Clone this git repository, e.g.
cd /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/civicrm
mkdir -p tools/extensions
git clone git:// tools/extensions/civihr
If you have Drush installed, then you can enable all the extensions at once:
cd /var/www/drupal
bash sites/all/modules/civicrm/tools/extensions/civihr/bin/ --with-sample-data
If you're familiar with different ways to call drush, then you can use the same techniques with, e.g.
cd /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/civicrm/tools/extensions/civihr
./bin/ --with-sample-data --root=/var/www/drupal
cd /var/www/drupal/sites/
bash /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/civicrm/tools/extensions/civihr/bin/ --with-sample-data
Read the for details.
Most CiviHR extensions define their schema using CiviCRM's custom-data system. During installation, modules using this sytem will load "xml/auto_install.xml" which was [re]generated using the command "civix generate:custom-xml". (Note: The XML won't be reloaded during upgrade. To support upgrades, one must add an upgrade_N() function to CRM/*/Upgrader.php.)
The hrjob extension uses XML/GenCode to manage schema. When modifying the schema, be sure to:
- Edit the XML files in "hrjob/xml/schema/CRM/HRJob"
- Run the command "hrjob/bin/ {CIVICRM_ROOT}"
- Manually copy relevant SQL snippets from "{CIVICRM_ROOT}/sql/civicrm.mysql" to "hrjob/sql/auto_install.sql"
- (If appropriate) Add an upgrade_N() function to hrjob/CRM/HRJob/Upgrader.php
To run the unit-tests, one must configure CiviCRM to run unit-tests, install civix, and link civix to CiviCRM. To validate that the link is setup, run:
user@host:/path/to/civihr/hrjob$ civix civicrm:ping
Ping successful
To execute particular tests, use "civix test":
user@host:/path/to/civihr/hrjob$ civix test api_v3_HRJobTest
Adding Individual
Adding Organization
PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Installing civicrm_tests_dev database
Time: 24 seconds, Memory: 28.25Mb
OK (1 test, 4 assertions)
(Note: Civix's design assumes that there are two databases. The "live database" used with "civix civicrm:ping" is part of a fully-functioning CiviCRM/CiviHR installation. The "headless testing database" is only used for testing -- it is conventionally called "civicrm_tests_dev".)
(Note: For "hrjob", there's an extra pre-requisite: before running tests, run "hrjob/bin/ {CIVICRM_ROOT}".)