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RIG - Reactive Interaction Gateway

RIG is a scalable, open source gateway to your microservices. It solves the problem of connection state (which users are online currently, with which devices), which allows your microservices to be stateless. Pushing arbitrary messages to all connected frontends of a specific user becomes as easy as publishing a message to a Kafka topic.

Additionally, RIG comes with a basic API gateway implementation. This way, RIG can be used to communicate both ways between your microservices and your frontends.

RIG Overview

Read more about why we built this here.

Other features:

  • Massively scalable, thanks to
    • only using in-memory databases, along with eventually-consistent cluster synchronization
    • Erlang/OTP, the platform RIG is built on
  • Towards frontends, support Server-Sent Events (SSE), WebSocket and HTTP long-polling connections
  • Supports privileged users that are able to subscribe to messages of other users
  • Supports JWT signature verification for APIs that need authentication
    • with blacklisting for immediate invalidation of tokens

How is it different from other API gateways like Tyk or Kong?

They are great API gateways, but they don't handle asynchronous events.

How is it different from Serverless' Event Gateway?

While both are designed around the idea of being reactive to events, the Event Gateway has been created with a different use case in mind, specializing on handling events across multiple cloud providers. RIG's focus is on handling the online state of users, with multiple devices per user, and the corresponding duplex connections. Consequently, RIG has a very strong focus on horizontal scalability, while maintaining some of the characteristics of a traditional API gateway. That said, if your architecture includes both, interactive UIs as frontends and serverless backends, perhaps even running in different cloud environments, then you might even benefit from running both gateways in a complementary way.

Getting Started

Unless you use a Docker image, you'll need Elixir and the Mix build tool on your machine. You can either follow the instructions on the Elixir website, or use kiex to install and manage Elixir runtimes (kiex is recommended for development, as it allows you to jump to definitions inside the Elixir source code, plus you can checkout upcoming Elixir versions easily).

Start RIG in Development

To get up and running:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Additional notes:

  • You can run tests with mix test. See for more details.
  • When debugging multi-node features, it's helpful to run the (named) nodes in iex sessions using iex --sname nodename -S mix.

Configuration and Integration

It should be easy to integrate RIG into your current architecture. Check out the configuration guide for details.

Deploy RIG to production

Currently we support two ways to deploy RIG: using Docker and using classical Erlang releases. Docker may be simpler for most use cases, but Erlang releases allow for hot code reloading.

Deployment using Docker

TODO: should probably be simplified. For now, follow these steps:

# build environment
docker build \
-t rge-build \
-f build.dockerfile \

# run build environment
docker run \
--name rg-build \
-v "$(pwd)/fsa-reactive-gateway":/opt/sites/fsa-reactive-gateway/_build/prod/rel/gateway \

# build app
docker build -t rge-app .

# run app
docker run \
--name rg-app \
-p 6060:6060 \
-e KAFKA_HOSTS=<host>:9092 \
-e IS_HOST=<host> \
-e PS_HOST=<host> \
-e TS_HOST=<host> \

Deployment using Erlang Releases

Using Erlang releases (instead of Docker containers) allows for hot code reloading. At the same time, you have to take care of cross-compilation and the hiccups of code hot-loading.

TODO describe Distillery builds and perhaps hot code reloading.


Your help is welcome - please read for details!


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


The Reactive Interaction Gateway (patent pending) is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see LICENSE for details.

The work is sponsored by Accenture.


RIG is built on the shoulders of giants. The most important ones, without dependencies:

  • Elixir
  • Erlang
  • Phoenix Framework
  • Brod
  • Distillery