- #115 Comment testing contexts (@loic425)
- #114 Remove yarn.lock (@loic425)
- #113 Remove package.json (@loic425)
- #112 Print action (@loic425)
- #111 Fix Kernel on test app for Symfony 6 (@loic425)
- #110 Remove Travis badge (@loic425)
- #107 Add test with PHP 8.1 (@loic425)
- #93 Add support for Symfony 6 (@loic425)
- #103 Remove usage of request get method (@loic425)
- #100 Main style content (@jibograf)
- #99 Update phpstan/phpstan requirement from ^0.12.42 to ^1.1.2 (@loic425, @dependabot[bot])
- #102 Fix page sorter (@loic425)
- #85 Adding icons on menu (@loic425)
- #94 Add event name on page action (@loic425)
- #91 Add a page event before rendering page (@loic425)
- #92 Fix build (@loic425)
- #83 Sort by custom files (@loic425)
- #81 Add a docs to configure localized routes (@loic425)
- #79 Fix setup for Flex (@loic425)
- #77 Remove trailing slash (@loic425)
- Add support for multiple docs contexts
- Drop PHP 7.3 support
- #76 Rename Twig functions to avoid collisions (@loic425)
- #75 Add param types and psalm (@loic425)
- #73 Add Metadata to docs context (@loic425)
- #72 Fix test app redirection (@loic425)
- #71 Improve readme file (@loic425)
- #68 Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- #70 Fix chart link on doc index (@loic425)
- #69 Allow multiple docs contexts (for example: including legacy versions) (@loic425)
- #67 show more levels on menu (@loic425)
- #66 Fix meta-title (@loic425)
- #65 Improve specs for data provider (@loic425)
- #64 Add specs for data provider (@loic425)
- #63 Bump y18n from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- #60 Add support for Mermaid charts (@loic425)
- #59 Fix slug with trailing slash (@loic425)
- #58 Allow using a directory index page (@loic425)
- Add an automatic table of contents
- #57 [WIP] Automatic table of contents (@loic425)
- #56 Redirect homepage to docs index on test app (@loic425)
- Add pagination
- #55 Add screenshots on README (@loic425)
- #54 Improve how to use docs (@loic425)
- #53 improve pagination style (@jibograf)
- #52 [Fix] Remove homepage from menu (@loic425)
- #51 Page navigation (@loic425)
- #50 Sorting pages map (@loic425)
- #49 Use pages map (@loic425)
- #40 Update phpspec/phpspec requirement from ^6.2 to ^7.0 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- #48 Use data providers and DTO (@loic425)
- #47 Fix test-app (@loic425)
- #46 Separate title from content (@loic425)
- Drop support for php 7.2
- Sort menu by titles
- #45 Sort menu by titles (@loic425)
- #44 Test app (@loic425)
- #43 Drop PHP 7.2 support (@loic425)
- #42 Github actions (@loic425)
- #41 Validate composer (@loic425)
- Added support for php 8.0
- Added support for Markdown Extra
- Added sub items on menu
- #36 improve sub-menu items style (@jibograf)
- #29 Php 8 support (@loic425)
- #34 Show submenu items (@loic425)
- #35 Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 (@dependabot[bot])
- #33 Use html to render warning and notes (@loic425)
- #32 Add markdown extra support (@loic425)
- #31 Add warning and notes on documentation (@loic425)
- #30 Style fixes (@jibograf)
- #26 Move page layout on views (@loic425)
- #25 Apply Symfony codestyle (@loic425)
- #24 Fix Style errors (@jibograf)
- #23 Lint css (@loic425)
- #22 Style (@jibograf)
- #21 Case insensitive search & regex support (@loic425)
- #20 Improve search results' title (@loic425)
- #19 Fix homepage link (@loic425)
- #18 Fix search action (@loic425)
- #17 Fix active menu detection (@loic425)
- #16 Use prefix for routes (@loic425)
- #15 Docs dir configurable (@loic425)
- #14 Fix page title extension when file is empty (@loic425)
- #13 Test Symfony versions (@loic425)
- #12 Improve theming (@loic425)
- #11 Test page action (@loic425)
- #10 Branch alias on composer (@loic425)
- #9 Check if template exists (@loic425)
- #8 Fix dependencies (@loic425)
- #7 Init readme file (@loic425)
- #5 Add dynamic menu (@loic425)
- #6 layout (@loic425)
- #4 Add routes (@loic425)
- #3 Test services configuration (@loic425)
- #2 Add routes and templates (@loic425)
- #1 Init CI (@loic425)