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GATK Best Practices


Calling germline SNVs and InDels for single sample or cohort using GATK.


Data Pre-processing


The is the obligatory first phase that must precede all variant discovery. It involves pre-processing the raw sequence data (provided in FASTQ format) to produce analysis-ready BAM files. This involves alignment to a reference genome as well as some data cleanup operations to correct for technical biases and make the data suitable for analysis.


FASTQ format, Compressed or uncompressed, single end or paired end.

I used a small fragment (chr2:204300000-205000000) of a NGS data as the sample data (test_1.fq.gz and test_2.fq.gz in input folder).


BAM file and its index file ready for variant discovery


Minimap2 (aligner), SAMtools, GATK

BWA has been commonly-used for alignment and recommended by GATK for years. But its developer Heng Li has developed a utralfast software called minimap2. So I switched from BWA to minimap2 in the following pipeline.

GATK is updated very frequently, while the latest version is not always the most suitable version, as updates not only include new features but also contain bugs. In this pipeline, I used version

Since GATK has many Python dependcies and both Minimap2 and SAMtools can be installed by Conda, it's quite simple and friendly for version control to install by creating conda environment. Run in bin folder will set up the environment automatically.

# anaconda installed
bash -i


GATK has constructed several series of reference files stored in GATK bundle.

It's up to you to choose which series for reference panel, b37, b36, hg18, hg19, or hg38. But it's necessary to use same series in both pre-processing and variant discovery. For example, b37 and hg19 belongs to the same Genome Build, however, the representation of chorosomes in these two series are different, b37 doesn't have the 'chr' prefix.

GATK bundle doesn't contain the index files of fasta file, as the index created by distinct tools are different. I use the b37 series as reference panel and have indexed the fasta file already. You can see them in reference folder.

We don't need every file in the GATK bundle, below are files needed in this pipeline. Download and decompressed them (GATK cannot recognize .gz files).

hapmap_3.3.hg19.sites.vcf.idx.gz in reference folder can prepare the reference needed in pipeline.


# set up
cd bin

# prepare reference
cd ../reference

# data pre-processing
cd ../bin
bash ../input/test_1.fq.gz ../input/test_2.fq.gz test

Main steps

The pipeline provided by GATK was written in WDL, which started from unmapped BAM (uBAM) format. Considering complexity of WDL and readability, I wrote this pipeiline in Shell which was a splice of several commands actually.

There are 4 steps in this pipeline. See below for details.

1. Align

minimap2 \
-t minimap2_threads \
-R '@RG\tID:'${sample}'\tSM:'${sample}'\tLB:'${sample}'\tPL:Illumina' \
-ax sr \
../reference/human_g1k_v37.fasta.mmi $fq1 $fq2 | \
samtools view -S -b - > ./$sample/${sample}.bam

-R '@RG\tID:'${sample}'\tSM:'${sample}'\tLB:'${sample}'\tPL:Illumina' means adding read group label to output file, which is required by GATK. AddOrReplaceReadGroups in GATK can the same thing, either. The read group in BAM file looks like:

@RG	ID:test	SM:test	LB:test	PL:Illumina

And the output file was piped to samtools view to store in BAM format.

2. Sort

samtools sort -@ $sort_threads -m $sort_memory -O bam -o ./${sample}/${sample}.sorted.bam ./${sample}/${sample}.bam

As the order of reads in the output of alignment is the order in the raw fastq files, we should sort them by the position on genome for further analysis. Turn up the -@ and -m can speed up.

3. Mark duplicates

MarkDuplicates \
-I ./${sample}/${sample}.sorted.bam \
-O ./${sample}/${sample}.markdup.bam \
-M ./${sample}/${sample}.markdup_metrics.txt

$samtools index ./${sample}/${sample}.markdup.bam

‼️There shouldn't be any extra space in GATK command line.

If you are running out of memory, try reducing the value of -SORTING_COLLECTION_SIZE_RATIO which is 0.25 by defualt.

Why mark duplicates?

During the library construction of NGS, PCR is one the significant steps which may yeild bias. PCR bias has many resources such as mismatching in PCR and the preference of PCR. To make sure the accuracy of variant calling, we need remove the duplicated reads made by PCR.

You can use samtools flagstat to inspect how many duplicated reads are in the data.

samtools flagstat test.markdup.bam 
43961 + 0 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads)
0 + 0 secondary
155 + 0 supplementary
58 + 0 duplicates
43884 + 0 mapped (99.82% : N/A)
43806 + 0 paired in sequencing
21903 + 0 read1
21903 + 0 read2
43512 + 0 properly paired (99.33% : N/A)
43652 + 0 with itself and mate mapped
77 + 0 singletons (0.18% : N/A)
2 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr
1 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5)

There were 58 duplicated reads detected by GATK and GATK did not remove them. As the module's name, MarkDuplicates, the duplicated reads was marked by the flag (see SAM format for details).

