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Dimensionality Reduction

Simplify your data to visualize relationships between classes.

A multivariate study of variation in two species of rock crab of the genus Leptograpsus

# dependencies
import io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import pandas as pd
import as px
import seaborn as sns

from sklearn import set_config
set_config(display='text') # display estimators as text

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA


pd.set_option('display.precision', 3)
leptograpsus_data = pd.read_csv('data/A_multivariate_study_of_variation_in_two_species_of_rock_crab_of_genus_Leptograpsus.csv')
sp sex index FL RW CL CW BD
0 B M 1 8.1 6.7 16.1 19.0 7.0
1 B M 2 8.8 7.7 18.1 20.8 7.4
2 B M 3 9.2 7.8 19.0 22.4 7.7
3 B M 4 9.6 7.9 20.1 23.1 8.2
4 B M 5 9.8 8.0 20.3 23.0 8.2


data = leptograpsus_data.rename(columns={
    'sp': 'species',
    'FL': 'Frontal Lobe',
    'RW': 'Rear Width',
    'CL': 'Carapace Midline',
    'CW': 'Maximum Width',
    'BD': 'Body Depth'})

data['species'] = data['species'].map({'B':'Blue', 'O':'Orange'})
data['sex'] = data['sex'].map({'M':'Male', 'F':'Female'})

species sex index Frontal Lobe Rear Width Carapace Midline Maximum Width Body Depth
0 Blue Male 1 8.1 6.7 16.1 19.0 7.0
1 Blue Male 2 8.8 7.7 18.1 20.8 7.4
2 Blue Male 3 9.2 7.8 19.0 22.4 7.7
3 Blue Male 4 9.6 7.9 20.1 23.1 8.2
4 Blue Male 5 9.8 8.0 20.3 23.0 8.2
# (200, 8)

data_columns = ['Frontal Lobe',
                'Rear Width',
                'Carapace Midline',
                'Maximum Width',
                'Body Depth']

Frontal Lobe Rear Width Carapace Midline Maximum Width Body Depth
200.000 200.000 200.000 200.000 200.000
25.500 15.583 12.800 32.100 36.800
14.467 3.495 2.573 7.119 7.872
1.000 7.200 6.500 14.700 17.100
13.000 12.900 11.000 27.275 31.500
25.500 15.550 12.800 32.100 36.800
38.000 18.050 14.300 37.225 42.000
50.000 23.100 20.200 47.600 54.600

The dataset now needs to be segmented into 4 Classes for sex (male, female) and species (blue, orange). We can add this identifier as an additional row to our dataset inform of a concatenate value from the species and sex feature:

data['class'] = data.species +

The entire dataset has a size of 200 and each class is equally represented with 50 specimens:

  • BlueMale : 50
  • BlueFemale : 50
  • OrangeMale : 50
  • OrangeFemale : 50

Name: class, dtype: int64



# plot features vs classes
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=2, figsize=(18,18))
data.boxplot(column='Frontal Lobe', by='class', ax=axes[0,1])
data.boxplot(column='Rear Width', by = 'class', ax=axes[1,0])
data.boxplot(column='Carapace Midline', by='class', ax=axes[1,1])
data.boxplot(column='Maximum Width', by = 'class', ax=axes[2,0])
data.boxplot(column='Body Depth', by = 'class', ax=axes[2,1])

Dimensionality Reduction

While the orange and blue female show a good separation in several features the male counterparts are very close together. The Body Depth and Frontal Lobe dimensions are the best features to differentiate both species in the male sub class.


data[data_columns].hist(figsize=(12,6), layout=(2,3))

Dimensionality Reduction

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=5, ncols=1, figsize=(10,20))
sns.histplot(data, x='Frontal Lobe', hue='class', kde=True, element='step', bins=20, ax=axes[0])
sns.histplot(data, x='Rear Width', hue='class', kde=True, element='step', bins=20, ax=axes[1])
sns.histplot(data, x='Carapace Midline', hue='class', kde=True, element='step', bins=20, ax=axes[2])
sns.histplot(data, x='Maximum Width', hue='class', kde=True, element='step', bins=20, ax=axes[3])
sns.histplot(data, x='Body Depth', hue='class', kde=True, element='step', bins=20, ax=axes[4])

Dimensionality Reduction

Again, the orange and blue coloured distributions - representing the females of the orange and blue species - are well seperated. But there is a large overlap between the male counterparts. We can see that while the boxplot still showed a visible difference in the Frontal Lobe and Body Depth mean value, it is much harder to differentiate the histrograms.


sns.pairplot(data, hue='class')
# sns.pairplot(data, hue='class', diag_kind="hist")

Dimensionality Reduction

The pairplot plots the relationships of each pair of features. We can see that there are several plots that separate between our female and male classes. For example the Rear Width separates the green/blue (male) dots from the orange/red (female) ones. There is some separation between both female species (red/orange dots) in the Frontal Lobe and Body Depth graphs. But again, it is hard to separate both male species - there is always a strong overlap between the blue and green dots.

