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Moox Core

Moox Core

The Moox Core package cares for many common features. It is required by all Moox packages including Moox Builder. If you want to use Moox Builder to generate a Custom Package, check out the features you're already able to use, if you want to Moox Core independently in your app or a package, you need to use the traits accordingly.


If you want to install Moox Core (normally not necessary, because this package is required by all other Moox packages), you can:

composer require moox/core
php artisan mooxcore:install


Moox Core requires these packages:


Dynamic Tabs

Moox allows you to change (or remove) the Filter tabs for Filament Resources. The HasDynamicTabs Trait is used in all of our packages including Moox Builder.

Disable Tabs

If you want to disable tabs for this resource, just do a

            'tabs' => [],

A pretty basic example:

            'tabs' => [
                'all' => [
                    'label' => 'trans//core::core.all',
                    'icon' => 'gmdi-filter-list',
                    'query' => [],
                'user' => [
                    'label' => 'trans//core::core.user_session',
                    'icon' => 'gmdi-account-circle',
                    'query' => [
                            'field' => 'user_id',
                            'operator' => '!=',
                            'value' => null,

As mentioned, the DynamicTabs trait is already implemented, if you want to implement this feature from outside Moox, please have a look at one of our Filament resources list pages:

use Moox\Core\Traits\HasDynamicTabs;

class ListItems extends ListRecords
    use HasDynamicTabs;

		public function getTabs(): array
        return $this->getDynamicTabs('package.resources.item.tabs', Expiry::class);

and the config of the package:

    'resources' => [
        'item' => [

            | Tabs
            | Define the tabs for the Resource table. They are optional, but
            | pretty awesome to filter the table by certain values.
            | You may simply do a 'tabs' => [], to disable them.

            'tabs' => [
                'all' => [
                    'label' => 'trans//core::core.all',
                    'icon' => 'gmdi-filter-list',
                    'query' => [],
                'documents' => [
                    'label' => 'trans//core::core.documents',
                    'icon' => 'gmdi-text-snippet',
                    'query' => [
                            'field' => 'expiry_job',
                            'operator' => '=',
                            'value' => 'Documents',

Queries in Config

Dynamic Tabs uses the QueriesInConfig Trait, that means you can build queries like this:

The simplest query is for the All tab, of course:

					'query' => [],

All other queries require three parameters:

                    'query' => [
                            'field' => 'status',
                            'operator' => '=',
                            'value' => 'open',

Add more, if you need:

                    'query' => [
                            'field' => 'post_type',
                            'operator' => '=',
                            'value' => 'Post',
                            'field' => 'deleted',
                            'operator' => '!=',
                            'value' => 'false',

We DON'T YET support relations nor the like operator. If you're in the need, we would be happy to merge a PR :-)

                    // TODO: not implemented yet
										'query' => [
                            'field' => 'user_name',
                            'relation' => 'user',
                            'operator' => 'like',
                            'value' => 'Alf',

The value of a query accepts a closure. Following example is perfect for a "My Tab" as it filters for the current user:

                    'query' => [
                            'field' => 'user_id',
                            'operator' => '=',
                            'value' => function () {
                                return auth()->user()->id;

Finally, a special idea and therefor NOT YET implemented: if the value contains a class and a forth parameter hide-if-not-existsset to true, Moox will check, if the class exists and otherwise hide the tab. That allows us to register buttons for packages, that are not necessarily required.

                    // TODO: not implemented yet
										'query' => [
                            'field' => 'status',
                            'operator' => '=',
                            'value' => 'Moox\Press\Models\WpUser',
                            'hide-if-not-exists' => true,

An practical example (works for Sessions, Devices and other user-related entities):

            'tabs' => [
	            'mine' => [
                    'label' => 'My Sessions',
                    'icon' => 'gmdi-account-circle',
                    'query' => [
                            'field' => 'user_id',
                            'operator' => '=',
                            'value' => function () {
                                return auth()->user()->id;
                'all' => [
                    'label' => 'trans//core::core.all',
                    'icon' => 'gmdi-filter-list',
                    'query' => [],
                'user' => [
                    'label' => 'User Sessions',
                    'icon' => 'gmdi-account-circle',
                    'query' => [
                            'field' => 'user_type',
                            'operator' => '=',
                            'value' => 'Moox\User\Models\User',
                'wpuser' => [
                    'label' => 'WordPress Sessions',
                    'icon' => 'gmdi-account-circle',
                    'query' => [
                            'field' => 'user_type',
                            'operator' => '=',
                            'value' => 'Moox\Press\Models\WpUser',
                'anonymous' => [
                    'label' => 'Anonymous Sessions',
                    'icon' => 'gmdi-no-accounts',
                    'query' => [
                            'field' => 'user_id',
                            'operator' => '=',
                            'value' => null,

And finally the most-known mistake, throws "Cannot access offset of type string on string":

        'query' => [
						'field' => 'user_id',
						'operator' => '=',
						'value' => null,

So don't forget to put the query in an extra array, even if it is a single query.

As mentioned, the QueriesInConfig trait is used in HasDynamicTabs, another Trait in Moox Core. Please code dive there, to see how to implement the Feature from outside Moox.

Translations in Config

A simple but useful feature is the TranslationsInConfig Trait that is used a lot in our config files, as seen with Tabs:

                    'label' => 'trans//core::core.all',

Translations of our packages are generally organized in Moox Core. Only few of our packages ship with own translation files. These packages are registered in the core.php configuration file. If you develop a custom package (preferably using Moox Builder) you need to add your custom package to the Package Registration.

