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feat: transition tests for Auction example
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euonymos committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent f25405b commit b9f25e3
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Showing 4 changed files with 106 additions and 114 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cem-script.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ version: 0.1.0
synopsis: CEM Script - a Cardano dApp SDK
author: MLabs
tested-with: GHC ==9.6.3

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140 changes: 73 additions & 67 deletions test/Auction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,27 +1,23 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-}

module Auction where

import Prelude

import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO (..))
import PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Value (assetClassValue)

import Cardano.Api.NetworkId (toShelleyNetwork)

import Cardano.CEM
import Cardano.CEM.Examples.Auction
import Cardano.CEM.Examples.Compilation ()
import Cardano.CEM.Monads
import Cardano.CEM.OffChain
import Cardano.Extras

import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO (..))
import OuraFilters.Mock (IndexerEvent (Following, Initial), extractEvent, resolvedTxToOura)
import PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Value (assetClassValue)
import Test.Hspec (describe, it, shouldBe)

import TestNFT (testNftAssetClass)
import Utils (execClb, mintTestTokens, submitAndCheck, submitCheckReturn)

import Data.Aeson (encode)
import OuraFilters.Mock (extractEvent, resolvedTxToOura)

auctionSpec = describe "Auction" $ do
it "Wrong transition resolution error" $ execClb $ do
seller <- (!! 0) <$> getTestWalletSks
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,18 +124,12 @@ auctionSpec = describe "Auction" $ do
, specSigner = bidder1
-- ~( Left
-- ( MkTransitionError
-- _
-- (StateMachineError "\"Incorrect state for transition\"")
-- )
-- ) <-
-- return result
(Left _) <- return result

return ()

it "Successful transition flow" $ execClb $ do
network <- toShelleyNetwork <$> askNetworkId
seller <- (!! 0) <$> getTestWalletSks
bidder1 <- (!! 1) <$> getTestWalletSks

Expand All @@ -161,16 +151,20 @@ auctionSpec = describe "Auction" $ do

Nothing <- queryScriptState auctionParams

submitAndCheck $
{ actions =
[ MkSomeCEMAction $ MkCEMAction auctionParams Create
, specSigner = seller
(preBody, utxo) <-
submitCheckReturn $
{ actions =
[ MkSomeCEMAction $ MkCEMAction auctionParams Create
, specSigner = seller

Just NotStarted <- queryScriptState auctionParams

mEvent <- liftIO $ extractEvent @SimpleAuction network $ resolvedTxToOura preBody utxo
liftIO $ mEvent `shouldBe` Just (Initial CreateSpine)

initBid =
Expand All @@ -182,32 +176,45 @@ auctionSpec = describe "Auction" $ do
{ better = signingKeyToPKH bidder1
, betAmount = 3_000_000
bid2 =
{ better = signingKeyToPKH bidder1
, betAmount = 4_000_000

submitAndCheck $
{ actions =
[ MkSomeCEMAction $
MkCEMAction auctionParams Start
, specSigner = seller
(preBody, utxo) <-
submitCheckReturn $
{ actions =
[ MkSomeCEMAction $
MkCEMAction auctionParams Start
, specSigner = seller

Just (CurrentBid currentBid') <- queryScriptState auctionParams
liftIO $ currentBid' `shouldBe` initBid

submitAndCheck $
{ actions =
[ MkSomeCEMAction $
MkCEMAction auctionParams (MakeBid bid1)
, specSigner = bidder1
mEvent <- liftIO $ extractEvent @SimpleAuction network $ resolvedTxToOura preBody utxo
liftIO $ mEvent `shouldBe` Just (Following StartSpine)

(preBody, utxo) <-
submitCheckReturn $
{ actions =
[ MkSomeCEMAction $
MkCEMAction auctionParams (MakeBid bid1)
, specSigner = bidder1

Just (CurrentBid currentBid) <- queryScriptState auctionParams
liftIO $ currentBid `shouldBe` bid1

