- #312 Same node dependencies as skeleton (@loic425)
- #310 fix ApiPlatform configuration (@smildev)
- #306 Fix monorepo-builder configuration (@loic425)
- #304 Migrate to php configuration for symplify packages (@loic425)
- #302 Bump api platform core version (@loic425)
- #298 Fix API pack to support api platform 2.6 (@loic425)
- #301 Use Behat dmore extensions (@loic425)
- #299 Move Behat bridge on dev requirements (@loic425)
- #297 Update readme for documentation (@loic425)
- #296 [HotFix] CRUD templates when there are no form templates configured (@loic425)
- #292 Update phpspec/phpspec requirement from ^6.2 to ^7.0 (@loic425, @dependabot-preview[bot])
- #294 [API] Change password endpoint (@loic425)
- #291 Me endpoints (@loic425)
- #290 Move register app user on customer resource (@loic425)
- #211 Bump se/selenium-server-standalone from 2.53.1 to 3.141.59 (@loic425, @dependabot-preview[bot])
- #289 Bump Doctrine migrations version (@loic425)
- #288 Move Behat suites configuration (@loic425)
- #287 Move Sylius routes configuration on config/sylius/routes directory (@loic425)
- #286 Replace Lakion mink debug extension (@loic425)
- #285 Api key on swagger (@loic425)
- #262 Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 (@dependabot[bot])
- #284 Remove guzzle dependency (@loic425)
- #282 Update friends-of-phpspec/phpspec-code-coverage requirement from ^4.3 to ^5.0 (@loic425, @dependabot-preview[bot])
- #278 Fix CI (@loic425)
- #283 Fix browser kit driver on behat bridge (@loic425)
- #277 Fix Behat bridge dependencies (@loic425)
- #276 Set branch alias on all packages (@loic425)
- #275 Symfony versions on github actions (@loic425)
- #273 Upgrade dependencies (@loic425)
- #272 Test packages (@loic425)
- #271 Github actions badge on readme (@loic425)
- #270 Bye bye Travis (@loic425)
- #269 Behat with frontend (@loic425)
- #268 Github actions (@loic425)