Translations in Config are used in the CoreServiceProvider like this:

use Moox\Core\Traits\TranslatableConfig;

class CoreServiceProvider extends PackageServiceProvider
    use TranslatableConfig;

    public function boot()

        $this->app->booted(function () {

Request in Model

The RequestInModel Trait is currently used by all Moox Press packages. It allows us to use the request data in some of our models. You can code dive into Moox\Press\Models\WpTerm.php, to find more code examples. The basic implementation looks like this:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Moox\Core\Traits\RequestInModel;

class WpTerm extends Model
	use RequestInModel;

  $description = $wpTerm->getRequestData('description');

Google Material Design Icons

As Google Material Design Icons provides one of the largest sets of high quality icons, we decided to use them as default for Moox. The GoogleIcons Trait changes the default Filament Icons, too. It is used in the CoreServiceProvider like this:

use Moox\Core\Traits\GoogleIcons;

class CoreServiceProvider extends PackageServiceProvider
    use GoogleIcons;

    public function boot()


You can disable Google Icons and use the Filament default icons instead, see config.

Log Level

Log Level is a useful feature to debug things in Moox, even when you're in production, or get your logs silent while developing.

    $this->logDebug('This is a debug message');
    $this->logInfo('This is an info message');

You can adjust the log level and whether to log in production in Moox Core's Config.


DNS Lookup

The DnsLookupService does just a - you guessed it - DNS Lookup. That Service is currently used in Moox Sync's PlatformResource like so:

use Moox\Core\Services\DnsLookupService;

class PlatformResource extends Resource
		public static function form(Form $form): Form
        return $form->schema([
                Grid::make(['default' => 0])->schema([
                        ->rules(['max:255', 'string'])
                        ->unique(ignoreRecord: true)
                        ->live(debounce: 500)
                        ->afterStateUpdated(function ($state, callable $set) {
                            if (empty($state)) {
                                $set('ip_address', 'The host is not resolvable');
                            } else {
                                $ipAddress = DnsLookupService::getIpAddress($state);
                                $set('ip_address', $ipAddress ?: 'The host is not resolvable');


Core API

The Core API api/core provides all available packages (and their configuration).

It is currently not used, and may be changed or removed.

Models API

The Models API api/models provides all available and loaded models. It is used by Moox Sync, for example.

The Models API is work in progress. It probably will be secured.

Shared Hosting API

The Shared Hosting API schedule/run is used to run scheduled tasks in shared hosting environments.

If you want to use the Shared Hosting API, you need to set the SHARED_HOSTING_ENABLED config to true and the SHARED_HOSTING_TOKEN config to a secure token.


Package Registration

Moox has a simple package registration. To ensure that some features of Moox Core are only available for known packages, all Moox packages and all custom packages, created with Moox Builder, need to register here:

    | Moox Packages
    | This config array registers all known Moox packages. You may add own
    | packages to this array. If you use Moox Builder, these packages
    | work out of the box. Adding a non-compatible package fails.

    'packages' => [
        'audit' => 'Moox Audit',
        'builder' => 'Moox Builder',
        'core' => 'Moox Core',
        'expiry' => 'Moox Expiry',
        'jobs' => 'Moox Jobs',
        'login-link' => 'Moox Login Link',
        'notifications' => 'Moox Notifications',
        'page' => 'Moox Page',
        'passkey' => 'Moox Passkey',
        'permission' => 'Moox Permission',
        'press' => 'Moox Press',
        'press-wiki' => 'Moox Press Wiki',
        'security' => 'Moox Security',
        'sync' => 'Moox Sync',
        'training' => 'Moox Trainings',
        'user' => 'Moox User',
        'user-device' => 'Moox User Device',
        'user-session' => 'Moox User Session',

You can publish the Moox Core configuration file and add own packages:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="core-config"

but remember to update the Array regularly then, to allow newer Moox packages to work flawlessly.

Disable Google Icons

You can disable Google Icons, and use the Filament default iconset (Heroicons) instead.

This disables the replacement of the Filament core icons, done in Core, as well as the individual icons of most of our packages. Some packages will remain with Google Icons, because there is no corresponding icon in the Heroicon set.

    | Google Icons
    | We use Google Material Design Icons, but if you want to use the
    | Heroicons, used by Filament as default, you can disable the
    | Google Icons here. This will affect the whole application.

    'google_icons' => true,


You can adjust the log level and whether to log in production. Currently used by Moox Sync and soon by other Moox packages, too.

    | Logging
    | This config array sets the logging level and whether to log in
    | production. It is used by some Moox packages where verbose
    | logging is a good thing while implementing complex stuff.

    'logging' => [
        'verbose_level' => env('VERBOSE_LEVEL', 0), // 0: Off, 1: Debug, 2: Info, 3: All
        'log_in_production' => env('LOG_IN_PRODUCTION', false),

Shared Hosting

You can enable shared hosting features. This is useful if you want to run scheduled tasks in shared hosting environments. It allows you to run the queue:work and 'schedule:run' command from an URL

    | Shared Hosting
    | This config array sets the shared hosting token. This token is used to
    | authenticate requests from shared hosting environments.

    'shared_hosting' => [
        'enabled' => env('SHARED_HOSTING_ENABLED', false),
        'token' => env('SHARED_HOSTING_TOKEN', 'secret'),


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.