- Add notation list for the system id chapter.
- Add m/s to all of the km/h and mph numbers.
- Write an overall conclusion.
- Try to say more about tables 13.4 5 and 6
- sphinxcontrib-bibtex is not resolving hyper links in the pdf in the same way the footnotes do. I think this only affects the citations, footnotes, and todo items in the auto-built area.
- The footnotes in the latexpdf hyperlink to page i. These don't really need to be hyperlinks at all.
- The latex build wants the target directive in images to point to something different than the html.
- Center tables in html.
- Citations for all software packages.
- Add figures in the sys id rider section that compare the factors
- Add an eigenvalue vs speed plot of the identified closed loop poles of the full rider/bicycle system.
- src/extensions/arms/plot_eig.py seems to no longer exist anywhere...rewrite?
- Formulas for the gains and a plot of eigenvalue of forward speed with respect to those formulas for the closed loop system. Make sure you no where the L-P model numbers are. Maybe make them explicit again in this section.
- Plot of gains versus speed (theoretical) for the L-P model instead of the Whipple model.
.. todolist::