(preBody, tx, txInMode, utxo) <-
mEvent <- liftIO $ extractEvent @SimpleAuction network $ resolvedTxToOura preBody utxo
liftIO $ mEvent `shouldBe` Just (Following MakeBidSpine)

(preBody, utxo) <-
submitCheckReturn $
{ actions =
Expand All @@ -220,35 +227,34 @@ auctionSpec = describe "Auction" $ do
, specSigner = bidder1

liftIO $ print tx
liftIO $ putStrLn "---"
Just (CurrentBid currentBid) <- queryScriptState auctionParams
liftIO $ currentBid `shouldBe` bid2

-- liftIO $ print txInMode
liftIO $ print utxo
liftIO $ putStrLn "---"
mEvent <- liftIO $ extractEvent @SimpleAuction network $ resolvedTxToOura preBody utxo
liftIO $ mEvent `shouldBe` Just (Following MakeBidSpine)

let otx = resolvedTxToOura preBody utxo
liftIO $ print $ encode otx
liftIO $ putStrLn "---"
(preBody, utxo) <-
submitCheckReturn $
{ actions =
[ MkSomeCEMAction $
MkCEMAction auctionParams Close
, specSigner = seller

network <- toShelleyNetwork <$> askNetworkId
mEvent <- liftIO $ extractEvent @SimpleAuction otx network
liftIO $ print mEvent
mEvent <- liftIO $ extractEvent @SimpleAuction network $ resolvedTxToOura preBody utxo
liftIO $ mEvent `shouldBe` Just (Following CloseSpine)

submitAndCheck $
{ actions =
[ MkSomeCEMAction $
MkCEMAction auctionParams Close
, specSigner = seller
(preBody, utxo) <-
submitCheckReturn $
{ actions =
[ MkSomeCEMAction $
MkCEMAction auctionParams Buyout
, specSigner = bidder1

submitAndCheck $
{ actions =
[ MkSomeCEMAction $
MkCEMAction auctionParams Buyout
, specSigner = bidder1
mEvent <- liftIO $ extractEvent @SimpleAuction network $ resolvedTxToOura preBody utxo
liftIO $ mEvent `shouldBe` Just (Following BuyoutSpine)
47 changes: 20 additions & 27 deletions test/OuraFilters/Mock.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,20 +9,18 @@ module OuraFilters.Mock where
import Cardano.Api qualified as C

-- import Cardano.Api.Address qualified as C
import Cardano.Api (TxBody, TxIn, UTxO)
import Cardano.Api (TxIn, UTxO)
import Cardano.Api.Address qualified as C (Address (..))
import Cardano.Api.ScriptData qualified as C
import Cardano.Api.SerialiseRaw qualified as SerialiseRaw
import Cardano.CEM (CEMScript, CEMScriptDatum, State, Transition, transitionStage)
import Cardano.CEM.Address qualified as Address
import Cardano.CEM.Monads (ResolvedTx (..))
import Cardano.CEM.OnChain (CEMScriptCompiled, CEMScriptIsData)
import Cardano.Extras (Era, TxInWitness)
import Cardano.Extras (Era)
import Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes qualified as Ledger
import Control.Lens (preview, view, (^.))
import Control.Lens (view, (^.))
import Control.Lens.TH (makeLenses, makeLensesFor)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Control.Monad.Extra (join)
import Data.Aeson (KeyValue ((.=)))
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.Base16.Types qualified as Base16
Expand All @@ -33,29 +31,24 @@ import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Base16 qualified as Base16
import Data.ByteString.Base64 qualified as Base64
import Data.ByteString.Base64.URL qualified as B64
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LBS
import Data.Data (Proxy (Proxy))
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Either.Extra (eitherToMaybe)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.Spine (Spine, getSpine)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Vector qualified as Vec
import Debug.Trace (trace, traceShowId)
import GHC.Generics (Generic (Rep))
import GHC.Stack.Types (HasCallStack)
import PlutusLedgerApi.V1 (Credential, FromData, ToData)
import PlutusLedgerApi.V1 (FromData)
import PlutusLedgerApi.V1 qualified
import Safe qualified
import System.Process.Internals (ProcRetHandles (hStdOutput))
import Test.QuickCheck (Result (output))
import Utils (digits)
import Prelude

