- #127 Configure swift mailer spool for tests (@loic425)
- #126 Fix phpstan error (@loic425)
- #125 Fix grids configuration path (@loic425)
- #123 Move client manager and simplify add user form subscriber (@loic425)
- #124 Move fixtures configuration into fixtures plugin (@loic425)
- #122 Improve package configuration (@loic425)
- #121 Improve fixtures plugin (@loic425)
- #120 Add some Behat behaviours (@loic425)
- #119 Improve Behat services (@loic425)
- #118 Remove todo on behat scenarios (@loic425)
- #117 Remove make files from bundle (@loic425)
- #116 Move Behat services into core bundle (@loic425)
- #115 Move Crud pages on admin buddle (@loic425)
- #114 Monofony data collector (@loic425)
- #113 Fix symfony serializer dependency (@loic425)
- #111 Init Api Bundle (@loic425)
- #112 Make FixturesBundle a Monofony plugin (@loic425)
- #110 Add Fixtures bundle and update coding standard (@loic425)
- #109 Move Makefile on CoreBundle (@loic425)
- #108 Fix some namespaces (@loic425)
- #106 Configure bundles autoload (@loic425)
- #107 Fix Core bundle extension namespace (@loic425)
- #105 Add core licence and composer requirements (@loic425)
- #104 Tag doctrine subscribers (@loic425)
- #103 Improve changing customer context visibility (@loic425)
- #102 Fix bundle requirements (@loic425)
- #101 Configure Admin dashboard statistics (@loic425)
- #100 Move account and admin menu builders on bundles (@loic425)
- #99 Move core recipe src files into CoreBundle (@loic425)
- #98 Move webpack core config (@loic425)
- #97 Move TestPack into Monofony directory (@loic425)
- #96 Move some Front recipes (@loic425)
- #95 Move frontend config recipe into FrontBundle (@loic425)
- #94 Remove Admin and AdminPack directory (@loic425)
- #93 Move admin recipe src into AdminBundle (@loic425)
- #92 Move admin config into AdminBundle (@loic425)
- #91 Init front bundle with some recipe files (@loic425)
- #90 Init Admin bundle with some recipe files (@loic425)
- #57 [WIP] init webpack config (@loic425, @smildev)
- #89 Move some core recipe files into CoreBundle (@loic425)
- #88 Move Core features recipe into CoreBundle (@loic425)
- #87 Move Core config recipe into CoreBundle (@loic425)
- #86 Customer Context on CoreBundle recipe (@loic425)
- #85 Init a Core bundle and core component (@loic425)
- #1 finalize main webpack (@smildev)
- #82 New Makefile for tests and CI (@loic425)
- #83 Rename packages when it is not a pack (@loic425)
- #81 Use glob pattern for grid configuration (@loic425)
- #79 Use Friends of Behat Mink extension (@loic425)
- #78 Seeing customer's basic information (@loic425)
- #76 Finish some managing administrators behat scenarios (@loic425)
- #74 Autowire all Behat backend pages (@loic425)
- #73 Remove Files' header and Test coding standard (@loic425)
- #72 Move suites configuration (@loic425)
- #71 Simplify services test (@loic425)
- #70 Remove suite settings extension from test pack (@loic425)
- #69 Use class name on grids (@loic425)
- #68 Remove some config from core package (@loic425)
- #67 Configure sylius fixtures on fixtures pack (@loic425)
- #66 Test Pack (@loic425)
- #65 Sylius configuration (@loic425)
- #64 Add MIT license on composer (@loic425)
- #63 Add packages licences (@loic425)
- #62 Improve composer requirements of packages (@loic425)
- #61 Extract kernel from packages (@loic425)
- #59 Fix Travis after script (@loic425)
- #58 Split repos on merge to master (@loic425)
- #56 Monorepo builder (@loic425)
- #55 Api pack (@loic425)
- #54 Move kernel into core package (@loic425)
- #53 Rename packs (@loic425)
- #52 Move packages content into recipe directory (@loic425)
- #51 .recipes into src directory (@loic425)
- #50 Remove other behat classes (@loic425)
- #49 Move Behat services into core package (@loic425)
- #48 Move some Behat services into core package (@loic425)
- #47 Move frontend suites configuration into frontend package (@loic425)
- #46 Move backend suites configuration into backend package (@loic425)
- #45 User registration subscriber instead of a listener (@loic425)
- #44 Use a subscriber instead of a listener to set default username with e… (@loic425)
- #43 Use a subscriber instead of a listener to canonicalize usernames and … (@loic425)
- #42 Fully autowire fixtures (@loic425)
- #41 Prepare core services.yaml (@loic425)
- #40 Move dependency injection compilers on core package (@loic425)
- #38 Tests psalm on recipes (@loic425)
