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OWLS16 - Open Web LS16 Fantasy Console

Made for LoSpec Jam 2 and The Tool Jam 4 in 2024.

Try It Out

Try it out:



  • w, a, s, d, or arrow keys for movement
  • n,q, z for "B" button
  • m,e, x for "A" button
  • [. Tab,f for Select button
  • ],r for Start button

Run it Locally

  1. Get the code
  2. Make sure you have Node installed
  3. npm install to install Vite
  4. npm run serve to start the dev server
  5. Open up the url given (e.g, http://localhost:5173/)

Customize It - Make your own game

  1. Read through at invaders.js for an example
  2. Make your own cartridge game as a .js file (ESM format) - See below for details
  3. Modify start.js to import your cartridge
  4. Go back to the page (e.g, http://localhost:5173/), and see your game.

Fantasy Console Specs

Fantasy consoles are always limited in their scope, meant to mimic older systems. This console has specific requirements defined by the LoSpec Jam 2 rules:

Official LS Jam Requirements Status
256x224 resolution ✅ Scaled by 2
16 color palette console16 ✅ See colors.js
Colors are not allowed to be mixed, post processing effects are not allowed ✅ Enforced by a pixel-correction function
8 button controller: 4-way direction page, A, B, Start, Select ✅ Controller set up with B,A (like NES) rather than A,B
Optional for LS Jam Status
2 Player support ✖️ Won't do
4-channel sound ship with Triangle, Pulse, Saw, and Noise generators ☑️ Using ZzFX for sounds, but with no channels
3 built-in fonts ✅ See css and fonts.js
16x16 px sprites, 64 on screen at once ✅ More than 64 silently fails
4 scrolling tiled background layers ✅ More than 4 silently fails
256x256 px sprite sheets ✅ Sheets are defined in a spritesheets array of Data URLs


  • Program = the game logic, written in JavaScript, broken into three main functions:
    • init - run once when the program starts
    • update - run continuously, ~60 FPS by default (using setTimeout)
    • draw - run continuously before the browser draws to the screen (requestAnimationFrame)
  • Assets = the materials needed for the game, defined with these properties containing arrays:
    • sounds - Array of ZzFX arrays
    • backgrounds - Array of DataURL strings
      • Images should be 256x256 pixels
    • spritesheets - Array of DataURL strings
      • Images should be 256x256 pixels
      • 16x16 pixel sprites will be numbered consecutively from 0, going left to right, top to bottom.
  • Cartridge = a set of data for a game that contains assets and a program
    • Currently the only format a cartridge can be is a JavaScript object
    • Example:
     export default {
     	name: 'my-cart',
     	sounds: [ ... ], // array of ZzFX arrays
     	backgrounds: [ ... ], // array of DataURLs, e.g., "..."
     	spritesheets: [ ... ] // array of DataURLs
     	program: {
     		init(api, $state) {
     			/* Setup logic */
     		update(api, $state) {
     			/* Input handling and Game logic */
     		draw(api, $state) {
     			const { cls, print, spr, bg } = api;
     			/* Drawing logic */
  • The API - an object containing all functions and constants that the program can access
    • See below
  • The State - an object containing any data that you want to pass between init, update, and draw
    • This is initially empty, but can be defined however you'd like.
  • IDs - Many things - such as colors, buttons, sprites, sounds, and backgrounds - are referenced by numerical IDs referring to index in the array where the data is defined.

API and Pico-8 Compatibility

The API that is provided to the three main functions contains many functions that act like Pico-8, and many that are new.


Icon Meaning
Works like Pico-8
Bonus parameters or features
⚠️ Limited functionality or params; oddities
Not available
🆕 New, Non-Pico-8 functionality


  • cls (colorId)
  • print (text, x, y, colorId, fontId) ➕ Can provide a font Id ⚠️ Adds bordering colors for font 2
  • 🆕 log (...) - Logs parameters to the console log, but only a limited number of times (to avoid crashing the browser tab)

Tables, Loops, CoRoutines

⛔ No support for Pico-8 tables or loop functions at the moment. Javascript objects, arrays, and control statements all work.


  • spr (spriteId, x, y) ⚠️ doesn't use w, h, flipX, flipY params
  • sget
  • sset
  • 🆕 bg (backgroundId, x, y, repeat)
  • fget
  • fset

Shapes, Pixels

  • ⚠️ rect (x0, y0, x1, y1, colorId) - Note that this is different than the JavaScript canvas rect
  • rectfill (x0, y0, x1, y1, colorId)
  • circ (x, y, r, colorId)
  • circfill (x, y, r, colorId)
  • line (x0, y0, x1, y1, colorId)
  • pget (x, y)
  • pset (x, y, colorId)

Colors, Screen

  • pal
  • palt
  • ⛔ camera
  • ⛔ clip
  • ⛔ color

Tile Maps

  • ⛔ map
  • ⛔ mget
  • ⛔ mset


  • btn (buttonId, player) ⚠️ player param not used
  • btnp (buttonId, player) ⚠️ player param not used; does not repeat if button is held down

String Manipulation and Types

  • sub (string, from to) - just an alias for JavaScript's .substring()
  • type (w) - just an alias for JavaScript's typeof
  • tostr (w) - same as String(w)
  • tonum (w) - same as Number(w)


  • sfx (soundId, channel, offset, length) ⚠️ channel, offset, and length params are not used
  • music (n, fade, mask)


  • sin
  • cos
  • atan2
  • abs
  • round
  • flr
  • 🆕 floor (alias)
  • ceil
  • min
  • max
  • sgn
  • 🆕 sign (alias)
  • sqrt
  • mid
  • 🆕 clamp (number, min = 0, max = 1)
  • 🆕 lerp (percent, valueA, valueB)
  • 🆕 mod (dividend, divisor)


  • band, bnot, bor, bxor, shl, shr - Supported, but deprecated by Pico-8. Use bitwise operators instead.
  • Bitwise AND - use &
  • Bitwise NOT - use ~
  • Bitwise OR - use |
  • Bitwise XOR - use ^ ⚠️ Different from Pico-8's ^^
  • Shift left - use <<
  • Shift right - use >>
  • lshr


  • rnd (limit) ⚠️ Cannot pass a "table" as a param
  • 🆕 rand (valueA = 1, valueB = 0) - Generate a random number between two values (optional params)
  • 🆕 randInt (valueA, valueB = 0) - Generate a random integer between two values (uses floor)
  • 🆕 pick (array) - Pick a random item from an array
  • srand (val)


  • 🆕 aabb ([x1, y1, w1, h1], [x2, y2, w2, h2]) - Is a rectangle (defined by an array of coordinates and size) intersecting with another rectangle?


  • 🆕 COLORS (array)
  • NIL === null


Core Features

  • Fix multi-touch issue - Currently the controller does not work well in

Wishlist / Ideas

  • System UI
    • Show cartridge in system UI (center)
    • Show controller cord connection
  • Sample sprites for splash screen
  • Draw to buffer before color correction and final draw
  • Tilemaps
  • Music
  • Allow btnp function to get retriggered if button is held down after some delay
  • Fast tap recognition (for mobile)
  • Command line interface
  • 3D console using CSS (see OWL-BAT)
  • cartridges as JSON
  • cartridges as images
  • Different carts based on how they're saved: "T" = Temp cart (in memory, in development), "B" = Browser (IndexedDB), "M" = Local machine / drive, "S" = Cloud backed-up. Maybe a different color for each?
  • Show cartridges in a library
  • Ability to share cartridges (as images or JSON files, or via P2P)
  • Full compatibility with pico-8
  • Support multiple languages, including Lua