Principal Component Analaysis

A PCA is a reduction technique that transforms a high-dimensional data set into a new lower-dimensional data set. At the same time, preserving the maximum amount of information from the original data.

# Normalize data columns before applying PCA
data_norm = data.copy()
data_norm[data_columns] = StandardScaler().fit_transform(data[data_columns])

Normalization sets the mean of all data columns to ~0 and the standard deviation to ~1:

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
index 200.0 2.550e+01 14.467 1.000 13.000 2.550e+01 38.000 50.000
Frontal Lobe 200.0 -7.105e-17 1.003 -2.404 -0.770 -9.465e-03 0.708 2.156
Rear Width 200.0 6.040e-16 1.003 -2.430 -0.677 2.396e-02 0.608 2.907
Carapace Midline 200.0 1.066e-16 1.003 -2.451 -0.680 -7.745e-04 0.721 2.182
Maximum Width 200.0 -4.974e-16 1.003 -2.460 -0.626 4.909e-02 0.711 2.316
Body Depth 200.0 0.000e+00 1.003 -2.321 -0.770 -3.820e-02 0.752 2.216
# number of classes = 5
no_components = 5
principal = PCA(n_components = no_components)[data_columns])

# (200, 5)

singular_values = principal.singular_values_
variance_ratio = principal.explained_variance_ratio_
# show variance vector for each dimension
Frontal Lobe Rear Width Carapace Midline Maximum Width Body Depth
Explained Variance 9.57766957e-01 3.03370413e-02 9.32659482e-03 2.22707143e-03 3.42335531e-04
Cumulative Sum 0.95776696 0.988104 0.99743059 0.99965766 1.
Singular Values 30.94781021 5.50790717 3.05394742 1.49233757 0.58509446

Adding variables to our model can increase our models performance if the added variable adds explanatory power. Too many variables, especially non-correlating or noisy dimensions, can lead to overfitting. As seen above, already using 2 (98.8%) or 3 (99.7%) of our 5 classes allows us to describe our dataset with a high accuracy - the additional 2 will not add much value.

Scree Plot

A Scree plot is a graph useful to plot the eigenvectors. This plot is useful to determine the PCA. It orders the values in descending order that is from largest to smallest. It allows us to determine the number of Principal Component is a graphical representation by visualizing the amount of variation a value adds to a given dataset.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(range(1, (no_components+1)), singular_values, marker='.')
y_label = plt.ylabel('Singular Values')
x_label = plt.xlabel('Principal Components')
plt.title('Scree Plot')

According to the scree test, the "elbow" of the graph where the eigenvalues seem to level off is found and factors or components to the left of this point should be retained as significant - here this would be the first two or three classes:

Dimensionality Reduction

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))

plt.plot(range(1, (no_components+1)), variance_ratio, marker='.', label='Explained Variance')
plt.plot(range(1, (no_components+1)), variance_ratio.cumsum(), marker='.', label='Cumulative Sum')

y_label = plt.ylabel('Explained Variance')
x_label = plt.xlabel('Principal Components')
plt.title('Percentage of Variance by Component')

The values of the amount of variance a component brings to our dataset and it's cumulative sum shows the same 'elbow' to pick our principal components from:

Dimensionality Reduction

Component PCA Weights

Our Principal Component Analysis assigned weights to each component allowing us to discard components that do not help us to classify the species in our dataset. Those weights can be visualized in a heatmap:

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))

Dimensionality Reduction

Transformation and Visualization

# use 3 principal components out of the 5 components

# append the 3 principal components to the norm dataframe
data_norm[['PC1', 'PC2', 'PC3']] = data_transformed[:,:3]

species sex index Frontal Lobe Rear Width Carapace Midline Maximum Width Body Depth class PC1 PC2 PC3
0 Blue Male 1 -2.146 -2.352 -2.254 -2.218 -2.058 BlueMale 4.928 -0.268 -0.122
1 Blue Male 2 -1.945 -1.963 -1.972 -1.989 -1.941 BlueMale 4.386 -0.094 -0.039
2 Blue Male 3 -1.831 -1.924 -1.846 -1.785 -1.853 BlueMale 4.129 -0.169 0.034
3 Blue Male 4 -1.716 -1.885 -1.691 -1.696 -1.707 BlueMale 3.884 -0.246 0.015
4 Blue Male 5 -1.659 -1.846 -1.662 -1.708 -1.707 BlueMale 3.834 -0.224 -0.015

2D Plot

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
_ = sns.scatterplot(x='PC1', y='PC2', hue='class', data=data_norm)

Dimensionality Reduction

3D Plot

class_colours = {
    'BlueMale': '#0027c4', #blue
    'BlueFemale': '#f18b0a', #orange
    'OrangeMale': '#0af10a', # green
    'OrangeFemale': '#ff1500', #red

colours = data['class'].apply(lambda x: class_colours[x])


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')

ax.scatter(xs=x, ys=y, zs=z, s=50, c=colours)
plot = px.scatter_3d(
    x = 'PC1',
    y = 'PC2',

Dimensionality Reduction

Dimensionality Reduction

Separation! Nice :)