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README C4 Diagram Documentation

System Overview

This documentation provides an overview of the system, including its modules and deployment architecture. The system consists of the following modules: User Module, Auth Module, Fetch Module, and Marketplace Module.

Context Diagram

+------------------+    +------------------+    +------------------+    +------------------+
|    User Module   |    |   Auth Module    |    |   Fetch Module   |    | Marketplace      |
|                  |    |                  |    |                  |    | Module           |
|                  |    |                  |    |                  |    |                  |
|   Initiates      |    |    Initiates     |    |    Initiates     |    | Initiates        |
|   User Import    |    |    User Login    |    |    Data Fetch    |    | Order & Payment  |
|   Processes      |    |    Processes     |    |    Processes     |    | Creation         |
+------------------+    +------------------+    +------------------+    +------------------+

Deployment Diagram

+----------------------+    +----------------------+    +----------------------+    +----------------------+
|       User Module    |    |      Auth Module     |    |      Fetch Module    |    |   Marketplace        |
|      (Application)   |    |     (Application)    |    |     (Application)    |    |    Module            |
+----------------------+    +----------------------+    +----------------------+    +----------------------+
            |                        |                          |                          |       
            |                        |                          |                          |      
|           v                        v                          v                          v                      |
|       +------------------+    +------------------+    +------------------+    +------------------+         |
|       |     Database     |    |     Database     |    |    External      |    |     Database      |         |
|       |      Server      |    |      Server      |    |    Resource     |    |      Server        |         |
|       +------------------+    +------------------+    +------------------+    +------------------+         |
|               |                        |                          |                          |                  |
|               |                        |                          |                          |                  |
|       +------------------+    +------------------+    +------------------+    +------------------+         |
|       |  Background      |    |  JWT Token       |    |  Currency        |    |   Order & Payment |         |
|       |  Process         |    |  Generation      |    |  Converter API   |    |   Management      |         |
|       |  Handler         |    +------------------+    +------------------+    +------------------+         |
|       +------------------+                                                                              |
|                                                                                                          |

Module Details

User Module

User Import:

  • Initiator: System Administrator
  • Action: Initiate user import process
  • Input: CSV file containing user data
  • Output: None
  • Process:
    • System validates CSV file format and content.
    • System imports user data into the database.

Background Process:

  • Initiator: User Import component
  • Action: Handle user import process in the background
  • Input: User data from CSV file
  • Output: None
  • Process:
    • System iterates through user data and creates user records in the database.
    • System handles any errors or exceptions during the import process.

Auth Module

Login & JWT Generation:

  • Initiator: User
  • Action: Login to the system
  • Input: Username and password
  • Output: JWT token
  • Process:
    • System authenticates user credentials against the database.
    • System generates a JWT token containing user claims (email, role).
    • System returns the JWT token to the user.

Single Session Management:

  • Initiator: System
  • Action: Manage user sessions
  • Input: JWT token
  • Output: None
  • Process:
    • System validates JWT token and retrieves user session information.
    • System invalidates all other sessions for the same user.
    • System updates the current session expiration time.

Fetch Module

Data Fetching & Currency Conversion:

  • Initiator: User
  • Action: Fetch data from an external resource
  • Input: URL of the external resource
  • Output: Data with converted currency values
  • Process:
    • System makes an HTTP request to the external resource URL.
    • System parses the JSON response and extracts relevant data.
    • System converts currency values from IDR to USD using a currency converter API.

Error Handling & Validation:

  • Initiator: System
  • Action: Handle errors and validate data
  • Input: User request, external resource data
  • Output: Error message or validated data
  • Process:
    • System validates the user's JWT token and authorization.
    • System checks for errors in the external resource response.
    • If errors are found, return an appropriate error message.

Marketplace Module

Order & Payment Creation:

  • Initiator: User
  • Action: Create a new order and payment
  • Input: Order details, payment information
  • Output: Order ID and payment confirmation
  • Process:
    • System validates the order details and payment information.
    • System creates a new sale order record in the database with state 'confirmed'.

Relationships and Data Flow


  • User -> Web Application: User interacts with the system through the web application.
  • Web Application -> (Order & Payment, Sale Order Management): Web application forwards user requests to relevant components.
  • Order & Payment -> Database (Primary): Writes order, invoice, and payment data to the primary database.
  • Sale Order Management -> Database (Primary/Slave): Reads sale order data from the primary or slave database.

Data Flow:

  • User initiates order: User submits order details and payment information through the web application.
  • Web application validates and processes:
    • Web application validates user credentials and order data.
    • If JWT token is invalid, return an error message.
    • Otherwise, forwards data to the Order & Payment component.
  • Order & Payment creates records:
    • Order & Payment component creates a sale order (confirmed state), invoice (posted state), and registers payment (invoice in payment).
    • If any error occurs, return an error message.
  • Web application returns confirmation: Web application returns order ID and payment confirmation to the user.
  • User fetches sale orders: User requests a list of sale orders.
  • Web application validates and retrieves:
    • Web application validates user credentials.
    • If JWT token is invalid, return an error message.
  • Web application displays list: Web application displays a list of sale orders with relevant details to the user.

This documentation provides a high-level overview of the system architecture and workflows. For detailed technical implementation, please refer to the respective module documentation and code comments.