- #39 Test phpstan on recipes (@loic425)
- #37 Validate twig on recipes (@loic425)
- #36 Move bundles templates override into core package (@loic425)
- #35 Move templates into packages (@loic425)
- #34 Move phspecs (@loic425)
- #33 Move translations into core package (@loic425)
- #32 Move account menu in frontend package (@loic425)
- #31 Move some backend services into monofony backend package (@loic425)
- #30 Feature/change customer context visibility on compiler pass (@loic425)
- #29 Refactor compiler pass (@loic425)
- #28 Autowire customer context (@loic425)
- #27 Remove form services configuration (@loic425)
- #26 Split services configuration (@loic425)
- #24 Improve backend routes config for recipe (@loic425)
- #23 Simplify makefile (@loic425)
- #22 Move core features (@loic425)
- #21 Move frontend features (@loic425)
- #20 Move admin Behat features into monofony backend package (@loic425)
- #19 Move formatter into monofony core package (@loic425)
- #18 Rename monofony admin package into monofony backend package (@loic425)
- #17 Move frontend routes into monofony-frontend package (@loic425)
- #16 Move backend routes into monofony-admin package (@loic425)
- #15 Move grids configuration in monofony admin package (@loic425)
- #14 Remove capistrano (@loic425)
- #12 Move installer into core package (@loic425)
- #11 Move customer context into core package (@loic425)
- #10 Move collector into core package (@loic425)
- #9 Move forms into core package (@loic425)
- #8 Bump node version (@loic425)
- #7 Move repositories into core package (@loic425)
- #6 Move event listeners into core package (@loic425)
- #5 Move migrations into core package (@loic425)
- #4 Move commands into monofony core package (@loic425)
- #3 Rename recipes directory (@loic425)
- #2 Move fixtures services into monofony-fixtures package (@loic425)
- #1 Move entities into core package (@loic425)
- #260 Docs/dashboard dynamic statistics (@lucasballyn)
- #263 Fix var log permissions on Capistrano (@loic425)
- #262 Fix testing migrations on travis (@loic425)
- #261 Fix security issue from Sylius resource bundle (@loic425)
- #259 Move grids' configuration files into config/grids directory (@loic425)
- #258 improve sonata block configuration (@smildev)
- #256 Use argon2id as sylius user encoder (@loic425)
- #255 [Security] Auto encoder (@loic425)
- #253 Fix backend search visibility (@loic425)
- #250 Add start selenium command on makefile (@loic425)
- #232 Dynamic statistics on administration panel (@loicmobizel, @lucasballyn)
- #251 Bump version of Symfony to 4.4 (@loic425)
- #245 Show your app version on admin footer and debug toolbar (@loic425)
- #248 Replace web server bundle by symfony server (@loic425)
- #247 Improve services configuration for menus (@loic425)
- #246 Favicon (@loic425)
- #243 Fix services config on Behat documentation (@loic425)
- #242 Fix Behat documentation (@loic425)
- #241 Fix capistrano media directory (@loic425)
- #238 Adding file management and admin avatar (@loic425, @loicmobizel)
- #240 Add select grid filter template (@loic425)
- #236 Upgrade credits (@loicmobizel)
- #235 Improve main config file (@loic425)
- #233 Move Behat directory into tests and move behat config in main config (@loicmobizel)
- #230 Add Api Platform library (@loicmobizel, @loic425)
- #217 Group entities on domains (@loic425)
- #231 Add OAuth login and refresh token (@loicmobizel)
- #229 Improve demo links on readme (@loic425)
- #228 Add demo link on README file (@loicmobizel)
- #227 Fix capistrano locking version and gem dependencies (@loic425)
- #226 Fix capistrano linked files (@loic425)
- #225 Add sonata events to be able to include javascript with events (@maximehuran)
- #224 Switch from Semantic-UI to Fomantic-UI (@loic425)
- #223 New admin panel (@loic425)
- #222 Fix Symfony security issues (@loic425)
- #221 Update logo (@loic425)
- #220 Upgrade database setup commands (@maximehuran)
- #219 Update htaccess for Symfony 4 (@maximehuran)
- #218 Add phpspec extension for phpstan (@loic425)
- #211 build assets with webpack instead of gulp (@loic425, @loicmobizel, @smildev, @kevinMz)
- #216 Bump version of Sylius resource bundle from 1.5 to 1.6 (@loic425)
- #215 [Travis] Test migrations (@loic425)
- #214 Bump Sylius to 1.6 (@loic425)
- #210 Fix api config (@loic425)
- #213 Bump fstream from 1.0.11 to 1.0.12 (@dependabot[bot])
- #212 Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 (@dependabot[bot])