4. BQSR (Base Quality Score Recalibration)

BaseRecalibrator \
-R $REF/human_g1k_v37.fasta \
-I ./${sample}/${sample}.markdup.bam \
--known-sites $REF/dbsnp_138.b37.vcf \
--known-sites $REF/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.b37.vcf \
-O ./${sample}/${sample}.recal_data.table

ApplyBQSR \
-R $REF/human_g1k_v37.fasta \
-I ./${sample}/${sample}.markdup.bam \
-bqsr ./${sample}/${sample}.recal_data.table \
-O ${OUTPUT}/${sample}.markdup.bqsr.bam

There are two steps in BQSR. First, generates recalibration table based on various user-specified covariates (such as read group, reported quality score, machine cycle, and nucleotide context). The known polymorphic sites are used to exclude regions around known polymorphisms from analysis. Then, apply a linear base quality recalibration model trained with the BaseRecalibrator tool.

This is the lastest step of data pre-processing that detects systematic errors made by the sequencer when it estimates the quality score of each base call. Typically, the quality scores of bases are overrated. As this is a manul of pipeline, I won't talk too much about base recalibration here. And the technical details of BQSR can be found here.

Germline SNPs + Indels (single sample)

The main variant caller in GATK is HaplotypeCaller which has two modes, one for single sample and another for cohort sample. It's quite easy to select mode, if your have only one sample, use single sample mode, if not, use cohort mode (Joint call). Above is the new pipeline from GATK developed for single sample which involves deep learning is variants qaulity control.


Analysis-Ready Reads (BAM format as well as its index, output of pre-processing)


A variant information file (VCF) contains SNPs and Indels, along with its index


# run and specify the bam file and sample name
cd bin
bash -i ../output/test.markdup.bqsr.bam test

Main steps

1. HaplotypeCaller

HaplotypeCaller \
-I $bam \
-R $REF/human_g1k_v37.fasta \
-D $REF/dbsnp_138.b37.vcf \
-O ${sample}/${sample}.HC.vcf

Call germline SNPs and indels via local re-assembly of haplotypes. Even in cohort mode, HaplotypeCaller is ran for once a sample, but in the 'GVCF' mode. I will describe it later. Wit this HMM tool, we got the initial output of short variation discovery. And a few QC steps are needed for high confidence.

2. Annotate with CNNscore

CNNScoreVariants \
-I $bam \
-V ${sample}/${sample}.HC.vcf \
-R $REF/human_g1k_v37.fasta \
-O ${sample}/${sample}.HC.CNNscore.vcf \
-tensor-type read_tensor

Annotate a VCF with scores from a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). This tool streams variants and their reference context to a python program, which evaluates a pre-trained neural network on each variant. 2D models convolve over aligned reads as well as the reference sequence, and variant annotations. 2D models require a SAM/BAM file as input and for the --tensor-type argument to be set to a tensor type which requires reads, as in the command above.

The annotated CNN_2D item looks like:

#CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO    FORMAT  test
2       204300244       .       TAA     T       139.10  PASS    AC=2;AF=1.00;AN=2;CNN_2D=5.774;DP=4;ExcessHet=3.0103;FS=0.000;MLEAC=2;MLEAF=1.00;MQ=60.00;QD=34.77;SOR=0.693    GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL  1/1:0,4:4:12:153,12,0

3. Apply tranche filtering

FilterVariantTranches \
-V ${sample}/${sample}.HC.CNNscore.vcf \
-O ${OUTPUT}/${sample}.HC.CNNscore.filtered.vcf \
-resource $REF/hapmap_3.3.b37.vcf \
-resource $REF/1000G_omni2.5.b37.vcf \
-resource $REF/1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.b37.vcf \
-resource $REF/dbsnp_138.b37.vcf \
-resource $REF/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.b37.vcf

Apply tranche filtering to VCF based on scores from an annotation in the INFO field. The annotation can come from the CNNScoreVariants tool (CNNLOD), VQSR (VQSLOD), or any other variant scoring tool which adds numeric annotations in a VCF's INFO field. Tranches are specified in percent sensitivity to the variants in the resource files.

The default tranche filtering threshold for SNPs is 99.95 and for INDELs it is 99.4. You can custom the traches by --snp-tranche and --indel-tranche.

In our sample data, 4 SNPs out of 561 and 3 indels out of 201 were filtered.

19:53:04.160 INFO  FilterVariantTranches - Filtered 4 SNPs out of 561 and filtered 3 indels out of 201 with INFO score: CNN_2D.

4. Functional annotate

There are many annotation tools, online or offline. GATK has its own annotator called Funcotator. I didn't include this part in the pipeline and if you are interested in Funcotator, see the tutorial of Funcotator.

Germline SNPs + Indels (cohort)

To be added 😄