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,7 +317,12 @@ data IndexerEvent script
-- | FIXME: Open an issue in Oura's repository
Following (Spine (Transition script)) -- (Transition script)

deriving stock instance (Show (Spine (Transition script))) => (Show (IndexerEvent script))
deriving stock instance
(Show (Spine (Transition script))) =>
(Show (IndexerEvent script))
deriving stock instance
(Eq (Spine (Transition script))) =>
(Eq (IndexerEvent script))

-- For testing: build a tx in the Oura format from a Cardano tx.
-- We populate only fields we use, use with cautious.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -367,7 +365,7 @@ toOuraTxOutput (C.TxOut addr _ dat _) =
toOuraDatum :: C.TxOutDatum ctx Era -> Maybe Datum
toOuraDatum = \case
(C.TxOutDatumInline _ hsd) ->
let bs = traceShowId $ C.serialiseToCBOR hsd
let bs = C.serialiseToCBOR hsd
in Just $
{ _payload = MkPlutusData Aeson.Null
Expand All @@ -391,35 +389,33 @@ toOuraAddrress (C.AddressInEra _ addr) =
. Base16.encodeBase16
. SerialiseRaw.serialiseToRawBytes

-- The core function, that extracts an Event out of a Oura transaction.
{- | The core function, that extracts an Event out of a Oura transaction.
It might be a pure function, IO here was used mostly to simplify debugging
during its development.
extractEvent ::
forall script.
( CEMScript script
, CEMScriptIsData script
, CEMScriptCompiled script
) =>
Tx ->
Ledger.Network ->
Tx ->
IO (Maybe (IndexerEvent script))
extractEvent tx network = do
extractEvent network tx = do
-- Script payemnt credential based predicate
let (Right scriptAddr) = Address.scriptCardanoAddress (Proxy @script) network
let cPred = hasAddr scriptAddr
print scriptAddr

-- Source state
let mOwnInput :: Maybe TxInput = find (cPred . view as_output) (tx ^. inputs)
let mSourceState :: Maybe (State script) = (extractState . view as_output) =<< mOwnInput
let mSourceSpine :: Maybe (Spine (State script)) = getSpine <$> mSourceState
putStr "Source state: "
print mSourceSpine

-- Target state
let mOwnOutput :: Maybe TxOutput = find cPred $ tx ^. outputs
let mTargetState :: Maybe (State script) = extractState =<< mOwnOutput
let mTargetSpine :: Maybe (Spine (State script)) = getSpine <$> mTargetState
putStr "Target state: "
print mTargetSpine

-- Look up the transition
let transitions =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,7 +445,7 @@ extractState MkTxOutput {_datum = mDtm} =
Just dtm -> do
let MkDatum _ _ cbor = dtm
let datumAsData :: PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Data =
traceShowId cbor
& C.toPlutusData
. C.getScriptData
. fromJust
Expand All @@ -463,17 +459,14 @@ extractState MkTxOutput {_datum = mDtm} =
hasAddr :: C.Address C.ShelleyAddr -> TxOutput -> Bool
hasAddr addr' output =
let addr = output ^. address
in traceShowId (fromOuraAddress addr) == addr'
in fromOuraAddress addr == addr'

fromOuraAddress :: Address -> C.Address C.ShelleyAddr
fromOuraAddress (MkAddressAsBase64 addr) =
& fromJust
. eitherToMaybe
. SerialiseRaw.deserialiseFromRawBytes (C.AsAddress C.AsShelleyAddr)
-- . fromJust
-- . eitherToMaybe
-- . B64.decodeBase64PaddedUntyped
. Base16.decodeBase16Lenient
. encodeUtf8

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