- #209 Fix profiler toolbar (@loic425)
- #203 Some code improvements (@loic425)
- #208 Run infection only on changed files on CI (@loic425)
- #207 Bump lodash.mergewith from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 (@dependabot[bot])
- #206 Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.15 (@dependabot[bot])
- #205 Bump js-yaml from 3.12.0 to 3.13.1 (@dependabot[bot])
- #204 Improve services configuration (@loic425)
- #200 Admin dashboard with initial content (@loic425)
- #201 Make lint command (@loic425)
- #199 [Fix] test prod requirements with prod env (@loic425)
- #198 upgrade dependencies (@loic425)
- #197 Apply new fresh admin panel (@loic425)
- #194 Makefile commands overridable (@loic425)
- #196 Fix deprecation notice from Dotenv (@loic425)
- #195 Remove unused composer-parameter-handler (@loic425)
- #192 Upgrade to symfony 4.3 (@loic425)
- #191 psalm level 5 (@loic425)
- #190 Fix grid security issue (@loic425)
- #189 Psalm level 6 (@loic425)
- #188 Kill mutants (@loic425)
- #184 Add how to generate backend menu. Add article form type (@harikt)
- #186 Upgrade sylius bundles and components (@loic425)
- #180 Using vimeo psalm on test (level 8) (@loic425)
- #181 Fix typo yaml (@harikt)
- #179 Rename yaml files with yaml extension (@loic425)
- #178 improve code quality on managing customers and registration behat con… (@loic425)
- #177 use argon2i password encoder (@loic425)
- #175 Do not run infection on all files when nothing has changed (@loic425)
- #176 Upgrade symfony (security bugfix) (@loic425)
- #174 [Account] Remember me on frontend login (@loic425)
- #173 improve make file with a lot of tests (@loic425)
- #172 upgrade sylius to 1.4.3 (@loic425)
- #171 fix app js errors (@loic425)
- #169 Improve infection scoring (@loic425)
- #168 Dump env prod (@loic425)
- #167 [Composer] Fix project name and licence (@lchrusciel)
- #165 add twitter link on readme (@loic425)
- #166 Autoconfigure frontend behat pages (@loic425)
- #164 [docs] move behat guide into cookbook (@loic425)
- #163 Run infection only on changed files (@loic425)
- #162 improve infection (@loic425)
- #161 Improve user and customer entities (@loic425)
- #160 [docs] add it has no title by default behaviour on docs (@loic425)
- #159 Add test-behat-with-javascript command on makefile (@loic425)
- #158 [docs] design services with phpspec (@loic425)
- #157 [Docs] Specify your entities with phpspec (@loic425)
- #156 Set username on admin user example factory (@loic425)
- #155 Makefile (@loic425)
- #154 Refresh entities documentation (@loic425)
- #153 update doc url (@loic425)
- #152 run setup command on install command (@loic425)
- #151 improve data fixtures documentation (@loic425)
- #148 improve listeners' dependency injection (@loic425)
- #150 Init a documentation to configure your datafixtures (@loic425)
- #147 Improve form dependency injection (@loic425)
- #149 upgrade twig (security fix) (@loic425)
- #146 Autoconfigure fixtures (@loic425)
- #145 Replace AppName by Monofony on documentation (@loic425)
- #144 Few fixes on readme (@loic425)
- #143 [Docs] refresh readme (@loic425)
- #142 use project dir instead of root dir on install sample data command (@loic425)
- #141 Refresh cookbook entities doc (@loic425)
- #140 Refresh bdd guide (@loic425)
- #139 remove container aware command on create client command (@loic425)
- #138 Remove abstract install command (@loic425)
- #137 remove container aware command on setup command (@loic425)
- #136 Fix setup command (@loic425)
- #135 Monofony logo (@loic425)
- #133 Run behat with cli on travis (@loic425)
- #132 Move DotEnv on prod requirements (@loic425)
- #131 fix gitignore (@loic425)
- #129 Fix js on backend (@loic425)
- #130 Fix security check on travis (@loic425)
- #128 Remove track advance mention (@loic425)
- #127 add phpspec.yml on gitignore (@loic425)
- #126 replace gitkeep with gitignore on etc build directory (@loic425)
- #125 remove useless address templates (@loic425)
- #124 Remove api section from docs (@loic425)
- #123 Fix account registration (@loic425)
- #122 add some missing phpspec (@loic425)
- #121 fix fzaninotto/faker for composer 2.0 (@loic425)
- #120 Use getExtentedTypes instead of deprecated getExtentedType method (@loic425)
- #119 Remove vagrant setup from readme (@loic425)
- #118 Improve docs (@loic425)
- #117 Remove Foundation view (@loic425)
- #116 [Behat] Test installation command (@loic425)
