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Infrastructure (Environments)

Terraform Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to provision the required infrastructure for the Planning Inspectorate application environments.


Installation / Setup

The main tools required to work with this repo are Terraform and Terragrunt. Instructrions to install these can be found via their respective websites (see Tooling section).

However, if you are running macOS or Linux it is recommended you use a version manager for ease in case working with multiple Terraform/Terragrunt versions. For this you can use tfenv and tgenv.

Install tfenv and Terraform

Install tfenv (Homebrew):

brew install tfenv

Install tfenv manually by checking out the repo and adding .tfenv/bin to your $PATH:

git clone ~/.tfenv
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.tfenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Install Terraform using tfenv:

tfenv install 1.1.6

Install tgenv and Terragrunt

Install tgenv:

git clone ~/.tgenv
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.tgenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Install Terragrunt using tgenv:

tgenv install latest
tgenv use latest

Install pre-commit hooks

Install pre-commit (requires Python/Pip):

pip install pre-commit

Install pre-commit (Homebrew):

brew install pre-commit

Once pre-commit is installed, configure it in the project by running from the root:

pre-commit install

Pre-commit is configured using the .pre-commit-config.yaml file in the root of the project. In order for it to run, the required tools need to be installed which is covered below, and in the Tooling section.

Install and use Terraform-docs

Install terraform-docs (Homebrew):

brew install terraform-docs

Install terraform-docs (Chocolatey):

choco install terraform-docs

Terraform-docs automates Terraform documentation and makes it available in Markdown syntax. These have been placed in files within each Terraform module throughout the repository.

This documentation has been automated using pre-commit hooks (see above). The file for each Terraform module contains tags:


When the pre-commit hook runs then Terraform-docs will generate the documentation and add to the space between the tags.

If you create a new Terraform module, simply add a file and add the above tags. Terraform-docs will then run for this module each time you make a commit.

To run Terraform-docs for the whole repository, run:

pre-commit run -a terraform-docs

Install and use TFLint

Install tflint (Bash script Linux):

curl -s | bash

Install tflint (Homebrew):

brew install tflint

Install tflint (Choolatey):

choco install tflint

TFLint is configured via the .tflint.hcl file in the project root. It needs to be initialised before running.

tflint --init

Install and use Checkov

Install Checkov (Python/Pip):

pip install checkov

Install Checkov (Homebrew):

brew install checkov

Checkov runs a scan of the infrastructure as code, and can be pointed a Terraform module using the -d flag:

checkov -d /path/to/module

In some scenarios Checkov may report configuration issues that are intentional. In order to bypass these checks, you can add a comment to the Terraform resource it complains about like so:

resource "azurerm_storage_account" "my_storage_account" {
  #checkov:skip=CKV_AZURE_109: Skip reason


Where in this example, CKV_AZURE_109 is the check to bypass.

Repository Structure

The Repository structure is as follows:

+-- app
|   +-- components
|       +-- ...
|   +-- modules
|       +-- ...
|   +-- stacks
|       +-- global
|           +-- ...
|       +-- uk-south
|           +-- ...
|       +-- uk-west
|           +-- ...
+-- config
|   +-- variables
|       +-- stacks
|           +-- ...
|       +-- dev.hcl
|       +-- global.hcl
|       +-- prod.hcl
|       +-- test.hcl
|   +--
|   +--
|   +-- terragrunt.hcl
+-- pipelines
|   +-- infra-cd.yml
|   +-- infra-cd.yml
+-- .gitignore
+-- .pre-commit-config.yaml
+-- .tflint.hcl

The app folder contains the Terraform modules. These are broken down into 3 types:

  • modules - Small re-usable modules with a collection of resources that are used together often
  • components - Larger collection of resources and sub-modules that will be deployed across multiple stacks
  • stacks - The main stack of resources e.g. the Appeals service in the UK West region.

The config folder contains the configuration for the project with things like variables for each environment etc.

The project uses Terragrunt to deploy and manage the Terraform modules. This works via the parent and child terragrunt.hcl files. The parent file is located within the config folder, and contains the re-usable configuration across all stacks such as remote backend etc. The child terragrunt.hcl file is located in each stack folder. For example, when deploying the UK West Appeals Service stack, the child terragrunt.hcl file is read from app/stacks/uk-west/appeals-service/terragrunt.hcl and the parent is read from config/terragrunt.hcl.

The variables are divided up into *.hcl files in the variables folder. The global.hcl file contains global variables, and there are also variables for each environment e.g. dev.hcl. There are also variables specific to each stack in the config/varirables/stacks/<stack_name>/<environment>.hcl files. These files are loaded in the parent terragrunt.hcl file.

Azure pipelines are contained within the pipelines folder. These are specified as YAML templates.

Various config files are located at the project root e.g. .tflint.hcl.


The primary region for the applications is UK West, with a secondary region of UK South for failover. This is why the stacks folder is organised as it is. Global infrastructure such as Front Door is located in the global foldeer.


Terragrunt is used to deploy the infrastructure. Each stack can be deployed individually, or all together with Terragrunt managing the dependencies.

Note: Stacks should always deployed individually in production

To deploy a stack, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the Azure CLI (available via Azure Cloud Shell by default). If not using Cloud Shell, see the documentation for installing the Azure CLI.

    az login
    az account set --subscription "<subscription_id_or_subscription_name>"
  2. Navigate to the stack you wish to deploy

    cd app/stacks/uk-west/appeals-service
  3. Perform Terragrunt actions (Plan/Apply)

    terragrunt init
    terragrunt apply
  4. To change environment add the ENV environment variable e.g.

    ENV=test terragrunt apply

Note: The Azure Provider version is locked via the .terraform.lock.hcl files in each Terraform module

To upgrade the provider the -upgrade flag can be passed to the terragrunt init command e.g.

terragrunt init -upgrade

If the deployment fails because you are deploying on a different platform to what the lock files specify, they can be updated by running

terragrunt providers lock -platform=<platform>


terragrunt providers lock -platform=linux_amd64


The Pipelines run in the Azure DevOps infrastructure project. They are defined in YAML in the pipelines file.

There is a CI pipeline which runs validation and various checks. This is linked to Pull Requests, so it must pass before it is possible to merge.

The CD pipeline deploys to the various environments. This is triggered automatically to the Dev environment when there is a merge to the main branch. For manual runs, you must choose the region and stack you wish to deploy.


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  • HCL 99.8%
  • Shell 0.2%