_nft_address_address_utxo_get GET /contract/nft/address/{address}/utxo Get all contract nft token utxos for specific address.
ContractApi contract_nft_genesis_code_hash_genesis_summary_get GET /contract/nft/genesis/{codeHash}/{genesis}/summary Get nft summary(count group by address) for specific codeHash and genesisId(result cached for 60s).
ContractApi contract_nft_genesis_code_hash_genesis_utxo_get GET /contract/nft/genesis/{codeHash}/{genesis}/utxo Get all contract nft token utxos by codeHash and genesisId.
ContractApi contract_nft_sell_address_address_utxo_get GET /contract/nft/sell/address/{address}/utxo Get all contract sell sell utxos for specific address.
ContractApi contract_nft_sell_genesis_code_hash_genesis_utxo_get GET /contract/nft/sell/genesis/{codeHash}/{genesis}/utxo Get all contract nft token utxos by codeHash and genesisId.
ContractApi contract_unique_genesis_code_hash_genesis_utxo_get GET /contract/unique/genesis/{codeHash}/{genesis}/utxo Get contract unique utxos by codeHash and genesisId.
MerchantApi merchant_utxo_post POST /merchant/utxo Pick utxos by addresses and amount.
OutpointApi outpoint_txid_index_get GET /outpoint/{txid}/{index} Get tx output(outpoint for vin) spent status.
TreasuryApi treasury_get GET /treasury Get current treasury info.
TreasuryApi treasury_history_get GET /treasury/history Get all treasury history.
TxApi tx_broadcast_batch_post POST /tx/broadcast/batch Broadcast a batch of tx to MvcApi fullnode. This endpoint use rpc sendrawtransactions.
TxApi tx_broadcast_post POST /tx/broadcast Broadcast tx to MvcApi fullnode.
TxApi tx_txid_get GET /tx/{txid} Get transaction detail by specific txid.
TxApi tx_txid_raw_get GET /tx/{txid}/raw Get transaction raw hex by specific txid.
TxApi tx_txid_seen_get GET /tx/{txid}/seen Whether MvcApi have seen this tx before. This is a fast approach to know if the tx exist or not.
TxApi vin_txid_detail_get GET /vin/{txid}/detail Get all output point of vins in the tx with detailed output script.
XpubApi xpub_lite_xpub_address_address_get GET /xpubLite/{xpub}/address/{address} Get xpub address type and index. Only index under /0/70 /1/30 is valid. Otherwise not found.
XpubApi xpub_lite_xpub_balance_get GET /xpubLite/{xpub}/balance Get xpub balances including confirmed and unconfirmed.
XpubApi xpub_lite_xpub_utxo_get GET /xpubLite/{xpub}/utxo Get xpub utxos by specific xpub(300 per page).

Documentation For Models

To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:

cargo doc --open


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