- #115 Remove vagrant (@loic425)
- #112 autowire fixtures (@loic425)
- #110 Autowire fixture factories (@loic425)
- #109 autowire behat contexts with resource autogenerated services (@loic425)
- #108 upgrade sylius resource to 1.4 (@loic425)
- #105 [Behat] autowiring contexts (@loic425)
- #103 WIP upgrade fob symfony extension (@loic425)
- #102 Switch to dotenv file handling (@loic425)
- #101 Upgrade doctrine ORM (@loic425)
- #99 upgrade to doctrine migration 2.0 (@loic425)
- #98 fix change password (@loic425)
- #96 fix gulpfile to build both backend and frontend (@loic425)
- #95 [Docs] update behat guide (@loic425)
- #94 [Cookbook] Create and configure a new entity (@loic425)
- #93 update doc theme (@loic425)
- #92 improve admin dashboard path (@loic425)
- #91 update template request password reset page with semantic ui (@loic425)
- #90 update template reset password page with semantic ui (@loic425)
- #89 update account templates with semantic ui (@loic425)
- #84 Gulp babel (@loic425)
- #82 Enable behat with javascript on travis (@loic425)
- #81 Features/deleting multiple administrators (@loic425)
- #80 upgrade sylius to 1.3 (@loic425)
- #79 config for behat with javascript (@loic425)
- #78 remove special config files for travis, use test files instead (@loic425)
- #77 use friends of behat page object extension (@loic425)
- #76 update head comment blocks (@loic425)
- #75 Remove author blocks (@loic425)
- #74 Remove Symfony/Symfony definitively (@loic425)
- #73 upgrade symfony packages (@loic425)
- #72 use database_url for database configuration (@loic425)
- #71 remove symfony/symfony from composer requirement (@loic425)
- #70 Fix/missing symfony packages (@loic425)
- #69 fix user verification routes (@loic425)
- #65 Remove address entity (@loic425)
- #63 update command directory according to new Symfony recommendations (@loic425)
- #62 remove assets symlinks (@loic425)
- #60 remove selenium standalone from readme (@loic425)
- #61 Improve capistrano config (@loic425)
- #59 switch to lchrusciel/api-test-case (@loic425)
- #58 test installer on travis (@loic425)
- #57 use phpdbg instead of xdebug (@loic425)
- #56 add specs for form event subscribers (@loic425)
- #55 remove resource loader (@loic425)
- #54 add specs for event listeners (@loic425)
- #53 init infection (@loic425)
- #52 php cs fix (@loic425)
- #50 remove old behat feature (@loic425)
- #51 add specs for customer and user entity (@loic425)
- #49 remove codeship (@loic425)
- #48 fix account pages (@loic425)
- #47 fix homepage and init an empty behat homepage context (@loic425)
- #46 validate yaml files on travis (@loic425)
- #44 init flex (@loic425)
- #43 Renaming registering administrator account feature (@loic425)
- #42 sort packages (@loic425)
- #41 fix install command (@loic425)
- #40 upgrade sylius to 1.2.1 (@loic425)
- #39 improve doctrine config (@loic425)
- #38 add some issue templates (@loic425)
- #37 add some phpstan addons (@loic425)
- #36 Fix/frontend templates (@loic425)
- #35 fix api test wording (@loic425)
- #34 fix login template (@loic425)
- #32 improve spec of Address entity (@loic425)
- #31 Migrating to symfony4 (@loic425)
- #30 upgrade monolog bundle (@loic425)
- #29 jedisjeux replacements (@loic425)
- #28 Upgrade/php 7.2 (@loic425)
- #27 upgrade dev dependencies (@loic425)
- #26 upgrade some dependencies (@loic425)
- #25 remove some deprecations (@loic425)
- #24 upgrade to sylius 1.2 (@loic425)
- #22 [Behat] Managing customers behat features (@loic425)
- #21 viewing address feature (@loic425)
- #20 use yarn (@loic425)
- #19 add viewing addresses behat test (@loic425)
- #18 upgrade symfony (@loic425)
- #17 upgrade sylius to 1.1.6 (@loic425)
- #16 [Behat] adding administrator (@loic425)
- #14 [Behat] remove old contexts (@loic425)
- #15 Remove compiled assets (@loic425)
- #13 Feature/behat refactor (@loic425)
- #12 [Behat] inject dependencies on orm context (@loic425)
- #11 [Behat] inject dependencies in AddressContext (@loic425)
- #10 [Behat] remove default api context (@loic425)
- #9 [Behat] add doctrine orm context (@loic425)
- #8 [Behat] use new setup address context (@loic425)
- #7 add setup context for address entity (@loic425)
- #6 [Git] remove symfony requirements (@loic425)
- #5 add travis and scrutinizer results on readme (@loic425)
- #4 [Travis] add test phpstan step on travis (@loic425)
- #3 Travis (@loic425)
- #2 remove mobizel mentions (@loic425)
- #1 remove mzh (@loic425)