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File metadata and controls

185 lines (139 loc) · 7.74 KB

Development Notes

Getting started

  1. Read to get a sense of the public API and usage conventions.
  2. Read the rest of this document (you can skip parts that are not relevant to you).
  3. Go quickly over the JS code, but don't try to understand each and every line.
  4. Try to understand how the JS code uses the native part.
  5. Ask questions.


An image is just a matrix of pixels. Pixels have channels. Grayscale images have one channel, color images have 3 or more channels (RGB. CMYK, etc.) and transparent images have an extra alpha channel (RGBA, etc.), which defines how transparent the respective pixel is.

Pixel color can be represented in various ways. It can be broken down to base color components such as in RGB and CMYK. It can be encoded as an indexed color palette, where the palette itself can be RGB or CMYK.

Storing the image's pixels as they are is wasteful. There are methods to encode and compress the pixels such that the image takes less space. Some of those methods loose data in the process of compression ("lossy compressions"), and thus the quality of the image is reduced. Some methods don't loose data in the compressions process ("lossless compression"), and thus the quality of the image is preserved. We call those methods "image formats".

For example:

  • JPEG does lossy compression (first it discards image data, then it compresses it).
  • PNG does lossless compression (just compresses the data, without loosing any of it).

Different formats support different color representations and compressions methods.

Opening an image

Images exist in the wild in various formats with various color representations. Before working on an image we need to obtain the decoded and uncompressed pixels data. Each format has its own methods of decoding and decompression.

By "opening an image", we mean - going through the process of having the pixels in memory. Once we have that, we can start manipulating the image.

We need to decide how to represent uncompressed pixels data in memory.

  • What if we open a grayscale image?
  • What if we open a 3 channels colored image?
  • What if we open a 4 channels colored image?
  • What if we open an image with an alpha channel?

In order to reduce complexity, we will always represent pixels as 4 channels RGBA values. If the image is originally grayscale, we will convert it to RGBA when opening it. If the image has no transparency, the alpha channel will be 100% for all pixels.

In order to decode an image, we have to identify its format. Once we do that, we can use the appropriate decoding library.

Images are constructed as CImg<unsigned char>. Notice the type of a pixel channel is unsigned char, which makes our images 8bit.

Once an image is opened, the underlying raw pixels buffer will always have a size of 4*W*H bytes (4 channels, each with W*H) pixels, where W and H are the width and height, respectively. The channels in the buffer are ordered sequentially. I.e. first all values of the Red channel, then the Green, etc.

Structure of the native part

Basically, there's nothing inherent in image handling that says it can't be done in pure JavaScript. So why have a native part?

  1. Existing de facto official image decoding / encoding libraries are written in C/C++ (libjpeg, libpng, giflib, etc.).
  2. Implementing image encoding / decoding libraries (such as JPEG) in JS is a lot of work.
  3. ...and includes lots of memory management and handling, which may not be efficient in JS.
  4. Image processing algorithms, though obviously can be implemented in JS, are much faster in native code with direct memory access.

Disclaimer: I would love to get rid of the native part in favor of pure JS implementations. The day comparable image encoding / decoding libraries will be available in JS, I'll seriously consider switching.

There are three native parts to lwip, each a standalone module:


Sources are under src/decoder

The decoder will expose a module with a decoding method for each supported image format. Each of these methods will decode an image buffer of the respective format. E.g. decoder.jpeg( ... ) will decode JPEG buffers.

Each of these functions receives 2 arguments - A Buffer object and a callback function.

The image Buffer object and the callback function are handed to the decoders from the JS side. We don't care how the buffer was created (most probably with fs.readFile), as long as it's a valid image buffer of the correct format.

The purpose of the decoder is, well, to decode the image buffer, and generate a new buffer of raw pixels data. Each decoder function will use the respective library (libjpeg, libpng, etc.) to do its thing.

The decoding function takes a callback as the second argument. Decoding an image buffer is done asynchronously. When the decoding is finished, the callback function is called with 6 parameters:

  1. An Error object, or null if no error
  2. Raw pixels Buffer object (the decoded image)
  3. Width of the image
  4. Height of the image
  5. Number of channels in the raw pixels buffer. Currently always 4 (all images are converted to RGBA when decoding. See the toRGBA function in util.cpp).
  6. Whether the image has transparency (true / false).

Calling the callback with these parameters means effectively giving control back to the JS side.

Note that the decoder is not doing any arguments validation. If called with invalid arguments, it will crash. Arguments validation in C++ is a pain, which is why we never interact with the decoder directly; but rather we wrap it with JS code which makes sure it's used correctly.


Sources are under src/encoder

The encoder, much like the decoder, exposes a module with an encoding method for each supported image format.

Unlike the decoder, which receives an encoded image buffer; the encoder will receive a raw pixels buffer to encode. E.g. encoder.jpeg( ... ) will receive a raw pixels buffer and encode it into a jpeg image buffer.

The arguments for the encoding methods differ for each encoding format. We list them here:

  1. JPEG: encoder.jpeg(pixbuff, width, height, quality, callback) 0. pixbuff - Raw RGBA pixels buffer (a Buffer object) 0. width - The with of the image 0. height - The height of the image 0. quality - JPEG quality (0-100) 0. callback - callback function
  2. PNG: encoder.png(pixbuff, width, height, compression, interlaced, trans, callback) 0. pixbuff - Raw RGBA pixels buffer (a Buffer object) 0. width - The with of the image 0. height - The height of the image 0. compression - Level of zlib compression: - 0 for Z_NO_COMPRESSION - 1 for Z_BEST_SPEED - 2 for Z_BEST_COMPRESSION 0. interlaced - should the created image be interlaced (true / false). 0. trans - should the alpha channel be considered when created the PNG? - false: The alpha channel will be ignored. - true: The image will be encoded with the alpha channel. 0. callback - callback function

In all cases encoding is done asynchronously. callback is a function which will be called with 2 parameters:

  1. An Error object, or null if no error
  2. Buffer object of the encoded image

Calling the callback with these parameters means effectively giving control back to the JS side; in which, for example, the Buffer object can be written to disk as a file, sent over the network, etc.

Note that the encoder is not doing any arguments validation. If called with invalid arguments, it will crash. Arguments validation in C++ is a pain, which is why we never interact with the encoder directly; but rather we wrap it with JS code which makes sure it's used correctly.

Image processor

Sources are under src/image

Structure of the JS part