To start the Greynir shell, activate the virtual environment and install IPython:
pip install ipython
You can then run the following command from the repository root:
bash scripts/
This will launch an IPython shell, a superior alternative to the standard Python REPL. Features include syntax highlighting, auto-pretty-printing, auto-indentation, smart autocompletion, persistent history across sessions, integrated access to pdb and the profiler, and various introspection tools.
To enable auto-reloading of modules prior to every command, run the following command:
%autoreload 2
The shell has been configured to automatically import Greynir's database models and create a (commit-disabled) database session when launched. The Greynir parser is also imported.
- SQLAlchemy database sessiong
- Instance of the Greynir parser.
For an overview of Greynir's database models, see db/
Shell auto-imports are configured in
in the repository root. Additional local user settings can be configured in ~/.ipython/profile_default
Get the titles of recent articles:
In [1]: s.query(Article.heading).order_by(desc(Article.timestamp)) \
...: .limit(5).all()
[('Guðjón Pétur í KA'),
('Parkland-ungmennin sem breyttu heiminum'),
('Airwaves-helgin gerð upp'),
('Sturridge í vondum málum?'),
('Óttar ekki áfram hjá Trelleborg')]
Show recent persons identified by Greynir's Named Entity Recognition module:
In [1]: s.query(, Person.title) \
...: .order_by(Person.timestamp).limit(5).all()
[('Þórður Snær Júlíusson', 'ritstjóri Kjarnans'),
('Jón Magnús Kristjánsson', 'yfirlæknir bráðalækninga á Landspítalanum'),
('Davíð Oddsson', 'ritstjóri Morgunblaðsins'),
('Þórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörð Gylfadóttir', 'varaformaður Sjálfstæðisflokksins'),
('Ingólfur Helgason', 'fyrrverandi forstjóri Kaupþings á Íslandi')]
In [1]: sent = g.parse_single("Mikið væri það skemmtilegt fyrir Gunna.")
In [2]: print(sent.tree.view)
+-ao: 'Mikið'
+-so_et_p3: 'væri'
+-pfn_hk_et_nf: 'það'
+-lo_sb_nf_et_hk: 'skemmtilegt'
+-fs_þf: 'fyrir'
+-person_þf_kk: 'Gunna'
In [3]: sent.tree.nouns
Out[3]: ['Gunni']
In [4]: sent.tree.lemmas
Out[4]: ['mikið', 'vera', 'það', 'skemmtilegur', 'fyrir', 'Gunni', '.']